Chapter 7 - Rejection

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Taylors P.O.V

I looked at Harry again and realized that both of his eyes were swollen. I covered my mouth.
"What hapened to your eyes??" I asked. Harry opened his mouth to speak
"Well..........uh....." I crossed my arms and waited for his answer. I felt the van begin to move and I knew we were off going who knows where.
" see......Jason found out that I gave you food and...well....he punched me. I gasped. I knew Jason was cold-hearted but I didnt think he would actually harm one of his members.
"Does it hurt?" I asked.
"A little" he answered rubbing his eyes. I honestly felt bad for him. I didnt want him to get into trouble. Why was Jason such a bastard! If he had just given me food none of this would have happened. I began feeling angry at Jason. I wanted to just chop his head off. I looked over to Ryan.
"Where are we going anyway??" I asked him. He looked up at me and then beckoned for me to come closer.
"Im not supposed to tell you this but......the police are looking for you and your parents are claiming that the only place you would run to is to Jason Mccann. Anyways the police know our hideout and now we have to go somewhere where they cant find us." he said whispering.
"Where exactly is this somewhere??" I asked. He shrugged and went back to where he was sitting. How did my parents know that I would go to Jason?? Why did they even want me back?? Suddenly the van stopped. I went to look out the window only to realise there werent any windows. The van door opened to reveal Jason. I looked behind him and realised we were at a gas station.
"Bathroom break!!" Jason yelled at us. We piled out of the car and Jason handed everybody sunglasses and a baseball cap to wear. Jason must have noticed that I was confused as to why we had to wear this stuff and pulled me towards him and whispered in my ear.
"So nobody recognizes us" I nodded and made my way into the gas station. Before I could get very far I felt somebody grip my arm. It was Jason of course. He leaned down and whispered once again to me.
"Dont say a word about who I am or who you are. Got it!" He whispered harshly. I nodded and went in the restroom and did my business. I came out and soon found myself face to face with the candy aisle. I spotted one of the king size hershey bars and dug around in my pockets for the money. Everything in my pockets were gone. No money,no phone,no crackers.....nothing. Jason must have taken my stuff while I was asleep. I stomped over to Jason,
"Do you have my stuff??" I asked him.
"Yeah....I do" he answered smirking.
"Can I have my money??"
"Already spent it" he said. I growled. I really wanted that candy bar.
"What do you need money for Shawty??" I didnt know if I should just tell him I wanted the bar or just drop the subject. I breathed in.
"I want that hershey bar." I said pointing towards the king size one. Jason looked at the bar,then back at me. I gave him my puppy dog face. I really wanted some chocolate at the moment. Jason rolled his eyes.
"Go get it" he said digging in his pocket. I smiled wide and fetched the bar. Jason grabbed the bar from me and went to the desk to pay. Maybe Jason was going soft.

-2 Hours of Driving Later-

We have been driving for two hours and I was really bored. I had many questions for Jason. Where were we going? Why did he punch Harry just for being nice? When were we going to stop?? When could I get a drink of water; I was dehydrated. I got up from where I was and banged on the inside of the van. I could faintly hear Jason yelling at me to stop but I kept going. Eventually the van stopped and the door opened revealing a very angry Jason.
"I need to talk to you" I told him. Jason rolled his eyes and told the three guys in the front to get in the back. I didnt know their names yet.
"Get in the front" Jason growled obviously frustrated. I got in and Jason started the van again. "You wanted to talk!" Jason said running his hand through his hair.
"Where are we going??" I asked
"None of your business!"
"Why did you punch Harry just because he was actually being nice to me??"
"Because I can"
"When are we gonna stop?"
"When I want to"
"When can I get a drink of water??"
"When I say you can!" Jason was answering my questions like a jerk. I huffed and turned away from him.
"Why are you such a jerk?" I said mostly to myself but with my luck Jason heard as well.
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH!!" he yelled making me wanna jump out of the van.
"Maybe I would if you would just tell me!" I said getting frustrated myself.
"Oh is that why you are pretending to be my sister!! So you can get some information out of me!!" he yelled making tears stream down my face. I really didnt know what to do anymore. Jason would probably never believe I was his sister and torture me for the rest of my life. I wiped my face and thought about the cuts and bruises my dad and mom had given me. I slightly lifted up my shirt and looked down to see bruises. I whimpered; they hurt a lot. Jason looked at me and I quickly pulled down my shirt. Jason instantly stopped the van and motioned me to lift up my shirt. Damn it! He knew now! I shook my head at him and he spoke.
"I already me" he said gesturing towards my stomach. I slowly lifted my shirt and showed my bruises.

Jasons P.O.V

Shawty lifted up her shirt to reveal black and blue marks all over her stomach. I didnt do that!
"Who did that??" I asked her.
"My mum and dad" she answered almost whispering. I remembered my mom and dad abusing me as well when I was younger. I sighed and Shawty did the same.
"Listen" Shawty said her eyes glossing over "Whether you believe me or not I am your sister......and even though you claim you arent my brother....I know you are......why do you think my parents would think that I would find you!!" I said nothing and memories came flooding back to me.
"Is your father John Mccann or not?" she asked.
"He is"
"Then you are my brother!"
I didnt feel like arguing and got out my phone. I dialed the number for my gangs nearest private hospital and set up a blood test for me and Shawty. I started the car and Shawty just began crying. I drove to my gangs hospital and got out and told the rest of my gang to stay put.

Taylors P.O.V

Jason pulled up at some old haunted looking building. It looked like it could be the set of a haunted movie. I shuddered. Jason told the gang to stay where they were and then came to the passenger side and opened the door.
"Get out" he said simply.
"We are getting a blood test done so I can prove you arent my sister." I scooted more into the car. I hated needles.
"I hate needles!! You can get a blood test done over my dead body!" Jason rolled his eyes and pointed his gun at me.
"That can be arranged so get the fuck out of the van now before I kill you!" I felt tears coming on so I just got out of the van to show Jason I wasnt weak. We walked into the building and there were nurses and doctors rushing around. We walked up to a desk and the lady there looked up.
"Oh! Mr. Mccann! Umm Doctor Loe is waiting for you in room 205." Jason just nodded and dragged me to a room where a man was waiting.
"Why hello Mr-" Jason interrupted.
"Shutup and do the god damn blood test and do it quick!" Jason hissed. The doctor glared but turned and grabbed a needle and a small bag off of a tray. Jason held out his arm and the doctor took his blood and handed Jason a cloth to wrap around his arm. I was next.
"Hold out your arm" the doctor commanded. I shook my head and began crying. I began running in the room trying to stay away from the doctor....knocking things over along the way. I was like a bull in a china shop. I was climbing on desks and running everywhere. Eventually Jason grabbed me and held me while the doctor took my blood. I screamed and cried but the doctor won in the end. I was handed a cloth and I snatched it from the doctor. I looked at Jason and glared.
"Bitch" Jason just chuckled and helped me wrap the bandage.

-1 Hour Later-

The doctor stepped back into the room and pulled Jason out of the room. I snuck to the door and pressed up my ear and listened to their conversation.
"Jason.....she is your sister"
"What the hell!! Fully related?? Not half sister or anything??" I heard Jason hiss.
"Nope you two are fully related brother and sister"
"Ugh!! I hate her!! I cant take her with me!! I refuse to be called her brother!!
"Im sorry Mr.Mccann but you are" I heard footsteps and I backed away from the door and held my tears.
"What did he say??" I asked Jason.
"Um...he said that you werent related to me at you are gonna have to Dont ever come back or I will kill you. Be happy im not killing you now for lying!" I slowly backed away from Jason shaking my head. He knew I was his sister and he was just going to abandon me!!
"Leave!" Jason boomed. I ran out of the hospital with tears spilling down. I left the building and saw Harry leaning on the van smoking a cigarette. I wiped my face and turned away from him and made my way down the street. I felt someone grab me and I turned to see Harry.
"Whats wrong?! Where are you going?!" Harry asked his eyes full of concern. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. That was when I broke down and began crying. Harry pulled me into his arms and I cried into his chest. He kissed the top of my head.

"Tell me Taylor......what happened??"

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