Twenty Two ⚡️

43 21 7

| Skylar Millias |

I'm kind of sad.
Draco is just ignoring me, he never even made the effort to ask me to hang out outside of school. If he's going to act like he doesn't know me, then I'll just do the same.
I had finished my project by now and I just decided to get some fresh air.
It was kind of chilly outside, I had to wear a jacket. I took a seat on a bench and started to think about life.
I remember the day, actually it was one of the first days of my third year, where Harry and I almost kissed and Draco "interupted" us.

So much has changed.
If someone would have told me that Draco would play a big role in my life, I would've probably slapped then to near death.
I smiled to myself but then I sighed because I remembered that for some reason Draco was ignoring me.
I stood up and walked around a bit more.
Then I noticed Harry sitting on a bench.
I made my way to him.
"Hey." I said and sat next to him.
"Hey." he said back.
"Why are you outside ?" I asked.
"Probably because of the same reason as you." he said and chuckled.
"You're thinking about life then ?"
He nodded.
"A lot has changed and it made me realise that you just don't have control over your life." he said.
"Yeah, I know it sucks sometimes but I always like to say everything happens for a reason." I started to feel cold, so I told Harry that I would go back inside.

I just entered warm Hogwarts and I saw a blonde haired boy standing there.
"Hey." he said.
I crossed my arms. "What do you want." I asked a bit harsh on purpose.
"Listen, I can't explain right now, everything will make sense in like a week." he said.
"Whatever." I answered and walked away.
He was confusing me.
I do wonder what goes through his mind, sometimes.
"Love you." I heard him say as I walked away.
I just continued to walk, without turning around.
It took me so much, to not just turn around and go back to him but I couldn't.
Why did I have to fall for Draco, couldn't I just fall for Harry or Ron, it would be so much easier and people wouldn't care as much.

Today was the day, we had our Potions presentation. Our schedule changed.
We basically had Potions, for as long as it took us to get through all the presentations.
"These presentations are actually quite important, it makes 50% of your final grade, so take it serious." the teacher was excited, everyone could see it in his expression. He had the biggest smile on his face.
I was just sitting in class and hoping I could just get it over with. Luckily I wasn't nervous.

"First of, Zabini" the teacher said.
I'm quite sure we went through about half the students. I already had mine, I didn't even care what the teacher or the class thought about it.
Usually after the presentation the teacher would give a feedback but I just stood there and nodded every now and then.
Being honest, I just cared about what Draco had to present.
I wanted to know ever since this whole thing started and today I finally would get to know.
"How I always like to say. The best for last, Mr. Malfoy please." the teacher said and showed Draco to go up.
He was smiling.
I guess he doesn't really care.
He's been happy and I was questioning our acquaintance. The class watched his every move, I did too.
In his hands, were a couple of papers, probably notes. "Okay, first off I want to clarify something." he said. I watched him closely.
"I don't care about stereotypes or any type of rule or norm. If anyone has something against that, just leave you're a bad person." I watched him agaped.
I don't know where this is going but I like it.
He waited and since no one left he continued.
"Let's start then." he cleared his throat.
"the topic was "present something you love" and I came to the conclusion to talk about Skylar Millias" he said.
Hold on. I'm not dreaming right ? Okay just checking. What the fuck is going on. I raised my eyebrows. Everyone looked at me.
Wow this is awkward.
I raised my hand. I wanted to ask if I could leave. "Questions are getting answered at the end." Draco said.
I put my hand back down frowning.
"So I'm a Slytherin, she's a Gryffindor. I decided to talk about her because I remember her saying to me that I should grow some balls and confess my love." he stopped.
"Today's the day, my balls grew and I'm ready."
People started chuckling and smiling. I had to hold in a laughter.
"I've been an asshole to her ever since this project started, the only reason for that was, that she wouldn't see or hear anything about this." It really made sense now. "She told me to go fuck myself and all that, which I completely understand."
"Language." the teacher said but still smiled.
Others just started laughing.
"Anyways, yeah that's the reason I was ignoring you." he looked at me. I was still sceptical and had my arms crossed because I didn't know what else Draco had to say.
"Like I said, I not only want to make this presentation about Sky,"
Thank the lord.
"but also about love in general." he continued.
Everyone looked at him shocked.
"I know, I know. A Malfoy and love ? Don't worry I know what you're thinking."
Where is this going ?
"Trust me, if you find the right person, everything changes. One day you will find someone, whom you are willing to give everything, just to keep their company."
"I never knew what love was, my parents don't believe in love, they believe in marrying a pure blood Slytherin."
I nodded my head. So true.
"Now I know what love is and only thanks to Sky."
Some girls "aw-ed". I could feel the redness rising in my cheeks. He went on and on about love and everyone listened carefully.
"So basically my point is, I grew a pair and I'd like to say, that this is my love confession."
Everyone sharply breathed in air, as Draco started walking up to me.
"Sky, would you like to be my official girlfriend ?" he asked me.
"No." I said and acted like I was being serious. Draco looked at me, in shock.
"I'm just kidding, yes of course."

Everyone started clapping and cheering. He kissed me and I felt really flattered. It was too good to be true . As if someone just read my mind, not even a split second later, everything went dark. I took a glimpse outside and the sky was pitch black. All the students started freaking out. The light was turned off in the classroom and no one knew what to do.

"Lumos." I said and my wand created light in the room. Draco was still standing in front of me. He was shocked as well. It felt like the biggest storm was about to happen. Thunder and lightnings could be heard uncontrollably from outside. "Come on ! Everyone needs to get out of this classroom !" the teacher screamed. "Nox." I said and the light was off again. I felt an arm dragging me somewhere. I could tell I was out of the Potions classroom because in the Great Hall there were candles on. Finally I could see something. Draco was the one pulling me. For some odd reason I started feeling anxious. "Draco what's happening ?" I asked him scared. The whole Hogwarts was in the Great Hall.
Draco stroked my hair to calm me. "Don't worry everything's okay." he said.

"We are in great danger." Dumbledore's voice filled the hall. I gulped. Draco stopped comforting me. I looked up to him and I could see the concern in his face.
"Draco ?" his face turned to me. "It's your parents isn't it ?" I asked. He nodded and a tear left his eyes. I hugged him. I knew it. Death Eathers. It took a second look at the sky and there it was. The dark mark in it's whole glory. I gasped. Draco turned his attention to me. He looked in the direction where I was looking and he just nodded without saying anything.
"We are now gonna go out there and show them what magic really means." Dumbledore said. I didn't want to fight them. I knew that Voldemort just wanted Harry.
A couple of people decided to start walking away, I just stood there.


It's the Death Eaters....


🎉 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣8️⃣ 🎉




xoxo: Lara

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