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| Skylar Millias |

"Hurry up Sky, we're going to miss the Hogwarts Express." Harry said in a hurry. "Calm down, I'm on my way." I met Harry at the sorting ceremony. I remember that day as if it was yesterday, in reality, it's been two years now, so this is my third year at Hogwarts. I'm so thrilled for Hogsmeade.

Just in time, we hopped on the Hogwarts Express and scout for a free compartment, which we found and shortly after Hermione and Ron came along to keep us company. "So how was your summer?" I asked my friends."Living my dreams at the Dursleys", as soon as Harry said that we all started laughing, he was being sarcastic. "Say no more." I commented. After his parents died, his aunt and uncle got custody. Harry being a newborn, he couldn't really express his opinion. The Dursleys are relentless Muggles and strictly refuse to be part of the magical world. Whenever Harry tells us unethical stories about them I can't help but feel sorry for him. "What about you Hermione?" Harry asked her. "Yeah, nothing adventurous. Was just a normal summer.", "Yeah same here." Ron added while pointing his finger towards me. "You Sky-Sky?" This nickname was made by Ron himself, he's the only one that calls me like that, I usually go by Sky. "My summer was completely lifeless." I pouted. They laughed at me.

We were talking about what may occur in our third year as our compartment dopr opened. It was Malfoy and his "gang" better known as Crabbe and Goyle. I saw Harry rolling his eyes, he despites Malfoy. "Potter? Had a good summer, in your muggle family?" The two guys besides Malfoy started laughing. "And Millias how could I forget? Do you think you could greet your father from me, that would be kind of you. Oh nevermind." he started smirking. Some people can be such a pain in the ass and he was the perfect example. Everyone at school knew that my father died because he actually worked in Azkaban as a guard but Malfoy was the only one that thought it would be funny to joke about it. "Just shut up." I could feel my eyes starting to water. Malfoy noticed. That was such a cheap shot but I also wanted to smack that smirk off his face. I can't cry, not in front of the others, especially not in front of Malfoy. I stood up and rushed past Malfoy. As soon as I left the compartment tears fell down my face. I used to be close to my family, I still am but it's not the same anymore without Dad. I walked out of sight, hid in the next bathroom and let all the tears out. I heard footsteps getting closer, me thinking it would be either Harry, Ron or Hermione, was under shock when I realised it was Draco Malfoy. He knocked on the door. "Skylar are you in there?"
"No." I whispered but he still opened the door.

"Listen I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." I blinked at him repeatedly, trying to figure out whether he really just said that. Why would he apologise? He never said anything as nice as that to me or to anyone else the past two years.
"Yeah, and I am the Queen." Evidently, he didn't mean it.
Draco Malfoy would never be nice. He's a horrible person.

"Please. I'm being serious."
Alright, who paid him to say that?
"Well, you should've thought about that before you decided to say it in front of me and my friends to act tough."
"I wasn't planning on acting tough, it's just how I am." Since I was feeling better, I stood up. "Whatever." I said and walked away.
I made my way back to my compartment and sat down.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked. I looked at him and nodded my head.

We arrived at Hogwarts. I walked out and Harry was beside me.
I get along really well with the three of them but I think my friendship is the strongest with Harry and it's a bonus that he's good looking.
We all sat down at our table.
As usual, it was the sorting ceremony for the first-years.
I was happy that all the houses got new students. I could feel someone staring at me. I turned around and saw Malfoy looking at me from the Slytherin table. Lately, he's been acting so weird.

We got our timetables since we were third years we had to choose two elective subjects. I chose Divination and Care of magical creatures. Anyways, I started to compare mine with Harry's and I basically had all the classes with him.
From all I remember is that we have Potions with Slytherin.
We made our way back to the Gryffindor Common Room.
Ron and Hermione decided to go to bed, Harry and I stayed in the Common Room, which meant we were alone.
It was awkward in the beginning but then Harry started talking.
"I felt miserable for you, back on the Hogwarts Express." he said and looked down at his hands
"Don't worry. I mean we all know how Malfoy is." I said. Harry smiled at me.
"Do you want to take a walk outside?" Harry asked me.

We were outside and found a bench to sit down on.
"I just don't understand why anyone would ever make a joke about your father." Harry said.
"I don't understand either but I'll just try to ignore it." I said and Harry nodded.
"I never knew how it was to have parents." Harry said and as always he looked at his hands. "You are a Gryffindor for a reason. You're plainly brave and I admire the way you can live with all the things that happened to you." I said and blushed afterwards. Harry smiled and he looked at me. "I admire you the same way." he said. I put my head on his shoulder. We heard a noise in the bushes which made me jump.

Finally I can share this story with you❤️




Xoxo: Lara

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