Something's Fishy

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"MAAAAAAHM!" I wailed as I opened the door to our dorm. "Fooooooood."
An oven mit was hurled across the room, slapping me in the face.
Nash and Reed appear before me, arms crossed and stern looks on their faces. Nash's eyes met mine and I looked away shyly, remembering the events of the previous night.
"Mind telling us where you were, young lady?" Reed spoke first.
"Not really." I shrug.
"Don't bother lying to us, we already know." Nash threatened.
"But... if you already knew then why did you ask me?"
Reed opened his mouth and shut it a few times. Looking like a fish. "That's not the point." He finally said.
"So what is?"
They fidget, sharing glances, as they try to come up with a reasonable answer.
"So how about that food." I say clapping my hands together, taking that as a sign I had won the argument.
Reed sighed and returned to the kitchen. I took the chance to escape into my bathroom and change into fresh clothes and update my appearance.
When I returned to the kitchen, Reed was in the midst of making crepes while Nash was sitting at the counter, drinking coffee and reading the school paper.
"Don't bother your father, he's had a rough night." Reed snapped at me.
I turned to Nash, "What happened?" I asked, trying not to think about last night. "Something about Carlene?"
"It's Irene. And yeah, she broke up with me." He sighed.
"Oh." I muttered dumbly.
"Tell her the rest of the story." Reed suggested, flipping a cake.
"Well, we were jumping on my bed when I thought it'd be funny to give her a little nudge. Unfortunately she fell of the bed and hit her head on my nightstand. Then she got mad and we got into a fight."
My mouth hitched open slightly as the same words circled through my head.
Jumping on my bed.
Then that means...
I slipped a small laugh. Then another, and a few more until I was full out laughing.
Or having a nervous break down. Same thing.
I laughed all the way to the Keurig, to pour myself a cup of coffee.
"That's not very sensitive of you." Nash said.
I smiled, gaining control again. "It's just that... the sound of the bed, I thought you guys were-"
"Not in the kitchen." Reed snapped. Nash's ears burned red, but he wore a silly grin. "You've got one hell of an imagination."

I was happy that everything was normal again. Classes continued as usual, and I think the other boys were slowly giving up on trying to date the only girl in school.
On top of that, I was starting to actually like my uniform.
Oh yes, all was well. Until that fateful day.

It was the weekend after the sports festival, and I had gone to the market to pick up a few groceries since Nash and Reed wound there way up into detention. On my return home, I passed the local park as usual. As I walked, I noticed a patch of shiny brown hair that resembled a certain boyfriend. I remembered Kyle mentioning he was going to be out watching his little cousin, so I figured he had taken her to the park. As I approached the tree, I noticed something wasn't quite right about the situation.
I snuck behind another tree a short ways away and listened.
"Couldn't you just make an exception for me, just this one time?" A female's voice cooed.
"Nah, babe. She's not into that." I heard Kyle's voice say.
I snuck a glance and saw a red head pushed up against my darling Kyle. Touching her disgusting fake nails all over him.
I heaved a heavy sigh, walking back off to the market. I had a set path, and no one was going to stop me.
My phone rang.
"Hello." I answered.
"Jesi! Are you coming home soon? I want to make lunch..." Reed said cheerfully. He must have finished detention... or escaped.
"Hang on, there's something I have to take care of." I said. I heard the beginning of his protest before ending the call and returning the phone to my pocket. I targeted the fish stand and grabbed a basket of the closest fish I could find.
"I need to borrow this." I said to the main. He said something in swedish.
"Fusk pojkvän." I assured him.
He nodded, "Du går, flickan."
I carried the basket back to the park, and climbed with it very stealthily up the same tree that Kyle and his greasy new girlfriend were leaning against.
I watched them kiss for a second or two before dumping the fish over their heads. I swung down from the branch as the red head screeched like a run over cat.
I walked away, grabbing my groceries and deleting Kyle's number from my phone as I walked.

"I'm home!" I sang as I returned to the dorm. I set the bags on the counter. Reed happily unbagged the groceries and began lunch.
"What was so urgent earlier?" He asked, curiously.
"Oh, Kyle. I found him cheating on me with some ginger. No big deal." I waved it off.
"He what." Nash said, entering the room.
"It's alright, Nashy. I got even with him." I smiled innocently.
He squinted his eyes at me, untrusting.
"They're swimming with the fishes now." I laughed at my own joke.
"You dont mean..." Reed spoke slowly, grabbing a knife for defense.
"Nah, I dumped some tuna on their heads."
"Good girl." Nash said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "But next time don't forget to call in for back up. I'm all for revenge."
"Sure thing." I grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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