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I touched my hands to my mouth.
My face flamed as I thought about Justin kissing me.
Never in my life had I been kissed like that.
I heard footsteps approach, so I grabbed my bowl and spoon from the table and moved to the sink to clean up. I felt guilty enough having barged in on my roommates, without eating their food as well. I didn't usually eat at the house. My meals were free at work, but I was starving when I woke up this morning. I had some change in tips and decided I would go grocery shopping after work this evening. Drying my bowl, I turned to put it the press, freezing on the spot when I took in Justin's half-naked body.
He was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, dressed only in black pants. He was waving a white shirt in front of him. I hadn't seen him three days and I was drooling. My breath hitched as my gaze locked on his chest, his pecs, those abs, that dusting of hair from his belly button, trailing under his pants..."I think we may have gotten off to a bad start," he said, grinning sheepishly. "So, how about a truce?"
I couldn't stop the nervous giggle that escaped my throat. I wanted to stay angry with him, but he was making that close to impossible standing there waving his 'white flag.' I forced my eyes away from his ribbed stomach and pulled my nightdress down, suddenly feeling very naked. Even though I was covered to the knee it wasn't enough around this man. "A truce?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant and not to let the nervousness I was feeling slip into my voice. "I hadn't realized we had waged a war?"
He grinned even broader, his dimple deepened.
Oh god...
He moved away from the doorframe and strolled over to me. "Well, maybe not full on war, but we definitely had a little wrangling going on," he chuckled. "So, let's call a truce on any foreseen battles that may develop into full scale war."
Justin took the bowl I was holding, went and poured some cereals into it. "You're weird," I said.
He laughed harder. The gentleness of his smile made the sharp angles of his handsome face soften. My stomach clenched as he poured some milk in my bowl and grabbed my unwashed spoon. Leaning against the counter, he scooped some up some cereal. "Your honesty wounds me, princess," he said before shoveling a spoon of cereal into his mouth.
My heart rate spiked when he called me that. "I'm sorry," I apologized. He was trying to be nice and I insulted him.
"Don't be," he said in between bites. "You were being honest." He shifted off the counter, tossing the bowl in the sink after only a few mouthfuls, and walked across the room.
What a waste of good food.
"I was being weird," he continued while opening the refrigerator door. "And I was an asshole to you."
Huh. I wasn't sure what to say to that. He had been an asshole and it had taken him three days, but admitting it so honestly threw me. I didn't know what to make of him. I stared at Justin's backside as he bent down rummaging inside the fridge. Oh, boy could he fill those pants. Pulling out a bottle of water, he turned and caught me staring.
He smirked and every ounce of blood in my body rushed to my cheeks. He flipped the lid and swallowed deeply; his eyes remained locked on mine. Tilting his head to one side, he frowned. "You look young. How old are you?"
I was stumped by the seriousness in his voice.
Why did he ask that?
I was instantly wary.
"What does my age matter?"
Justin groaned loudly. "Because I don't particularly want to get arrested for harboring a minor in my house, is why it matters."
I gaped at him. Justin owned the house? I thought he was just renting like the rest of us. "I'm eighteen, which means I'm legally an adult."
He exhaled and the look of relief on his face was as clear as day. He nodded and turned to leave.
"Wait?" I shouted, my feet moved towards him, my hand snagged on his arm. "You said this was your house?"
He turned slowly and nodded. "Yeah, why?"
Now he was the one to look wary.
His eyes rested on my hand on his arm. I stepped away quickly, removing my hand. "You don't mind?" I stuttered. "I mean, are you okay with me being here? I got a job, so it won't be for too long, I promise." I prayed to god he didn't mind.
Please don't let him mind.
He scrunched his brow. "You got a job? Doing what?" He sounded surprised.
"Cleaning, so I can start paying you rent as soon as I get my paycheck."
He had a contemplative look on his face for a moment, before masking it with indifference. "I'm cool with you staying here. The room's yours for as long as you want, but keep your money."
What was he saying? "Justin, I can't stay here rent free. Why would you even say that?" He had thrown me.
"You're just a kid and it sounds like you need a break." He shrugged and moved away from the counter he was leaning against and stood in front of me. "Well, I'm giving you one."
I looked up at his face. His hazel eyes were so penetrating I felt like he could see inside my head. My body moved closer to him-an action I wasn't entirely in control of. He seemed to draw me to him. "I'm eighteen, Justin. I'm not a child. You make it sound like you're so much older than me," I said, trying to lighten the mood, which was now tense. He stroked his thumb against my chin and then jerked away from me. He ran a hand through his hair. "No Max, you're definitely not a child," he muttered. What did that mean? I was totally dumbfounded.
"I'm paying you, I can't stay here otherwise."
He shrugged with indifference and walked to the door. "Fine, fifty bucks a week. Take it or leave it," he said and left the kitchen.


I picked up some food in the grocery store after my shift. The conversation I had with Justin this morning was still running through my mind.
I was disturbed at why he would offer to let me stay rent-free just like that. I could not fathom him. I said as much to Cam as soon as I got home.
"Wait," Cam mumbled in confusion. "Justin said you can stay here for free." She shook her head. "No conditions?"
I nodded.
"I don't understand that dude," she said. Well neither did I. "You must have made quite an impression on him," she mused.
"I obviously said no, Cam," I said quickly. "I told him I couldn't stay here if he didn't accept my money. He told me he charges fifty dollars per week. Is that what you pay?"
Cam's eyes widened and she practically choked on the cookie she was nibbling. Oh great. Justin felt sorry for me. And somehow his pity was worse than Cam's. She patted my arm. "Look Max, the guy is obviously trying to make up for being such a douche. I say let him. It's not as if you can afford much more right now. And trust me, Justin can."
Whether that was true or not, I didn't want them to think of me as a charity case. "You should have warned me he owned this place, Cam," I said.
Cam threw her hands up. "Justin's private about things. He doesn't like people knowing how much he has."
I sighed deeply. "You still should have told me."

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