Chapter 1 - It all begins

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Taylors P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I slammed my hand on the clock to make the annoying beeping stop. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Today was Monday.......great another day at school. I picked out my outfit for the day- which was just a plain red t-shirt and some shorts-and made my way down the hall to the bathroom. As I was about to close the bathroom door I heard the slam of a door. I peeked my head out of the bathroom and saw my father coming in with a beer bottle. I could tell he was drunk- I could smell the alcohol on him and he was stumbling around. 
"Taylor!" he called. I knew to stay away from him when he was like this and quietly shut the bathroom door and locked it. I sighed as I turned on the shower adjusting the heat. When the temperature was right I stepped into the shower and cleansed myself. Being in the shower made me momentarily forget all the problems in life....but I couldnt stay in forever. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I then brushed my teeth and put on some light makeup. Afterwards I changed into my outfit and quickly grabbed my bag and attempted to make my way out of the house. I failed. I was stopped by my father who was still drunk. 
"Where do you think you're going!" he slurred taking off his belt. 
"S-s-school" I said trembling in fear. My father swung his arm back and began to hit me with the belt. I screamed for him to stop but he wouldnt stop. Luckily his phone rang and he stopped and left the room to answer his call. I took advantage and quickly left the house. I ran to my bus stop with tears streaming down my face. I looked down at my legs where welts were beginning to form. I quickly wiped my eyes as the bus came into sight. I looked down at my legs again wishing I wasnt wearing shorts. I stepped into the bus and the driver looked at my legs and gave me a quizzical look. 
"I fell" was all I could mumble before taking a seat in the back of the bus

-At School-

As I stepped into my science class I was instantly tackled in a hug by my friends. They instantly stopped though once they saw my legs. 
"Omigosh! What happened!!" my friend Alexa asked. I just used the same lame exscuse I used on the bus. 
"I fell....nothing serious" I assured fake smiling. I could tell they didnt fully believe me but they thankfully dropped the subject.
My classes droned by slower than ever until it was finally lunch. 
I took my tray of a burrito and chips to my usual table. I instantly sat and chowed down. I hadnt eaten breakfast so I was starved out and eating like a pig. This earned weird looks from my friends. 
"What?? I didnt eat this morining!" I said with my mouth full of food. They all just shook their heads. I shrugged and continued eating. Soon a tall boy with dirty blonde hair appeared at my table. I nearly was my crush Evan. 
"Hey, dont choke" he said winking. I swallowed the lump in my throat and just sat there staring at his blue eyes. 
"I-I need to use bathroom" I said slowly getting up from my table. I honestly just left because another moment with Evan would of made me burst. He was just so cute and toned and muscular and sweet and- 
My thoughts were interrupted by a beeping sound. I opened up one of the stall doors in the restroom and found a bomb. I was now scared...I couldnt tell how much time until it blew-but I knew I needed to get out. I ran and ran until I was back in the lunchroom. I instantly ran up to a lunch lady. 
"There is a bomb in the girls restroom!! Its gonna blow!! Hurry!!" I yelled sounding like a retard. Everyone in the room was now staring at me. The lady just shook her head and told everyone to go back to eating and motioned me to go sit down. I stomped my foot and thats when it blew...

Fire burst through the windows and everyone began screaming. All I remember is being dragged away by a teacher before blacking out. 

I woke up on my couch in my living room. I had a major headache. I looked up and saw my father staring at the television. I turned my head to watch as well....I saw a picture of my school and began listening intently. 

"Wishlake highschool was blown up today by bomber Jason Mccann....he isnt in custody yet but officials are searching for him" I shut my eyes again. Jason Mccann was always on the news. He always has done something wrong. I used to think it was cool having a criminals last name. I would always tell everyone at school he was my cousin-nobody believed me of course but it was still cool. Now I hate it. Why did he have to bomb MY school. I never realised how horrible he really was until now. I listened once again to the tv. "Luckily nobody was killed but many teachers and students are injured" I sighed in relief that nobody died. I then began to wonder how I got home. I looked at my father. 
"How did I get here??" I asked 
He sighed "Everyone who wasnt injured was evacuated from the school...soo I picked you up and here you are" he said throwing a file of papers on the table and taking a sip of his beer. Wow he actually cared I thought silently in my head. 
"What a son of a bitch I raised" my father suddenly mumbled looking at the screen. 
"What??" I asked 
"Nothing" he spat before getting up and going to his room slamming the door behind him. I got up to get some pain medication and glanced at the file on the table. I sat back down and opened the file. Inside was my birth certificate. I smiled looking at it. I then took out another paper. It too was a birth certificate. I held it up to my face examining it closely. It read 
'Jason Robert Mccann born to Melissa and John Mccann' 
My mouth dropped open- those were my parents names. I reread the certificate over and over again. I just couldnt believe it. 

Jason Mccann was my brother

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