Some People

21 1 0

Apparently it is a school tradition to have a sports day at the end of each month. The public was allowed on the campus and into the school to watch many of our wonderful athletes compete.

But all of that didn't matter to me. No all that I really cared about was the fact that our air conditioner still wasn't working.

I fan myself and watch as Reed beats the crap out of Nash on some foreign video game. I myself was sitting on the floor next to a fan. My phone lights up and I see that Kyle has finally answered me. That boy can sleep. But it's nothing compared to the two idiots who are yelling at the top of their lungs at each other.

"Yes, yes , you're both beautiful. Now one of you brutally murder the other so we can go downstairs." I say, not looking up from my phone.

"What's downstairs?" Nash asks. It's a miracle I've gotten any attention at all.

"Kyle." I wave my phone at him. In unison the boys roll their eyes. Reed ends up beating Nash and finally the game is shut off. We make our way downstairs where I meet up with Kyle outside.

"Hello." He says in his (very adorable) Scottish accent.

"Hi." I grin. Kyle wraps his arm around my shoulder as if showing that he could take it from here, and the my roommates were no longer needed.

"Nash!" A voice calls. Some blond girl comes running toward my roommates. I don't like this.

"Hey Irene." Nash says casually hugging her. I start tapping my foot trying to release the fact that I absolutely hate this girl. "Jesi!"

"What?" I hiss.

"This is Irene." He introduces her.

She smiles (she even has perfect teeth this bitch), "Hi, I'm Nash's girlfriend."

I blink twice.

Did she... Did she just say she's Nash's girlfriend?

Suddenly my stomach starts to ache. I felt like my gut was twisting and turning and my heart was wrenching.

"Well, we're gonna go watch some... Sports. I'll see you guys tonight. Nice to meet you Ioline." I turn and pull Kyle with me.

"It's Irene." She says to my back. I don't answer but continue walking.

Nash's girlfriend has not left my brain. I dislike her. She dresses like a whore. She talks like a ratchet. She acts like a slut.

What can I say? Some people you just got to hate.

But Kyle seems to have different plans when we end up by an Oak tree far from the crowds of people. I was fine with this since I didn't particularly like sports and I get anxiety when I'm around too many people. God knows how I've survived this school.

"Everything okay?" Kyle asks me.

"I'm fine." I smile. He smiles back and pushes me up against the tree, kissing me.

That night Kyle walked me back to my room. Some mail was left lying on the floor in front of our door, so I pick it up. I unlock my door and turn on the lamp in my room. I go through the envelopes and see that both boys had letters. I set the single one for me on my pillow and get up to give the rest to the boys.

Reed was fast asleep on the couch with a little bit of drool running down his cheek. So I left them on the coffee table and went to see if Nash was still awake. Then I notice a squeaking sound. Then thumping. And then...

"Oh, Nash..."

I cover my mouth before I scream and drop the letters outside Nash's door, returning to my bedroom and shutting the door softly behind me. Part of me wants to punch the wall. Part of me wants to just go back home. But instead I grab my phone and text Kyle.

'How okay would you be with me staying in your dorm tonight?'

There isn't much of a wait before he answers, 'Door's unlocked.'

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