Forgive and Forget..Her

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Chapter 5

Cameron's P.O.V

I was in my room the next morning from the "incident", I knew Louis well but I didn't know he could be such a jerk. I honestly didn't want to talk to him."Knock knock", Please don't be Louis,please don't be Louis! "Who is it?",I asked cautioned,"It's Louis",Just my luck. Ohmigod what am I gonna do ?I decided to answer."Dont come in.",I huffed,Louis ignored me and just opened my door."Cameron I'm sorry I didn't believe you", I sat criss crossed on my bed and patted the spot next to me so he could sit,he sat down next to me. "Do you believe me now?","Yes", he said positively,I smiled,"So you'll break up with her.",I said,"What?",he said shocked,"Im not gonna break up with her",I opened my mouth in the 'O' shape. "But you said you believed me",I said not really understanding,"I do",he said in the 'duh tone'."You are unbelievable",I said finally understanding, I jumped off my bed and walked off, just as I reached the door Louis grabbed my arm,"Cam you don't understand she's my girlfriend, I love her",right when he said the word love my heart broke in two, "I do understand but noo your girlfriend is more important then your best friend!", I yelled confidently at him. I shook my arm so his hand would let go and left the room with a shocked Louis.

2 hours later

I didn't want to talk to Louis he's such a jerk! He's known me way longer then that cake faced slut. I'm angry. Tomorrow was Louis party of course I'm not gonna call it off sure he was a jerk but we've been best friends forever and were not gonna stop now. But no I don't forgive him. I knew Louis would eventually come to the living room and talk to me but I didn't want that so I decided to go to Lexi's for a couple hours.Let me call her.

Cameron: "Hey Lexi!"

Lexi: "Cam I missed you!"

Cameron: "Aww me too! Hey is it ok if I come over now me and Louis are sorta in a fight."

Lexi: "Yea sure! What happened?"

Cameron: "I'll tell you when I'm their."

Lexi: "Kay bye!"

Cameron: "Bye Lex!"


At My House

Lexi's P.O.V

I'm here waiting for Cameron to come as she and Louis had a fight. Hmm..fight? They never have fights..I wonder what's up."knock knock",I went up to open the door,"Hey Cam","Lexi!", we sat down on the couch,"So what happened",I finally asked,"Well,so we went to the mall with Harry couple days ago and we got icecream but this blonde girl spilled her icecream on Louis by accident a.nd so they exchanged numbers and that night me and Louis went to the frozen yougurt with his girlfriend and she called me a ugly whore slut an to stay away from Louis then I told him he didn't believe me and so..Yea", Woah that was long wait-,"She called u a whore and a slut?!",anger revealing on my face,"Imma fuck this whore up!","Calm down Lexi",she said. Calm down,calm down?"Whats her fricken name",i asked standing up,"Um I don't remember...", LIER!

Cameron's P.O.V

She was getting CRAY CRAY! "Um I don't remember...", talk about LIER!

Louis P.O.V

Man I messed up really bad this time.

What am I gonna do? Theirs no point for apoligizing, she won't forgive me.

Hmm... I have an idea! Tomorrow is my birthday and Cam throws me a surprise party every year! And if she does again even with our little fight. I'll do something,something for her forgiveness..

Morning of the Party

Cameron's P.O.V

I yawned, ahh today was the day of the party. Brittany better not show up. I got up took a shower, and picked out my outfit until i would change again for the party and Lexi would come over so we could do each others makeup! For now I wore green jeans, a striped white and green tee, and my favourite shoes, red and black Nikes.

I put my hair in a French braid which I thought really went well with the outfit. I went down stairs to the breakfast table. Lucky me Louis wasn't awake yet,"Morning Harry","Hey Cam","It's Louis birthday party today!","Yup!" "Lexi is coming", he stood up "Really!?",I nodded and laughed. "Imma call her","You go do that",he said. I giggled, and called her.

Lexi: "Hello?"

Cameron: "Hey Lex!"

Lexi: "Oh hey Cam!"

Cameron: "You coming?"

Lexi: "Oh Yea!"

Lexi: "Be their in 20!"

Cameron: "Kay!"

I can't wait for the makeover,Louis birthday party is gonna be awesome!


Sorry guys short chapter! Please read this book it gets more interesting! 1 comment 20 reads 3 votes? Love you!!

Hanna x

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