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I had always dreaded Saturday mornings in Montgomery. After four months of living in Boulder, I could safely say I still did–for less painful, but far more embarrassing reasons. We were in Deacon, Cam's favorite department store. The very store she dragged me to on my first day off work every weekend. I hated shopping, but Cam coveted her customary Saturday splurges and always dragged me along with her.
The boys had come with us today, but had gone off in the direction of the liquor store. There was a party tonight at Dixon's and Derek and Justin had decided that the case of beer at home wasn't enough, and they were low on supplies–even though our refrigerator was crammed with beer. I partially guessed it was an excuse to evade Cam. I wished I had gone with them, but my arms were Cam's shopping basket and were currently holding more bras and panties than I owned.
I hoped the other shoppers didn't think they were for me. I could never be as saucy as miss agent provocateur in front of me. I held up a pair of the panties for closer inspection and blushed immediately. "Crotch-less panties?"
"Really, Cam?"
She smirked as her eyes glided over the rails of dresses. "What? Derek may get hungry." Uh, I thought I might vomit. I made a gagging noise. "Seriously, babe, you would look fierce in this dress. Try it on for me?"
I paled when I saw the dress Cam was suggesting. "No way, put it back." Calling that scrap of material a dress was pushing it. It looked more like underwear. It was a short sparkly little number, red in color, with a deep plunge line.
"Oh, come on, it's fabulous and you'll look smoking hot wearing it tonight."
That was never going to happen. "If my daddy thought I was wearing clothes like that he'd whoop me from here back to Louisiana, Camryn Frey."
Cam grinned wickedly. "It's a good thing your daddy isn't here then, isn't it." She walked towards the counter and I practically tackled her.
"No, Cam, please put it back...besides, I'm not going to the party, so buying me something to wear is pointless." I tried to grab the dress from her hands, but the damn giant held it up out of my reach.
"Chill Max, don't be so square," Cam laughed as she handed the dress to the girl behind the counter. "Oh and FYI, you are going to the party tonight. I am tired of watching you hide away from life. It's high time you got off the side-lines and jumped into the game."
I reddened and huffed loudly. That was not going to happen. I liked the sidelines. "Hell will freeze over before I wear that, Camryn. Put it back. Please." She ignored my pleas as I stood there pouting.
"Easy, princess." Justin's voice came from behind me. I automatically jumped.
"Who rattled your cage?" Derek asked, glancing from me to Cam with an amused expression. Great the guys arrived to witness my shame. I winced.
"Oh guys, maybe you can tell little Max here to loosen up." Cam handed her card over to the cashier, who swiped it through the machine, then bagged the dress. "She's having a coronary over a little dress shopping for the party tonight."
I glared at Cam. "Little, being the operative word. And I told you I'm not going."
Justin raised his brow in surprise. "Whatcha buy?" I could hear the humor in his tone.
"Nothing, I didn't buy anything and I won't be wearing anything," I grumbled.
"Whoa, Max, it's not that kind of party," Derek joked, covering his eyes with one hand and pretending to beat me away with the other. I grabbed the bag from Cam before she could embarrass me any further by showing them. "I can't believe you actually got the ice queen to buy something other than jeans. I'm shocked," Derek joked as he slung his arm around Cam's shoulder. They both laughed.
"Are you guys done?" I snapped, storming off in the direction of the exit.
"Awh, come on, ice queen, we were joking. Come back." I heard Derek call out, but I was too upset to stop. I walked out straight out of the store and made my way to the entrance of the shopping mall.
"Hold up."
An arm swooped around my waist and I stopped, my heartbeat soaring from his familiar touch. Justin pulled me closer, speaking into my ear. "They're only trying to get a reaction out of you, baby."
My heartbeat jumped clean off the rector scale. "I'm not like that." I shivered and turned to face him. "I can't wear things like that. Like what Cam wears."
Justin knitted his brow. "Come on, I'm taking you out of here." He clutched my hand and led me outside.
"Wait. What about Cam and Derek?" We all drove here together in Justin's truck. We couldn't leave Cam and Derek behind.
Justin pulled his phone out and fiddled with it for a few seconds before putting it back in his pocket. "They can get a bus, or walk. I really don't give a shit. I'm taking you for food." We got to his truck and he opened the passenger door for me. "I texted Derek, so don't worry about them." He lifted me up without a second thought and I sank into the passenger seat, my heart continuing to somersault around in my chest. Walking around the truck, Justin climbed in beside me. "You okay?" he asked as he buckled me in. It was routine for us now.
"Yeah," I breathed, completely mortified at my reaction in the store. "I'm sorry for being dramatic. I don't know why I reacted like that. I just hate when Derek calls me that. I know he's only joking, but it hurts..." I ducked my head and let my hair cover my burning cheeks. I blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill.
Justin's fingers pressed my chin up gently. Those golden eyes penetrated me. "He was an asshole to you. He won't be again. You're not used to being on show like that. Cam should know better."
I sighed, leaning slightly into his touch. I felt so comfortable in his presence. It felt so good when he touched me. "She was trying to be nice, buying me a dress, and I behaved like a lunatic."
He unbuckled my belt and yanked me into his arms. He smelled so good. I felt secure in his arms. "I could kill them for upsetting you."
I giggled nervously. "Please don't. I'm fond of them–minus the assholeness."
He exhaled dramatically. "Okay, for you, I'll let it go." Justin sat back and re-buckled our belts. "So, there's no chance I'm gonna see you in that dress, is there?"
He was trying to lighten the mood.
Chuckling, I held the bag closer to my chest. "Not in a million years."

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