Peaceful Little Angel Face

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-Chloe's POV-

Angelo was being weird, and I really wasn't sure why.

Sophia had gone to sleep a long time ago, but he'd still get up to go check on her periodically. He hasn't done that since she was a baby.

He laid with me in bed, but he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. Something was bothering him, and he wasn't telling me what.

I sat up and turned the lamp on, "What is wrong with you Angelo? You're acting all...paranoid."

"I'm not paranoid," he mumbled under his breath. For some reason that was one of the worst things you could have called him.

"Then go to sleep already! Dear god. You're keeping me awake."

"I'm sorry," he rolled over to face me, gently kissed my lips and then turned the light back off before grabbing his cell phone and turning it on. I didn't like the light it emitted, it wasn't big but it was enough so that it kept me up.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked, knowing that I probably wouldn't get an answer if it was one of his mafia men. Top secret stuff right there.

"Sienna," he said and that blew my freaking mind. Not only was he talking to my least favorite family member at the moment, but he didn't even try to hide it.

"W-why are you talking to her?" My voice was shaky with anger although some may think it was jealousy. "Why do you even have her number."

"Calm down, Chloe. I'm asking a simple question and then I'm done."

"What's the question?"

"Don't worry about it."

I got off the bed and started walking out of the room. I wasn't trying to be dramatic or anything, I just decided that now would be a good time to check on Sophia myself. That and I didn't want to be in the same room as the freakizoid himself.

It was a long hallway, but Soph's room was the first one so I didn't have to walk all the way down. I opened the door slowly so that the creaking noise wouldn't be so loud it woke her up. I was immediately greeted by the lit up pink walls. Soph had this cute little night light thing that projected tiny stars onto the ceiling. She loved it and that was all that really mattered.

She was sound asleep. A peaceful, beautiful, little angel girl.

She had her teddy bear, Orso, at her side with its head on her pillow, covered in a blanket of its own. Her own blanket covered the majority of her except for one of her small feet. I walked into the room just to tuck it back into her blanket, almost tripping on Bandit in the process.

Angelo always put him in here at night. He was a guard dog and Angelo took every precaution necessary when it came to Sophia's safety.

"Mommy," Soph whispered just as I was about to leave the room.

I turned around, walked back towards her bed and knelt at her side so that we could be eye to eye, "What, baby?" I brushed a piece of her hair out of her face just to be met by her doe eyes.

"Can you stay with me?" Her voice was shaky, as if she was scared.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I'm scared."

I thought about it for a moment before crawling onto her tiny person bed with her. You can't pass up the beautiful moments like these. "Can Bandit sleep with us too?" She asked as I got situated under her pink blanket.

"Daddy doesn't like him on the furniture," I answered.


"He's worried that he might have fleas."


"Yeah. Now go to bed. I don't want you all grumpy again," I wrapped my arms around her small body and closed my eyes right after she did.

-Angelo's POV-

I had a rough night.

Sleep didn't come easy, and I didn't even have that reassurance that Chloe was still in the country because she decided to get up and go somewhere else.

That somewhere being Sophia's room.

I knew that because I was staring at what could have been the most adorable thing I have ever seen.

Chloe and Sophia were facing each other, their noses practically touching, and both were sound asleep. They looked peaceful, not like they were constantly in danger because of me.

I watched as Bandit got up from his spot on the floor, and tried to jump onto the already crowded bed with them. Animals were disgusting, so the last place I wanted him was on the furniture with my family, "Hey!" I said in a loud whisper, "No!"

The dog didn't ever listen to me though, so one can assume what he did next. He jumped up onto the bed, landing directly on Sophia. She didn't even seem fazed by it.

I came in here to wake them up so we could all do something semi fun today, but I couldn't. They looked too peaceful.

I got the dog off the bed, and left the room. I guess I could do some work before they wake up.

Didn't really want to.

-Chloe's POV-

"Daddy's not here," Soph yelled after doing her morning run through the house, "Bandit's gone too."

"That's weird," I said while cutting up a banana for my mini. It wasn't weird that Angelo was gone, it was weird that he took Bandit with him. He never really expressed much interest in him. "Come get your-" I went dead silent as the phone started to ring.

This was starting to become an issue. An issue I wasn't so sure I wanted to take to Angelo for help. I didn't think he would help me because his life always came before my family's. He would tell me to ignore it, and I just couldn't do that this time.

Whoever these people were, they were ambitious. I didn't think they would stop until I had agreed to leave Italy and go to Los Angeles for this stupid meeting they kept on pressing for. Leaving Italy was a lot easier said than done. It was going to be impossible by every means of the words.

I picked up the phone, my thumb hesitantly hovering over the green button. It was too late though. Just as I was about to answer, the ringing stopped. I was slightly relieved and yet still beyond terrified.

What if that was the call that was going to save my dad's life?

The front door opened. Bandit came sprinting in before I saw Angelo, all soaking wet, walk in. It looked like he had just come back from a long run.

"Hi daddy," Soph said after grabbing some banana slices.

"Hello my principessa," he scooped her into his arms and started planting kisses all over her perfectly kissable cheeks. She giggled the whole time.

As much as I wanted to dwell in that sight forever, I had other things to worry about, "Do you think you could take me over to see Lilly?" I asked Angelo. At this point she was really the only one who understood what was going on.

Angelo's smile quickly faded, as if I had somehow let him down, "Well...I suppose. Why? Do you have something planned?"

"No," I shook my head. "I'm not that exciting."

When in reality, this was probably going to be the most exciting part of my life.


Sorry for such a short chapter, but I'm honestly surprised it got out as fast as it did.

Sooo, this could either be the last chapter you get for awhile, or it could be the one that finally gets the wheels turning. Sorry updates have been so slow recently.

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