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| Skylar Millias |

 I covered my face with my hands.

"Hey! Hey! No!" I heard someone behind me, of course Draco.
"No, I just wanna be alone. Leave me alone."
"Do you like follow me or something." I said through sobs.
"I just want to help you." he said and offered me his hand.
"You didn't answer my question." I said to him.
"Did you just hear all of that?" I curiously asked. He nodded.
"I may or may not have been behind a tree." he said. What the hell? 
"Why would you hide behind a tree?"
"No, I just happened to see you and Harry talk and then I just hid behind the tree." he explained. "You weren't supposed to hear any of that." I said.

"He's still not worth it." he said to me in a low whisper and tried to wipe away my tears with his thumb.
"Don't cry or your make up will be smugded." he said and smiled.
"Wanna come to the Slytherin Common Room ?" he asked. "Rather not." I said scared.
"I won't be welcome there."
"At least walk me to the Common Room." he asked and pouted. I nodded.
We were infront to the Slytherin Portrait. "Thanks for walk-" Draco got interuped.
"Dracieeeeeee." I turned around and saw Parkinson. Dracie? Really that's lame.
Draco was still facing me and rolled his eyes. "No." He said loud enough only for me to hear.
"Dracie what you doing here with this ugly Gryffindor?" she asked and smirked.
"Shut the hell up and just fuck off." Draco said. I was shocked by his choice of words. She crossed her arms and looked annoyed.
"Whatever." She said the password to enter the Common Room.
"I hate her" he said. "I'm so sorry for her behavior you're not ugly." he said and I started laughing. "Dracie?" I asked him.
"Don't ever call me that, I hate it just as much as her. A lot." he said. "Dracieee don't be mad."
At this moment I was just making fun of him.
"Shush." he said. We laughed.
"Harry is so stupid to break up with you." he said and sighed. "Hmm.." I just answered.
"Well, I gotta go." Draco said. "Sure, see you at breakfast or whenever."
I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"You're blushing." I said. It's so unusual to see him blush. He touched his cheeks and became even redder. "Shut up."  I laughed. "Bye." I then said. He just waved goodbye.

Since I was tired, I directly went to bed and the next day Hermione woke me up.
"Sky! Sky!" she was shaking me so that I would wake up. "W-what ?" I asked still sleepy.
"Ron needs to talk to you, he said it was urgent."
I got out of bed and made myself look at least a little bit presentable.
"Here you are!" Ron screamed.
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"Draco's in the Hospital Wing." he tried to whisper, he probably didn't want anyone to hear him because no one liked Draco here in Gryffindor.
I thought it was so nice from Ron to still inform me. "Really? What happened ?" I asked him.
"Don't know. Guess you gotta see for yourself." Ron said.
I thanked him for informing me and I went to the Hospital Wing.
I saw him lay there. Holding his arm? He hurt his arm?

"Omg what happened ?" I asked him. He only then realised that I was in the room as well.
"I'm so glad you're here!" he said. He seemed kinda sick and was pale (he always was anyways). "Why are you so pale? Oh no nevermind." I said and smirked.
I just had to be a little tiny bit mean.
"Sky I swear to god." he was a bit angry.
"I'm sorry." I pouted.
"Your cute face won't help you. Get out." he said. "Noo, Draco I'm sorry." I said and leaned over and kissed him multiply times on the cheek.
"If I get one on the lips you're forgiven." he smirked. What a flirt.
"Don't know." I said and sat down beside his bed.
"C'mon or else I'll be sad." he said. Should I really kiss him ?
Why not.

I smiled and leaned over again as our lips meet. I felt sparks. He was a really good kisser.
I didn't want that kiss to stop but we both had to catch some air.
We separated we our foreheads were still touching. I was smiling like an idiot.
"Wow." Draco said.
"I think I'm feeling good now, we can leave the Hospital Wing." he said. I started blushing.
"You're forgiven 100%." he said and smirked.
"I hope so. Will you tell me what happened now?" I asked him.
"I fell." he said.
"I know you're lying." I said answering in the same tone.
"Okay, I got in a fight, no further explanation needed." he said.
"Feel better soon. I gotta go to breakfast though." I said.
"Please stay? Pleaseeee." he said.
Madam Pomfrey walked in.
"Miss Millias nice seeing you again." she said.
"Mister Malfoy, we'll just put a cast on your arm and you'll be fine. You can immediaetly leave after that." she said.
I decided to wait until they put the cast on Draco.
10 minutes passed and he came back with his cast.

We walked together to breakfast. "Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah, doesn't hurt that much anymore." he said. We entered the main room, where all the tables are. "See you later." Draco said and hugged me. "Yeah." I said and blushed.
Okay, calm down. I'll be seeing Harry and I won't cry. I told myself.
"Hello." I sat down and I looked at Harry. He had a bruised lip. "What happened?" I asked him. "Doesn't matter." he sad and looked down on his plate.
"Did you get in a fight?" I asked concerned. He nodded. "But doesn't matter." he then added.
I'm pretty sure he was in a fight with Draco. I turned around, to look at Draco, at the Slytherin Table. Then I looked at Harry again.
"You were in a fight with Draco." I stated. Harry looked at me with wide eyes.
"No, I wasn't." he said. "Liar." I told him. I got up. I wanted to know what happened.
I walked over to the Slytherin Table. Other Slytherin's were looking at me weirdly.
Draco looked at me in shock, because I never was at his table before.
I put my hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear: "Did you fight with Harry?"
Draco turned around to look at me.
"Later." he said and I had an annoyed face.
Crabbe and Goyle, which were sitting beside Draco, had the strangest look on their face.
"Omg Dracie is it bad ?" I heard a high pitched voice, Parkinson.
"Shut up." Draco said annoyed. I started laughing.
"I'll go." I said because I didn't really want to deal with her.
"No!" Draco pouted as I wanted to walk away he grabbed my wrist.
"Don't leave me with this." he said and pointed at Parkinson. I smiled.
"Sorry." I said and grinned.
I walked back to my table.

"C'mon Sky. Let's go to Herbology class." Hermione said and I nodded. Ron and Harry, were still talking and we walked alone together.
"I'm so confused." Hermione said.
"Why is that?" I asked her.
"I feel like Malfoy likes you but Harry's been down the whole day yesterday." she said.
"I was too, well because he broke up with me." I said and looked down.
"Wait what? He broke up with you?" she was shocked.
"Yeah, didn't he tell you and couldn't you tell at dinner?" I asked.
"No he didn't say anything at all and at dinner I was probably paying more attention to my book." she said.
"Whatever, let's just go to class." I said and shook my head.
"Yeah." Hermione said.

Class was boring but everyone was talking about Draco's arm.
"Did you see it?" "I bet he's faking it."
People were whispering.
Once the day ended, I went straight to Harry.
"Why did you fight with Draco?" I asked him.
"Oh my god Sky! I already said it doesn't matter !" he screamed.
I was annoyed because he wouldn't tell me. "Fine!" I scremed back. I'll ask Draco then.

I saw him walking with his friends. Since their backs were facing me, I waited for the right moment and grabbed him by his wrist.
I dragged him behind a wall with me so that no one could see us.
I pushed him against the wall, he was now facing me.
"If you wanted to kiss me, you could've just told me." Draco said smirking.
"Funny but no, we need to talk." I said.


Because he's pale and Sky loves to mention it. 🙏🏻




Xoxo: Lara

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