To the Mall

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By the way guys chp 3 got deleted somehow I think and I don't want to write it all again so sorry guys so I'm starting from the morning after chp. 3 hope you guys read this book!

Chapter 4

"Cam,Cam,WAKE UP!" I fluttered my eyes barely opened to see Louis face. "Lou-is", I moaned and threw a pillow at him. "Hurtful", he said while putting a hand to his heart, I eventually got out of bed and into the bathroom to start my morning shower. I stripped my clothes off of me and went inside the shower, I put the warm water to my hair and put shampoo and conditioner. Once I was done I wrapped a towel around my body and tied my hair. Once I was dried I put on my outfit: Neon green tank top (since it was warm out), black shorts, black and white high-top sneakers, And a bunch of random bracelets on my left hand. I slowly walked down the stairs and to my surprise Harry was their as well as Louis.

"Morning Cameron", Harry said politely, "Morning and call me Cam", he nodded his head understandingly.

I went to the table Louis and Harry were at and began my breakfast."Did you have a good sleep?"Well you probably did after all you did sleep on my shoulder",Louis smirked, I almost choked on my bread,"Wha-What?!", I stammered. Harry answered the question for me,"Yea we were watching Pitch Perfect and then you fell asleep on-","My shoulder",Louis interrupted, Harry nodded. I couldn't help but blush and stay silent. How could I have not remembered this?

And that was when it hit me.

Last Night

"Let's watch Pitch Perfect", I complained, "Noooo", Harry and Louis both complained in sync."Too bad were watching it",I said as if I said 'End of Discussion'.

2 minutes later

Just as I predicted we were starting Pitch Perfect. I tickled the boys until they surrendered and they let me have it my way. I was sitting next to Louis who was on my left and Harry on the left of Louis. About an hour or so later I was feeling drowsy and couldn't help but fall asleep...on Louis shoulder........

Flashback Over

"Cam,Cam are you there?", Harry asked and Louis waving his hands in front of my face. "Oh um yea..just zoned out for a bit", I blushed, "LETS GO TO THE MALL!!!", Louis gushed, "Shopping Spree", Harry said putting a hand on his hips acting as a girl, I giggled uncontrollably, when I finally stopped laughing I asked the guys if we could actually go, I needed to get a few stuff for Louis almost B-DAY, his birthday would be on July.5th and that was only 5 days away he had no idea I was planning a surprise party for him. "Sure", Harry nodded and Louis agreed also, So we all got out of the house before any of the guys could say it I did,"I CALL SHOTGUN!!!","Damn it", Louis said, I laughed and got inside the drivers seat.We all put on our seat belts with Louis next to me and Harry in one of the back seats I started the engine but before we left I turned on the radio. 'Stay' By Rihanna came through the speakers. Louis sang loudly,"AROUND AND AROUND AND AROUND AND AROUND WE GO,OH OH!!",when Louis not joking around he's actually a really good singer I want him to be famous one day.

And we took off to the mall!


At The Mall

Louis P.O.V

We all got out of the car and silently walked into the big doors of Doncaster Mall. A:N (sorry guys I'm not sure if theirs a mall in Doncaster called that but please just go with it thanks) We were walking in the mall looking around when I saw 'Forever 21' and signalled Cam and Harry to follow, and they did as I requested. A:N (Again not sure if they have Forever 21 in England) I spotted a men's black cardigan, I liked it and put it on, I went to go find a mirror and boy did I look good. "Ya like?", I asked Cam,"Ehh", she said harshly but I could tell she was about to crack a smile. I huffed, "Meanie", I walked to the cashier and pulled out my credit card and slid it on the counter. She scanned it an gave me my cardigan and my credit card back."Let's get some ice cream", Harry whined like a child, "Yea", Cam agreed with the big baby."Babies", I said and put my arms over both of their shoulders since I was in the middle and we all walked to the ice cream store.

"I'll have a strawberry and vanilla swirl with rainbow sprinkles, with a cone please", Cam said,"I'll have cotton candy, with a cone please, I simply said, Now Harry, "And I'll have Cookies 'N' Cream with chocolate sprinkles, with a cup please. I took the orders and handed strawberry and vanilla swirl to Cam and Cookies 'N' Cream to Harry. We were about to leave the ice cream area when a blonde girl about my age accidentally spilled her ice cream on me, I heard Cam and Harry gasp. "Oh my God, I am so sorry!"I'm so sorry",she tried wiping it off with her napkin but it just got worse."No worries", I said calmly,"Im Louis", I said,"Im Brittany, she smiled. Wow she was hot! She seemed nice too hmm.... "Well..Brittany could I uh have your number?", She grinned "Yea yea sure". We exchanged numbers and for the rest of the mall day I was happy as can be!


Cameron's P.O.V

A blonde girl who looked about our age spilled her ice cream all over Louis , Me and Harry gasped. "Oh my god, I am so sorry!"I'm so sorry", she apologized again she tried wiping it off with her napkin but I'm pretty sure it just got worse. "No worries", Louis tried to sound calm but I could tell that their were worries,"Im Louis", "Im Brittany", she smiled."Well..Brittany could I uh have your number?", She grinned,"Yea yea sure".They exchanged numbers and for the rest of the mall day Louis looked really happy.

I couldn't help feel a little jealous and by a little...I ment ALOT!


Please read!

Hey guys I wanna tell you what sorta happened in chp.3 so like Cameron,Lexi and Louis and Harry all went to Starbucks and like Harry asked for Lexi's number so they have a thing going on ;) please read this book it would mean so much thanks bye guys! C:

Hanna x

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