Jesi's First Day

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I woke up on the floor.

Now how did I get here?

I asked myself the same question until I looked at two familiar faces.

"I hate you both." I snarl, dragging myself off of the floor. Both boys were wearing the same uniform, completely with a black fancy jacket and red school badge. The sight of them in matching outfits was actually quite comical.

"Don't forget your uniform." Reed says. I give him a confused look. Nobody told me about any uniform.

"Ms. Hilliard had it made especially for you." Nash adds, handing me a package. I shrug and kick them out of my room.

"You have got to be kidding me." I say, sticking my head out of the door.

Nash and Reed snickered at me. "What? You should be grateful, it came all the way from Japan."

"...I can tell." I say.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." Nash urges.

"No." I say, I still haven't left my room.

"You come out or we're coming in." Reed offers.

"No!" I cry. They stand up from the stools they were sitting on and push past me into my room. They stop to look at me, cocking their heads and mashing their eyebrows in confusion.

"What." I demand. They shake their heads. "So see why I don't want to go?" It was truly horrendous. Red knee high socks with a white stripe, red pleated skirt, white blouse, red bow around on the neck... I looked exactly like I walked out of an anime.

And then it hit me.

"Ms. Hilliard ordered a cosplay and mistook it for a real school uniform... Didn't she?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Looks like it." Nash says.

"What's a cosplay?" Reed asks at the same time.

I sigh, shaking my head. Ms. Hilliard was such a dope. And as for Reed... Well there was going to have to be a lot of work done around here.

"Can we get this fixed? Go talk to her?" I beg.

"Nope." Nash says, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Ah! Put me down! Put me down! Put me down! Let go of me you oaf!" I screamed and kicked at him. Throwing punches at his back.

"Hush now you're bound to disturb one of the other dorms." Reed sighs holding the door open for Nash. Once I calm down and stop screaming, I start to feel very cold. I realize there are eyes on us from every part of the hallway. I had almost forgot that I was the only girl here. And then I realized something else...

This skirt was really short.

And I wasn't in a great position for short skirts.

"NASH! PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed, drawing even more attention to myself. Crap.

"We're almost to the classroom and I'm not taking any chances until we get there." Nash says.

"I hate you." I say for the second time today.

"We hate you, too." Reed says.


Eyes everywhere.

All of them... On me.

There had to be at least fifty six students.

Which meant one hundred and twelve eyes.

I squirm uncomfortably and try to listen to what my teacher was saying. He was one of the only teachers in the building who spoke English... Broken as it may be.

Plip. Plip. Plip.

Some bounced onto my desk and rested in front of me. It was a folded up piece of paper. Oh geez.

'You livin over there, lassy?' Nash looks at me expectantly from two seats away. I sigh and write back.

'Is there anytime of the day that you aren't going to be ruining my life?' I send it back to bounced over my neighbor's desk and onto Nash's.

Plip, plip, plip,

'4:03 pm on Wednesdays.'

I roll my eyes, 'Lovely.'

Before I could send it back another one landed on my desk. I turn around and glare at Reed. He looks away like nothing happened. I bang my head on the desk repetitively making a silent tard of myself.


I turn around again and shake my head at him.

Plip, plip, plip.

I open a third note, expecting it to be Nash.

'Want to go out sometime? -Lucas.'

My eyes widen and I look around for the note's author. Then I heard the all too familiar noise.

There was.... Another one.

'Let's hang out. -Lopez'

Suddenly more notes came my way. It seems like every boy in class was sending me a note. I duck my head.


Nash chuckles, putting on his jacket, "Well that was eventful."

"The look on Mr. Sweck's face was priceless." Reed grins.

"That was so embarrassing." I say.

"Oh cheer up, I'm sure it will all be better by tomorrow."

"Jesi! Jesi! Vy poydete so mnoy?" A dark haired, olive skinned boy runs up to me.

"Uhm..." I start, confused. How did he know my name? And what was he asking?

"Oh!" He nods and then tries, "Will... You uh, you... Go out wit meat?" I assumed that he was not very familiar with English... Seeing as he just confused himself with meat.

"No... No, no." I shake my head apologetically. "Thank you, and I'm sorry."

"Oh! Thank you! Sorry!" He repeats, smiling and walking away to rejoin his friends.

"You were saying?" I turn to Reed.

"Maybe... You should give it some time...?"

"Yeah." I sigh. This was going to be a long week.

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