Chapter 29

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Neal Cassidy.

The man on the screen did not even try to hide his face or his intentions. There was a cruel look that twisted his usually pleasant features.

Killian felt his hands curl into a tight fist as the anger flowed through him.

He had trusted him! He was the General Manager of his company for gods sake!

"Why?" Robin's voice sounded just as shocked as Killian felt.

"Money? Power?" Graham listed a few of the most obvious reasons for this level of betrayal.

The footage followed Neal as he entered the same office as Emma. Killian found himself turning around, unable to watch Emma being attacked. His heart was pounding and the adrenaline pumping through his veins just fueled his anger.

"Find him!" The growl exploded with more force than he had intended.

Killian heard furious tapping on the keyboards as his two trusted security experts got to work tracking Neal.

Before turning around Killian drew in several much needed deep and calming breathes.

Graham had powered up all of the security monitors so they could pin point where Neal was located. Robin had his phone to his ear and was ordering security to be beefed up at the exits and for them to be on the look out for Neal.

Killian's eyes darted rapidly between all of the screens hoping he would luck out immediately.

"Bring up all of the corridors and elevators."

If they were going to find him they needed to watch all of the escape avenues. Graham tapped a few keys and brought the requested live feed to the fore front.

"There." Robin jabbed his finger. The screen showed Neal running towards closing elevator doors.

Killian froze as he located the appropriate elevator feed.



He burst into the parking garage screaming her name out desperately.


"Killian." Her voice was timid and tired.

Killian rushed towards Emma and fell to his knees in front of her. His eyes soaked in every inch of her, widening when they noticed the shape she was in. Emma's hair was disheveled and blood was seeping out from a small cut on her lower lip. Killian had never seen her so vulnerable and it made him feel so powerless.

His felt the muscles in his back tense and his jaw clench as the anger built inside of him. His rage must have been obvious as Emma reached out to tug on his sleeve. Her small fingers clutched tightly at the material as she pulled him towards her. Emma rose up slightly and Killian put his arm around her lower back. He pulled her to him, tightly against his chest and Emma's arms circled around his waist.

Killian closed his eyes as he nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck. The relief he felt at holding her overwhelmed him and he felt the wetness of tears roll down his face.

"Take me home." Emma whispered into his ear.

Killian didn't need to be asked twice.


Killian rested his shoulder against the door frame as he gazed into the moonlit room. He found himself watching Emma as she slept peacefully in the bed. The doctor had left over an hour ago and he had yet to budge from this spot.

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