Chapter 3 - Jason?

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Taylors P.O.V

I still couldnt believe it. The Jason McCann was my older brother. He could have killed me today! I looked at both of the certificates again to make sure I wasnt going crazy. I shook my head  and went to my kitchen and took some pain medicine. After sipping my glass of water and swallowing the tablet I went back to the certificates again. I just couldnt believe it. I was related to a cold blooded killer. 

"Who gave you permission to look at those!!" I heard my mum yell. I turned and saw her standing there...her face red.

"I-I was just looking" I stuttered. She came over to me and slapped me..hard. I placed my hand to my now burning cheek, holding back tears.

"How dare you!!" she yelled slapping me again. I suddenly got courage.

"How dare you?!?!" I asked yelling. "How dare you not tell me I had a brother..and that he was Jason Mccann!!" "How dare you keep secrets from me!! Why didnt you tell me!" I screamed with tears now running down my cheeks. "Why?!" My mum slapped me again and punched my stomach making me fall to the ground.

"Im telling your father about this" she said making her way upstairs. I quickly got up clutching my stomach and ran to the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it. I was mad and frustrated. I made my way up to the mirror. I looked like a mess. Both of my cheeks were bruised and hurt. I lifted my shirt revealing another bruise on my stomach. I felt like I was gonna be sick. Soon I heard banging and my fathers voice.

"Taylor Ann Mccann you better get your ass out of that bathroom right now!!!!" He sounded pissed. I was now scared and went to open the small window in the bathroom. I pulled on the latch many times but it was stuck. The banging continued. I began to panic and bang on the window. When that didnt work I began kicking the latch. It was still stuck!! I pulled and pulled with fresh tears now falling. I then heard a loud noise and turned around and saw the bathroom door on the floor. I just stood their biting my lip. 

" better be scared" my dad said removing his belt. He began to whip me with it getting my legs back and arms. I was screaming and crying but he never stopped. He then pulled me up by my hair and pushed me into the wall. I tasted blood; I had bitten my lip. He finally let me go and went into his room slamming the door. I just curled up into a ball and cried. I cried from pain and stress..and my whole situation in life. 

When I had finished crying I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I had made a decision. I was gonna run away and find my brother. Im sure he was better than my parents but I didnt really know. He could kill me. It was risky but I stuck with my plan. I went to my room grabbed some fresh clothes and took a quick shower. I then dressed in some black leggings andblack t-shirt, pulling my hair into a ponytail. I then pulled on my black hoodie. It was gonna be cold outside. I was sure to be quiet and stuffed my phone,the birth certificates,crackers,and a twenty dollar bill in my pockets. I then quietly opened the front door and ran into the dark.

I had been running for about an hour before I realised that I had no idea where Jason lived. I decided to just wander around and ask random people if they knew where he lived. It was pretty stupid but maybe someone might know. I walked up to the first house I saw and rang the doorbell. An old man answered. 

"What do you want kid?" he asked tiredly. I must have woken him up. But I hadnt cried that long had I?

"Umm do you know where Jason Mccann lives?" I asked. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Your mental! Searching for a criminal!" he said before slamming the door in my face. I huffed and continued walking. Soon I spotted a man dressed in all black walking back and forth in front of what looked like the woods-I couldnt really tell. I know it was stupid but I ran up to the man and tapped his shoulder. He quickly turned aruond and aimed a gun at me. I sucked in my breath and stuffed my hands in my pocket.

"What are you doing on this side of town kid?" he asked. I hated when people called me 'kid'.

"I just-I was-um you know-" I said trailing off. This guy scared me causing me to barely be able to speak.

"What?" he asked raising his voice.

"Looking for Jason Mccann" I said quickly. The guy looked confused at first and then grinned at me.

"Guess what?" he asked lowering his gun.

"What?" The guy pointed in the direction of the woods.

"Mr.Jason Mccann lives just in those woods" I didnt know if I could believe him or not. I took my chances and began making my way into the woods. As I walked I began getting more scared. The only light I had was from the moon. Surprisingly in the distance I saw a house. I began running to it hoping that the man wasnt lying. I didnt realise how big the house was until I was at the front door. I raised my hand to knock but lowered it. I didnt know if I should actually go through with it. I bit my lip and knocked on the door. I waited a few seconds. No answer. I sighed and turned to leave when I heard the door open. I turned around and saw a guy maybe 20 at the door. I gulped he definetely wasnt Jason Mccann. This guy looked like he could break me like a toothpick within seconds.

" you need something?" he asked me. I took a deep breath.

"Im looking for- um Jason Mccann I said. He placed his hands on his knees lowering himself a bit to my height.

" you know who Jason Mccann is??" he asked sounding surprised. I nodded.

"Yeah he is a bomber and a criminal" I answered quietely.

"Ummmm...he can kill you. I would go away if I were you" he said looking around. I wasnt planning on coming here just to leave without seeing Jason.

"No...I came here to see Jason-and-and I wanna see him" I said. The guy just shook his head.

"Boss!! Someone wants to see you!" he called. I heard a faint answer.

"Who is it?!?" I heard somebody ask.

"Umm Boss...its a little girl!!"

"What the fuck!! Are you joking Ryan!" I heard someone shout again.

"No Boss!!" the guy who I guess is Ryan yelled back. I heard footsteps and soon in front of me was a figure who I instantly recognized.

My brother Jason Mccann

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