Why are you at my house?

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"Watcha gonna wear Keely?", Kaela asked as she flopped down on my pure white silk sheets.

Don't worry, I change them every two days.

"I'm not going", I sulked, leaning on the window sill.

"Why not?", she asked, not surprised at all.

I gazed at her, eyes blazing. Although today was Saturday, it sucked. And since Maya's people say that they will come next week instead of this week, meant nothing to do today for me.

Usually, I don't do anything, period. Sometimes, Paige and I might go for a walk, as in I'm walking and she's ogling all the hot guys.

Otherwise, I sit at home and watch TV.

"I don't...", I was interrupted by the door opening, and in popped Lexxi's black and gold hair accuented with a hot pink and white ribbon.

That child had no swag.

"What is it?", Kaela and I asked in unison.

"Someone's downstairs fuh yuh", she replied, coming in full view.

"For who?", I asked patiently, "Na'Kaela or Na'Keela?"

Kaela burst out laughing.

If she heard the sarcasm in my voice, she didn't show it.

She smiled, "For Keels".

"Who is it?", I asked annoyed now.

"I dunno", she shrugged, then walked out.

I stared down at the way I was dressed, in a high waist damaged short pants, a black mini hoodie, which showed my black flower navel ring and bare feet.

My hair was pulled in a pony tail and was messy as hell.

"I wonder who is it", Fast ass Kaela murmured,"Prolly nobody important. You can go as you are Keels".

Sorry I called you a fast ass.

I ran down the stairs, then bounded out the door, then froze in my tracks.

Seeing Stefan standing on my porch annoyed the crap outta me.

And I was half naked.

He looked good, I must admit. He rocked a black vest, a black and white Nike basketball pants and black and white high top Jordans.

Ain't everybody can rock that look and pull it off successfully.

"Hey Keels, yuh not gonna invite me in? Its sorta cold out here", he said, his light brown eyes twinkling.

"Nope", I said sweetly.

Then my stupid phone had to ring, blasting out I kissed a girl and I liked it by Katy Perry. I swear I'll kill Kaela.

Stefan chuckled, looking away.

I looked at the caller display and realized that it was daddy calling me.

Wasn't he inside? I thought as I answered it.

I motioned to Stefan that I would be a minute, and he smiled that sexy ass smile that made my heart thundered.

"Hey daddai", I said sweetly.

"Well aren't you gonna invite the boy in?", he asked.

I smirked then looked up, realizing that we were standing below the high-tech security camera.

"Whatever", I said desolately then ended the call.

I turned to Stefan, "You may come in", I said, opening the door and led him through the foyer then the living room.

"Make yourself at home", I grumbled as he sat on my favorite couch, "You want anything?"

"How about a coke?", he asked innocently.

I sighed, went to fetched the coke from the fridge.

"I'm coming back", I said, as I gave him the coke.

"Okay", he replied smiling.

I ran upstairs to change my mini hoodie for a black vest. I realized that Kaela had evicted herself from my room.

Probably in the security room, minding my business.

After putting on the vest and shoving my feet in a pair of Nike slippers, I went back downstairs only to see daddy and Stefan talking like they were old time friends.

"Hey Briah", daddy said, calling me Maya's second name, because we resembled he said.

I scowled but ignored him, Daddy, y'all know each other?", I asked, sitting gingerly on what used to be Maya's favorite couch.

So daddy said.

"Well, yeah", Daddy said and I gazed at him in wonder until I saw something akin to guilt flitting across his eyes.

"Well, see y'all later. Kev. Wait. Keel yuh going to the pool party?"

Before I could say no, Stefan jumped in and replied "yes".

"Cool", he said going into the kitchen.

"Why did you say that?", I fumed, my eyes probably turning silver as they normally do when I'm really annoyed.

"Keely stop glowering at me", he said firmly, then softly, "I know underneath that you're a nice girl but something has caused you to harden your heart. What is it Keels?"

I closed my eyes, knowing what he said was the truth. "I can't tell you", I whispered.

"'Tis alright. Maybe another time".


"So what about Rayne?"

"What about her?", I asked slightly annoyed.

"Changed your mind?"

"I'll go. If that's what will make you sleep at nights. I'm leaving around ten though".

"I was planning around eight, but cool".

"Imma go sleep", I said, getting up.

"Aight", he said going out, "I'll pick you up".

"Sure", I said going up the stairs. Somehow, this night is going to be a night I wouldn't forget in a hurry.


At six fifteen, I still didn't know what to wear and Stefan did say he was picking me up at seven. At six thirty, I felt desperate, so I called Kaela.

Five minutes later, she popped in the room wearing a short pink pants, a white bow top and white old navy's. Her hair lay loose and a pink rose pushed it back from her oval face.

She scrunched up her face, then I saw the ring, the navel ring.

"You actually pierced it.", I said still wrapped in my towel.

"Yeah. You did, so what about me? Anyway, enough chit chat. Bae is coming to pick me up in the next five".

I rolled my eyes but said ok..

Two minutes later, she said, "Here. Wear these", she said, throwing some clothes on the bed and running out to where obviously Keron, her seventeen year old boyfriend was waiting for her.

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