Chapter 28: Cabin Of Sorrow

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It's been three months since they lost the farm. Maria's stomach was getting bigger and Hazel's depression was getting worse. Ever since Dale died she's been a little off.

Daryl hunted every second he got, making sure his woman and kid were fed before anything else. His next main concern was Hazel, the woman who acted like a mother to him for the years he's been with Maria. Daryl didn't worry about himself much, as long as the others were in good health and alive, Daryl was okay.


"It's getting colder. We need to make a run soon." Rick said as they sat inside an old shed that night with a small fire on the ground. "Maria's clothes don't fit anymore either. Whether we like it or not she's gonna get bigger and that baby will be here in a few months. We need a safe place Rick," Carol spoke up. Carol has helped a lot with Maria. Making sure she was fed, well rested, and most of all safe and healthy. Hershel did the best he could by trying to keep up with her progress, but he was a veterinarian, not a medical doctor.

"I have some shorts, I'll be okay," she reasoned with them. "It's too cold to wear shorts Hun," Daryl noticed she was shivering again and pulled his only jacket off, leaving him in a button-up long-sleeve shirt. "Daryl I can't take that." She argued. He held it out not taking 'no' for an answer. "Thank you," she said then kissed his cheek. "Let's get some rest. We'll make a run for winter clothes tomorrow. Glenn found a place a few miles up."

Maria and Daryl got on the small piece of foam that they had been carrying around. The group thought it would be better for her to sleep only beside the hard ground. Occasionally they were lucky and found a house with a bed or two, but those places weren't safe. And being safe was more important than comfort.

Daryl grabbed the two blankets and pulled them over them. He even took out his poncho and gave it to Maria. The only source of heat they had now was each other's bodies. Maria wondered how some people slept alone at night like Carol or T-Dog.

Maria heard the sound of feet outside. She quickly grabbed Daryl's arm and say up. "Baby, wake up." He grumbled and didn't move. "Daryl, please," his eyes opened wide and he looked back and Maria. "What's wrong?" She turned to the window, "I hear somethin' outside." She whispered. Daryl stood up and grabbed his crossbow. He approached the windows carefully and took a peak outside.

Walkers. And lots of them.

Daryl walked very stealthily back to Maria. She could see the fear in his eyes that he covered up very easily, but she should see right through him. "Pack up, very quietly." He whispered so low that she barely heard him. Daryl ran around waking everyone up. It was complete silence as they packed up very slowly. Daryl could still hear the sound of the walkers outside. Rick and Daryl huddled together and made a plan. Rick and Glenn would take the front with Maria, Hazel, and Hershel, then the kids and the women. Daryl and T-Dog would take the back.

Rick slowly led the group outside, going unnoticed by the walkers. They all slid into the cars. Maria had a harder time since she was on Daryl's bike. A walker spotted her and then made its way towards the bike. An arrow shit through the Walker and it fell to the ground. The sound of the Walker hitting the ground attracted the other walkers.

"Go, go, go!" Daryl yelled to the others. Daryl hopped on the bike and Maria wrapped her arms around him. "Daryl!" She warned as the walkers go closer. He quickly started the bike and they took off down the road in complete darkness. Maria was silently crying behind Daryl. Her stomach hurt, and she almost died a few minutes prior. The Walker was so close to her that she could smell the rotting flesh on its body.

They finally pulled off the road when the sun came up. Maria was exhausted. She hated running all the time. And the baby was starting to give her some major back pain. "We need to do somethin' and now!" Daryl yelled going towards Rick. Daryl could see how uncomfortable Maria was and it was all Rick's fault since he was in charge, at least that's how Daryl saw it.

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