Starbucks Time!

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Chapter 2

I opened the door to Starbucks and searched my eyes for Lexi. I spotted her and I sat next to her. "Cam!", "Hey Lexi", she gave me a bone crushing hug. I have to admit Lexi's really strong, if she gets mad your dead..literally.

I waved to Louis and Harry signalling them to come sit over."Lexi!", Louis exclaimed, they hugged each other, but when I looked over to Harry he looked stunned. "Huh-Hi..Lexi", Harry stuttered, Im a total human love detector and Harry is in love. You might think how come she's not jealous you like Harry right? But no I realized he wasn't my type and if he went out with Lexi I would be totally cool with it. Not only was Lexi strong but she was pretty, blonde straight medium length hair, she was skinny but she likes food, and she doesn't cake herself with makeup like me she was wearing a black tank top with a dark grey cardigan and dark blue jeans with her usual black converse, Mascara, and light pink lip gloss was all she wore.

I had a feeling Lexi liked Harry."Hi Harry right?", she said more nervously then I excepted, she's-in-love. "Yea", he said.We all went to the cashier and ordered our drinks,"I'll have a caramel mocha, I said,"I"ll have a caramel mocha with extra extra whip cream", Lexi said, I'm not surprised. I giggled at Lexi's order,"What I'm a growing girl?", but she also couldn't help let out a chuckle. Harry ordered next "I'll have the same as her", Harry said pointing his finger at Lexi, Lastly Louis,"And I'll have a chocolate chip frap".

Lexi and I agreed earlier to split the pay of the drinks. So I quickly scrambled through my purse before Louis because I knew he would want to pay."No, no allow me", Louis said just as I predicted,"Louis no please I'm paying". He sighed meaningfully,"Fine but I'm paying next time", I rolled my eyes, Typical Louis."Sure..", I said sarcastically, He chuckled. Lexi and I paid the cashier. I looked up at Louis and noticed that his blue eyes were sparkling like..glistening and that was something I never noticed before, he looked so innocent and adorable. He smiled at me, I smiled back.

We took our drinks and chose a table to sit in. Lexi was staring at Harry, I'm pretty sure he noticed that cause he smiled at her and he saw his dimples. She turned pinkish-red,"I uh, I like your..dimples", is what she shyly managed to say. She looked to the ground embarrassed she said that. He took his index finger and lifted her chin up so she was looking into his emerald green eyes, her also emerald green eyes widened at Harry.

"Thank you", he whispered. Louis winked at Harry, Lexi noticed and blushed again when she looked at me I decided to play along with Louis idea and winked at her also. She lightly kicked me under the table but couldn't help to smile, I grinned at her. I wanted to set Harry and Lexi up so even though Louis was right next to me I texted him so it wouldn't be obvious that we were trying to set them up.

Me: Louis wanna set em up? (;

Louis phone buzzed he took it out of his pocket, read the text and looked at me, he smiled.

Louis: Let's do it! C:

My phone buzzed again. Oops should probably put it on silent so they don't get suspicious.

Me: Kay put your phone on silent

I saw Louis doing as I said, and I also did the same.

Me: I will tell Lexi some good stuff about Harry and you will tell Harry some stuff about Lexi. What's his favourite colour? (Btw I just did a random colour guys so yea)

Louis: He likes blue

Me: Omg same as Lexi. Okay I'm saying it.

I looked up from my iPhone and said "Hey Harry Lexi's favourite colour is blue, what's yours?", "Oh really? Mine is actually blue too", he laughed. Lexi's whole face lightened up."Cool!", she said, he smiled at her and she smiled back.

I went back to my phone and noticed I had a text from Louis.

Louis: What's her favourite food?

Me: Tacos (Again guys I got from the Internet that Harry's fav food is tacos but again not positive)


Me: Lol Louis that's so awesome their perfect for each other.

Louis looked up from his phone and so did I,"You know Lexi, Harry's favourite food is Taco's, what's yours?

"Wow mine is Taco's too it looks like we really have alot in common". Harry smiled,"Yea". "Um Lexi?", Harry asked,"Yes?","Can I um..maybe have your number"? Lexi blushed except this time she was beet red. I think Harry noticed her quietness and so he said,"It's..okay if you uh don't wa-", but she cut him off,"No, no I'd love to give you my number", she said. Harry smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen even possible on a human beings face. They exchanged numbers on each others phones."Well thanks for inviting me guys, I gotta go", Lexi said.

"Call me", Harry said flirtatiously, she giggled."I will", was her reply. Louis softly whispered in my ears,"Bingo."

I smiled.

Louis made me feel so good when I was around him I don't know what it is but I just have this special tingling feeling whenever he touches me or I touch him. Not any other guy gives me that feeling, Harry didn't when he hugged me. But Louis just..he just does.

Hey guys I tried to make this one longer I hope you like this book please vote it would mean a lot and comment please! Thanks! c:

Hanna x

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