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| Skylar Millias |

"Knew what?" he asked me.
"That you were behind this." I said angry.
"Sky it's not what it looks like." he said defensive and put his hands up.
"Whatever, let's just get this done!" I said and smacked my book on the table and opened the right page.
We only talked about homework related stuff and after 20 minutes we were done.
"Finally." Draco said.
I just nodded and stood up.
He forced her to say that, why was he such an idiot.

| Draco Malfoy |

Yes, Granger and I kind of had a deal but it was not planned that she would find out. I just wanted her to be impressed by me.
She stood up and walked away, we just finished our homework.
"Wait." I told her but I don't think she heard me because she was taking fast steps and already out of sight.
I ran after her, I saw her at the portrait of the Fat Lady the portrait just opened and she got in.
Shit. What now?
I can try it.

I walked to the portrait the Fat Lady looked at me in a suspicious way.
"Password?" she asked.
"Ehmm..ehmmm." I said and looked at my hands.
Think. I told myself.
"Half Blood."
Half Blood really ? How stupid was that.
"What kind of stupid password would that be." she started laughing.
"Ehmm.." I kept on thinking but couldn't say anything.
"Sorry no password, no entrance." she said. I started knocking on it like a door.
I probably looked like an idiot.
"Sky! Sky!" I screamed.
"Boy you need to calm down." the Fat Lady said. "I just wanna talk to Sky!" I said.
"Sorry but guess you have to do it another time." she said. I sighed.
I walked back to my Common Room.
"Pure Blood." I said the password and the passage revealed for me to enter the Slytherin Dungeon.
As soon as I entered my Common Room I saw Crabbe and Goyle sitting on the couch.
"Where were you?" Crabbe asked.
I wasn't in the mood to talk to them.
"Out." I just said.
"You've been acting weird lately." Goyle now said. I shook my shoulders.
"So you're not gonna tell us what's up?" Crabbe said.
"Nothings up!" I said and screamed at him.
"No need to raise your voice. Dramaqueen." he answered annoyed.
"Shut up!" I said.
"Stop. You're acting like you're in love." Goyle said. I immediately shut up and didn't say anything at all.
Since they didn't hear an answer they turned around to look at me.
Crabbe looked at med with wide eyes and Goyle had his mouth open.
"What?" I looked at them.
"You're in love." Crabbe whispered.
"No I'm not ! Shut up you guys are annoying."
I said frustrated and walked to my bed.
Trying to ignore the conversation I just had, I went to sleep.

The next day I entered the Great Hall to go to breakfast.
Yesterday was crazy, Potter needs to sort out his priorities. He walked up to me before breakfast and told me I should basically ignore Sky because he still loves her.
Whatever I don't even care about him.
I don't think Sky wants to get back with him to be honest.
Does she want to be together with me though?
How would that even work.
My parents would be ashamed of me I would betray the pride of my family because Sky is a half-blood. Yes I did some research. Don't judge.

"Watch out!" I hear someone yell.
Before I could react I walked into something. It was the edge of the Slytherin table.
Everyone started laughing, I grinded my teeth so that I would not start screaming at them.
I must've zoned out.
I sat down on my usual spot as always I could see Sky from where I am.
I saw her and Potter talking and Potter kept pointing at the exit of the Great Hall, Sky just nodded and then they both stood up.
I decided to follow then, without them knowing of course.
As soon as they thought they were alone Potter smashed his lips onto Sky's.
I wanted to punch him but what hurt more, was that she kissed him back.
They seperated fortunatly quick enough or else I would've attacked Potter.
"Sky I wanted to tell you that I still love you and I never really was over you." I heard him say to her.
"Harry I really appreciate it but I need some time to think about it. I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship again." she said and looked down. That's my girl.
"Alright." Potter said and they walked back to the Great Hall.
I didn't want to talk to anyone, at least Potter dated her before, she would never date me.
I returned to the Great Hall as well. "Draco you alright ?" Someone asked me and tipped my shoulder.
I looked up and rolled my eyes.
"Parkinson, fuck off." I said and turned back around I didn't want to look at her.
"Whatever." she mumbled and walked away from me.
I looked at Sky, she was staring at Ron because he was talking to her then my gaze fell onto Potter.
He was looking at her all the time.
I rolled my eyes at him.
I went to class, I think I had Defence Against The Dark Arts but I couldn't care less.

"Hello class."
"Hello." he all answered back, I wasn't paying attention because I just couldn't concentrate. My arm was on the table and my head leaning on it, it basically looked like I was asleep. "Mister Malfoy it would be nice of you if you wouldn't fall asleep." said the teacher after 10 minutes of lesson.
"I'm not asleep." I answered annoyed. The teacher turned away from me.

When class finally was over I bumped into someone and their books fell on the ground. I looked up and saw Granger.
I could see in her eyes, that she didn't want to see me right now but then she looked at me and said: "She predicted something."
I sighed. "She found out."
She looked at the ground and started picking up her books, which fell down.
"Well, can't really help you anymore. Good luck Malfoy." she said and walked away.
For the first time in my life I had to admit that Granger was right.
I had to do it myself.

I made my way back to the Common Room.
"C'mon! Can't you just leave me alone?" I asked annoyed as I saw Crabbe and Goyle basically waiting for me with their arms crossed as I entered the Common Room.
"Just tell us what's up." they said annoyed aswell. "Why would I?" I asked them.
They sighed. "Whatever Malfoy." then they walked away.
I sat down on the couch because I was exhausted and slowly closed my eyes.
10 minutes later I was asleep.

Something on my lips woke me up. I opened my eyes and saw Parkinson leaning over me and she was kissing me. What the hell?!
I immediately shoved her away from me or should I say I pushed her away.
"What the fuck are you thinking?" I looked at het.
"Dracieee I know you love me." she said and wanted to kiss me again.
"Which part of I don't love you don't you understand?" I asked angrily.
She rolled her eyes. "Why are you being so foolish ?" she said annoyed.
"I'm being foolish?!" I was basically screaming at her.
"You are the one that's being foolish !"
I screamed and she shook her shoulders.
"The school is gonna find out anyways." she said and walked away happily.
What did she mean?

In half an hour I had to go to school.
I sighed and made my way to breakfast I sat down at my usual spot and started eating.
After everyone was almost done Parkinson stood up and she swinged her wand and casted a spell. "Aparecium" she said and pointed at the wall behind the Slytherin Table. I looked back and saw a picture.
Not any picture. It was me and Parkinson kissing.
No, she did not just do that right?!
I heard some people gasp and then I turned around to look at Sky.
She looked disappointed and hurt.
It broke my heart.


Why even take a picture of it ? Right?
Parkinson just wanted to stir the pot 😂😂




Xoxo: Lara

Maybe it was Amortentia⚡️ •Draco Malfoy FF•  EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now