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*Explicit scene in this chapter*


"I woke with a pain in my ass. Quite literally, my butt really hurt. I winced, recalling the walk home last night. I had slipped on a damn banana skin. I thought those types of accidents only happened in cartoons, but no, it had happened to me in real life. Six-inch heels and banana skins were a lethal combination.
I had taken off my heels after that and walked the remaining four blocks barefoot. Which brought me to my second ailment. My feet were killing me. I guessed I'd cut them on the gravelly concrete. I had been so exhausted by the time I made it home last night that I had gone straight to bed, fully clothed...well, still in the red dress. Sleep had found me quickly, but not before my bedroom door had opened.
At first I had thought I was dreaming. But then he'd sat on the edge of my bed, stroking my hair softly, and I'd known I was fully awake. I had stayed still and feigned sleep. His lips had gently brushed my forehead before he'd whispered, "Goodnight, princess."


I climbed out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and headed back to my room to grab my toiletry bag. Picking up my dressing gown from the back of my door, I crossed the hall to the bathroom. I could barely see my hands in front of me with steam from the shower as I stripped off my dress and stepped inside.
"Princess?" a familiar husky voice said from behind me. I screamed and a hand shot over my mouth, muffling my screams. "Relax. It's okay."
Sweet Jesus.
"Justin?" I squealed, moving his hand from my mouth. "You nearly gave me a heart attack. What the hell are you doing in here?"
He laughed quietly. "Uh, showering Oh, hell no, he did not steal my hot water.
"No, I'm showering. Get the hell out of here." My voice was gruff, probably because I was more turned on than angry.
"No can do," he chuckled. "I was here first, but I'm not selfish, I can share." He was joking, or at least I thought he was...
It was so much easier for him, he saw us only as friends. He wasn't aware of my feelings or my raging hormones focused on him, always on him. "Justin, Get out. Now!" I growled and he laughed – the jerk laughed at me. With my back to him, I tried to shove him out with my butt.
His arms came around me, his fingers splayed across my stomach, dangerously low. "Play nice, baby."
Play nice? Baby? I was about to self-combust in here. 

"Close your eyes," I demanded.

"Yes, ma'am," he chuckled.

Oh he was going to play this game with me? Fine, two could play at that. Covering my eyes with my hand, I drew up all my courage and turned in his arms to face him. "Pass the soap, please?" I asked, holding out my other hand, palm up. If he was comfortable in his nudity then dammit, I could be too, or at least pretend to be. I heard him suck in a gasp. "Don't you dare peek, Justin Bieber," I warned.
He didn't answer.
No soap appeared either.
I peeked through a gap in my fingers.
Justin's eyes were glued to my body.
I whimpered, covering my breasts with my hands. This was too much. My skin tingled, my breath quickened. Justin backed up a step. He was directly under the showerhead now and water was trickling down his face. He tilted his head to the side.
I sucked in a sharp breath.
There was a hungered glint to his eyes as they raked over every inch of my body. The hazel of his eyes was barely visible, smothered by the blackness of his dilated pupils. His jaw strained. Heat pooled between my legs. I needed him to touch me... It was now or never.
Every intimate moment we shared, every longing, every urge I felt for him, boiled into this moment. I dropped my hands to my sides, exposing myself to him.
His eyes darted to my face.
He looked conflicted.
I stood still, waiting to see what he would do.
He bit his bottom lip, his tongue snaked out to lick over it. He stepped towards me. Taking my hands, he wrapped them around his neck. I shivered, my heart thundered inside my chest.
I stepped towards him and closed the space between our naked bodies.
Our eyes locked.
Justin wrapped his arms around my back. He lowered his face and I raised my lips to meet his. This was it, the moment I had been praying for since the last time he'd kissed me.
His lips touched mine and there was tenderness in his kiss I never thought him capable. This kiss held none of the raging intensity of our other kisses. It felt like he was savoring me. Four months of intense desire for him surged through me. I flung myself into his arms, knotting my fingers in his hair.
Our wet bodies collided, slipping and sliding against each other. His back hit the wall behind him. His hands dropped to my waist and I pressed my breasts against his stomach, urging him on. I could feel his strong heartbeat thundering against my chest.
His mouth opened in a gasp and I slipped my tongue inside. I felt his hardness against my belly and my body shivered with desire. I felt his want, was thrilled that he felt more for me than friendship. I wanted more than this tenderness.
I wanted it all.
He was trembling, but his hands stayed on my waist, unmoving. I whimpered into his mouth, pressing against him harder. He didn't move.
Rejection coursed through me
and I tore my mouth away.
He didn't want me...
Panting for air, I practically threw myself out of the shower.
I wrapped my dressing gown around myself and ran out of the bathroom.
I heard him swear loudly from my bedroom door before I slipped inside.



I let her leave.
What the hell was wrong with me?
I stood under the water, which was now freezing, but I couldn't move. I was still as hard as a rock. Max had handed herself to me on a soapy naked platter and I'd frozen like some virgin teenager. "Fück." I smacked my fist on the tiles. "Goddammit."
I flicked off the water and climbed out. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I tried to get the mental image of her naked body out of my mind.
The look of desire on her face, her eyes full of trust would be branded in my memories for the rest of my life.
That face was the reason I kissed her.
Those eyes were the reason I stopped.
I didn't deserve her trust. I couldn't give her what she deserved and Max deserved a hell of a lot better than me. Knowing I didn't deserve her didn't stop my body wanting her though, and the images of her full breasts dripping with water–those perky rosebud nipples were haunting me.
When I thought of lower down...her smooth stomach, curved hips, the small triangle of curls...Fuck.
I needed a drink.



Derek was standing in front of the stove, stirring some concoction of his when I walked into the kitchen. He looked at me, stopped stirring, and narrowed his eyes. "What did you do?"
I blushed scarlet. "What are you talking about?" I asked as I fluttered around the room. I couldn't stand still.
"Well, you're all fidgety and you look as guilty as sin."
I stopped moving around, went and sat in a chair. "Nothing, I'm just bored," I mumbled. He could read me too well. I wondered what Derek would say if I told him I'd tried to seduce Justin in the shower ten minutes ago?
Probably laugh his ass off because it was so stupid.
He studied me for a second before shaking his head and returning to stirring. I sighed in relief.
Cam barreled into the room seconds later. "Hey guys," she squealed happily.
Derek's attention went straight to Cam, his eyes softened, his mouth curled into a gooey intimate smile.
A stab of jealousy spiked through me.
I wanted a man to smile at me like that. Correction, I wanted Justin to smile at me like that. "Why are you so happy?" I said, a little too grouchy. I felt bad immediately. It wasn't Cam's fault she had a man whose eyes lit up when he saw her and smiled at her like she was the only girl in the world.
"Oh, whose glass is half empty today?" she joked, ruffling my hair. "I just organized a bash for Saturday," she said gleefully.
I groaned internally.
"Another party Cam?" Justin's voice said from behind me.
I tensed and lowered my head, debating on the quickest exit. I couldn't run out though. Cam and Derek would think I'd lost my mind. He strolled over to the sink and I tried to keep my eyes off his naked back, I really did. Why did he have to walk around half-naked? It was almost October and it was cold, although the temperature in my body peaked at the sight of him.
"Yes, another party, old man," Cam said in a sarcastic voice.
The chair beside me scraped and Justin sat down. I didn't have to look up to know it was him. My body was so aware of him. It sizzled when he was near. His scent engulfed my senses. Fresh soap and maleness clouded my airways. His hand touched my knee and I jerked my face up. Justin was looking at me with a questioning expression. "Are you okay?" he mouthed.
I nodded.
He squeezed my knee and I couldn't take it anymore. "I need to go...do something," I muttered.
I got up and walked out of the room.


A/N: I changed Crystals name to Maxine - Max for short - because i didn't really think Crystal suited the story properly, so i'm very sorry if its confusing but.. oh well

Only a short chapter for today, hope you enjoyed it please vote/comment/share 

Love you all

- Katie

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