Chapter 3: Beginnings of Addiction

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Patrick never knocked before bursting into Gabby’s office. And he always started talking right away.

“So what did you think about Les Twins?……Gabby?”

She was face down on her desk sleeping. When he called her name a second time she jerked awake and sat straight up revealing puffy eyes with dark circles underneath.

“Oooohh, girl! What’s wrong with you? You look like you’ve been up all night.”

“I’m fine,” Gabby rasped. “I was just up late…uh…going over the research. You know…for Paris.”

Patrick paused and looked her up and down. Then he perched on the edge of her desk and propped her chin up with his hand.

“Uh-uh. I know what this is,” he smirked. “One word. YouTube. So which video did you watch first?”

Gabby didn’t even bother to deny it.

“World of Dance,” she admitted, yawning and shaking her head slowly from side to side in disbelief. “Then I watched another and another. I lost track. I haven’t seen anyone move like that since…since…”

Her eyes automatically shifted to the Michael Jackson framed print hanging reverently on the wall.

“It’s true.” Patrick agreed. “These guys have been blowing up the dance world, but a little birdie told me something else big might be about to drop for them.”

“How big?” Gabby asked, suddenly fully awake.

“Maybe huge. But I need confirmation.”

Gabby raised her eyebrows. Patrick nodded his head. “Yeah, it’s crucial. That’s why I’m sending you.  I can’t trust this to a knucklehead intern. Plus you know you have a gift for digging up secrets.”

“I’m all over it.”

*  *  *  *

Two days later Gabby was at Hartsfield International Airport boarding an overnight flight to Paris. As she settled into her comfy window seat in first class her phone lit up.

It was Keith calling for the fourth time that morning. She knew she should answer it. He was probably worried. But she was still mad. So she let it go to voicemail again then switched the phone into airplane mode and slipped it into her purse.

As the plane took off Gabby popped in her ear buds and queued up the Les Twins playlist she’d downloaded on her MP3. Staring out the window at the twinkling lights of the city she leaned back and let the complicated beats wash every other thought and worry out of her mind.

She needed to get into the zone before she touched down in Paris.

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