Pasketti & Meatballs

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"I'm pretty sure you have everything you could possibly need by now. It's been a week. I've asked everyone. No one knows anything about you other than your name!" I yelled as Angelo ran on the treadmill. Sophia tried to find a way to get up with him, but the speed seemed to intimidate her. "Angelo!" I snapped.

"I'm thinking!" He snapped right back. He pressed a button on the treadmill and the speed dramatically decreased. Sophia hopped on just as he got off, "A few more days, Chloe. That's all I want."

"You said that a few days ago."

"Well this time I mean it. You have my word."



"I feel like this is terribly illegal," I said as Jake tried to get me in the front seat of his patrol car. "I know I'm gonna hate myself for saying this later, but I think I'd rather do my job and have to deal with Tera than risk getting fired because I skipped and went on patrol with you."

Don't get me wrong, it sounded fun and all, but I was here to get info from other people, not slack off and have fun.

"Oh come on. You know you want to. I promise you won't get in trouble. Would it kill you to have some fun?"

I nodded, "It actually might."

Jake walked around to my side, opened the passenger door and pushed me in before closing the door again. I watched in defeat as he walked back to his side and got in, "I win," he chirped.

"You're gonna get me in trouble."

"Nah. Just don't think about that. This will be so much more fun if you don't," he started the car up and started to pull out of the parking lot. "So how's your day been so far?"

I fought back a snarky remark. Not only was Angelo probably watching this right now and throwing a hissy fit, but I'm sure Tera was already on the way to the boss' office to put in a bad word for me. "Pretty bad. Thanks for asking."

"No problem. Oh hey," he smacked my shoulder for some reason unbeknownst to me. "Detective Woodrow thinks he's got something on the D'Amico Family."

Great. That meant I was probably going to be here more than a few days, "Like?"

"Chloe Cruise, ya know, that millionaire's daughter," he paused and I was just waiting for him to rat me out. "Yeah, well, she's not with the Rossi Family like we thought. An anonymous says that he's seen her with Angelo D'Amico, ya know, the mafia don. I'm still wondering how the hell she's still alive. It's been like four years and he's a ruthless bastard."

And again...Obviously he had a different Angelo D'Amico, because mine wasn't ruthless at all. Not recently anyway

"I know. It's crazy," I tried to sound amazed, "Do you know who the anonymous is? Do you just not want to tell me."

"I actually don't know but I'm just gonna assume its someone who works for Angelo. The mafia may think all of their men are loyal, but they're not."

I was about to open my mouth to say something, but Jake's radio came on and cut me off. That could have actually been a good thing though, "All available units to..." And the lady said some address I didn't quite catch.

I looked over and saw Jake all confused, "That's the old warehouse," he said while flipping his sirens on. "All units though? That seems a bit excessive."

Our speed picked up and it was only a matter of minutes before we were in front of the warehouse. A couple other cop cars were already parked and empty.

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