The Mirror Doesn't Lie

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An aeon so distantly lost in time, so very long ago

When imagination was still inspiring what today we’ve come to know

I want to share with you a fable that I believe is ever so great

The fable of the three mages and the mirrors they did create:

 The first mage was a powerful being who dreamed of that which he could not achieve

With tools of lost dreams he crafted a magic mirror and polished it with his belief.

Some may have heard of the mirror of Erised of which Rowling did speak,

It reflects ones heartiest desires but there is no knowledge or truth that from it one can reap

This mage was a powerful being but foolish as he lacked knowledge of the heart

That is why for tormenting himself with unattainable desires, he shredded his soul apart.

 With her companion gone the second mage grew miserable and travelled in search of death

Death said it was not her time and so her empty heart grew colder and by pure evil she was possessed.

She then used her magic to craft with tools of evil, the dreadful mirror of Grim

A mirror that showed all beauty as ugly and the ugly as beautiful sin

The third mage of knowledge attempted to destroy this evil forgery of glass

Alas, the second mage intervened and upon the Earth the pieces of Grim were cast.

Some may have heard of Mr Anderson’s tale of the Snow Queen and of the young boy named Kai,

Little Kai’s nightmares became the dreams of his reality when the Grim glass fell in his eye.

The second mage with her hoarfrost heart proclaimed herself the Queen of Snow

Her duty to collect every piece of the Grim glass and even the glass splinters that in the wind blow.

Kai was the key for he had the eye to solve the puzzle that were the broken pieces of Grim,

Poor Kai would have to die for the Snow Queen needed every piece and last piece was within him.

 The third mage thought his duty to save Kai and liberate all who suffer at the hand of the second mage

So he crafted a mirror with golden tools and polished it with honesty and wisdom that comes with age,

He added to this mirror an ever so tiny speck of Grim and a splinter of Erised

With detail that reflected purity and light, the mirror of Truth was created.

He gave this mirror to a young girl named Gerda for her mission was the life of Kai to save

She ventured to the Snow Queen’s castle and found that the danger Kai was in, was grave.

He lay lifeless and cold like the hoarfrost heart of the Snow Queen, the evil second mage

She cried out with joy as what stood before her was her dear mirror of Grim the evil she did create.

 Gerda threw the mirror of Truth and watched it shatter the Snow Queen’s most prized possession

Enraged the second mage made ice flow through Gerda’s veins, death was her intention.

The mirror of truth called the Snow Queen’s name and she obeyed and went its way

The Snow Queen howled and yelled at the mirror for she did not want to hear what it had to say,

She let out a blood-curdling cry and became the icy tears that left her eyes

Gerda and Kai were once again safe and the second mage now gone made Earth a better place.

 The mirror of Grim now destroyed and the mirror of Erised now lost

But the mirror of Truth still roams the Earth being mistaken for fancy glass

You may have heard of Snow White’s stepmother and her fancy mirror on the wall;

The magical mirror that spoke the grim truth she was obsessed with that lead her to her fall.

When one looks in the mirror they choose the way in which they want to interpret what they see

The mirror of Truth is so powerful because it speaks the harsh truth we choose not to believe

One may make themselves blind to the cruel world around but mirror of Truth will open your eyes

It is ever so sad what became of the third mage for he unfortunately he died.

He could not handle the truth that the mirror spoke because the mirror doesn’t lie.

This is one of my entires to a local competition, hope you enjoyed it. Any comments?

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