That Night...

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I walk down the hallwayd feeling like a spy on a secret mission. I knew I'd be in big trouble if I was seen walking into another dorm at this time of night. I crept around the corner and knocked lightly on the door.

"I told you it was unlocked." Kyle pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me. He smelled good.

"I know but I didn't want to disturb you or anything..." I say sheepishly. Kyle gives me a confused look but leads me into his dorm.

His roommate, Hubby, had fallen asleep on the couch watching what appeared to be a sweetish version of Criminal Minds. There was a clock ticking in the kitchen. And it didnt smell bad unlike many of the other dorms. If felt kind of like home.

"You look tired." He frowns. I nod, eyes burning. "Come on."

I follow Kyle into his room. a few blankets were spread neatly on the small couch next to the bed and there was a soft looking pillow on one end. I starts to feel all fuzzy inside and my heart starts to dance.  It was so cute what Kyle had done and so sweet.

"Thank you!" I hug him tightly and practically dive onto the couch. I wrap myself in the blankets, inhaling the sweet scent of Axe. He bends down, kisses my forehead and says softly, "Goodnight. I'll be in the kitchen cleaning a few dishes if you need me."

I wake up to a loud crash. I first try to remember where I am. Oh yes, Kyle's dorm. In his bedroom... on his couch. Wrapped in his scent...

Oh goodness.

I then realize Kyle is awake, looking at my in a strange way as if trying to figure out the same thing.

"Are you okay?" His voice is groggy and full of sleep and also... kind of sexy.

"Mmhm." I manage, sounding more mouse like than confident.

"I think it's storming." He says. Just then lightning fills the window, momentarily brightening the room.

I froze. No storms. No. No. No.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" He asks.

"Well... I'm just... kind of scared of storms." I say hesitantly. Way to go Jesi. Thats the end of your relationship right there.

Kyle chuckles softly.

"Dont laugh at me." I growl.

"I'm not laughing at you." He argues.

"Yes you were."

"No, I wasnt. Do you want to come sleep by me? Would that help?" He asks.

I consider his offer.  I coyld do something horribly awkward in my sleep. Something that could potentially ruin my life. But then again... Mr.McCupcake is in my dorm... and when is the next time I'll get this chance. I get up and crawl under Kyle's covers.

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