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I didn't see Max around much after our talk in my truck. Well, my talk. She hadn't said more than a few words. I couldn't figure out what she'd thought when I told her that we had to stop, but it was pretty obvious from her absence around the house that she was avoiding me. I saw her at work, but I kept my distance. I didn't want her to be uncomfortable.
Linda had her covering a few shifts waitressing in the main restaurant. I wanted to tell Linda to fück off and keep Max upstairs out of harm's way-and out of view of all the bastards who ogled her. I also wanted to rip the tight little black server skirt and white blouse off her hot body, but I couldn't do a thing. Linda was already suspicious as to why I kept Max on, instead of firing her as I originally planned. I couldn't be angry with Linda for being suspicious. The woman had razor sharp intuition and she knew my ass better than anyone.
She was on to me and I knew it.
I never could hide much from Linda, not even when she showed up at the McMullen's Center with my grandfather to take me away from my final foster home. I had been a lonely twelve-year-old kid with a dirty mouth and an even worse attitude. I'd never told anyone-because frankly it made me a pussy-that I'd thought Linda was an angel that day. Sent down from heaven to take me away from all the shït. She helped my grandfather raise me...well, truth be told the woman had practically raised me herself, and I hadn't made it easy. I was pretty fücked up back then. I had given both Linda and grandpa hell for the first couple of years.
Frank Henderson was all right for an old guy, smart and shrewd, but he hadn't the slightest clue of what to do with a pissed off teenage boy who was angry at the world. I still wondered what the hell he'd been thinking when he claimed me. Don't get me wrong I was grateful, really fücking grateful to get out of the system, but I could never understand his reasons for doing it. He'd uprooted his life-and his hotel manager's-to play mommies and daddies with me. I understood even less the day I walked into his lawyer's office and was handed the deeds to his business.
Twenty hotels and three properties...
Everything Frank Henderson had worked his whole life for, he'd entrusted to me.
He'd been a proud man and we'd gotten along, but sometimes I wondered if I'd ever really known the man. Linda was all I had left in the world that I could call family. I had blood relatives in the form of my father, his wife and their son. However I'd rather chew my fücking arm off than concern myself with them. I could barely tolerate them and had no remorse for feeling that way. My father didn't deserve remorse. And the only feelings I had for him were of pure hatred. Hatred for knocking up a sixteen-year-old girl with a fondness for white powder, and walking away without a care for the repercussions.
I was a big motherfucker repercussion.
It was no wonder I was such an asshole. Having a cold-hearted whore for a father didn't exactly bring out warmth and fuzziness in a person. I was an asshole for pushing Max away though-for being the reason she locked herself away in her room as soon as she came home from work.
I guess the apple never falls too far from the tree.
It was better this way. This way she wouldn't get hurt. As much of a heartless prick that I was, I never wanted to hurt Max. Cam was right in what she had said. Max was fragile.
I knew from Derek that Max had been out with Cam and him. It just put proof to the pudding that it was me she was avoiding. I should feel relieved that she was keeping away from me, but instead, I just felt... empty.
My phone rang and I answered it without checking the screen.
"Hey handsome," she said in her usual fake, sultry tone. It sounded like someone was scraping their nails down a chalkboard when she spoke.
"What's up, Rachel?" I leaned back in my chair, shifting my feet to rest on my desk and reminded myself to check my fucking caller ID in the future.
"I'm in the lobby. I thought we could have lunch?" Yeah right... Having lunch with Rachel meant she was looking for something. And that something usually came with a big fat price tag.
"Grab a seat in the main restaurant," I muttered, dejected. "I'll be there soon"



"What can I get you?" I stood with my notepad and pen in hand, braced to take their orders. Justin was sitting in a corner booth with Rachel next to him.
She was sneering at me.
He was staring wide-eyed and fumbling with his keys.
I focused on keeping my breathing even. I wanted to run away and cry.
"How's your hand, little girl?" she sniggered.
I didn't dare make eye contact with the evil redhead. She really didn't like me. It didn't take a genius to figure that much out. I pretended not to hear her and focused my attention on Justin instead. It was the first time I'd faced him since the office incident.
He had the decency to blush. "I'll have a milkshake and the soup please, Max."
I nodded and wrote his order down.
Rachel clicked her fingers against the table and I forced myself to look at her with as much of a smile that I could muster. "Max? What kind of a name is that for a girl?"
I cringed, my face glowing with embarrassment. "It was my momma's name. I was named after her." She smirked, her green eyes gleaming. "Well then, your momma's name is disgusting." The pen fell from my hands as I struggled to reign in my temper. That bitch crossed the line bringing up my mother. "Would you mind taking my order?" she said. "I know you're a little slow on the uptake, but that is what your job entails."
I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face. They were angry tears. I bent down to pick up the pen.
"Back off, Rach," I heard Justin say quietly, which only made me cry more. Why did he have to be involved with such evil?
"Are you okay, Max?" Mike asked as he bent down and handed me my pen. I shook my head. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you go take your break? I'll serve these two."
I nodded grateful for the escape.
I heard Justin call my name, but I was too annoyed to stop.
I got to my feet and fled.

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