I'm Proud to be Colour Blind

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I'm Proud to be Colour Blind

I don't care how sophisticated you are or if you're from the hood

All my focus is on your heart to see whether you're evil or good

Seeing through colour and taking time to analyze a personality

Means you don't discriminate and don't mind a colourful reality

Apparently my colour does match the way I speak

Nowadays it's not ok to be who you are or to be unique

'Dumbing' it down won't get anybody anywhere

Sometimes I think it would be easier if we were all fair

If we were all colour blind we wouldn't be captive by colour

It would be much easier to live our lives among one another

If we could really break the chains of racial captivity

We could be who we are and not were judged to be

I'm a living rainbow, my blood from two different countries but my heart here in SA

My friends hardly match the colour of my skin so I have labels placed on me everyday

People have problems with snow and asphalt but not coffee and cream

If those many years of oppression were so that together we could be...

Then why do I still wish my reality were Martin Luther's Dream

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