History of My Misery.

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I remember having a family once. A long time ago, when I was young. They gave me everything I had ever wished for and I reward them with excellence in a wide range of studies and talents. Although, that thought was too good to be true, of course. I found out that they were merely working for a higher being to take care of me.

I never even knew my real ‘blood-related’ family, now that I think about it. Laura Wong. Huh, was it even my real surname at the time? I don’t know. But I’ll continue to live it that way for it’s the only life I have left that I know of. My parents? Sister? ‘Family lineage’? Lies. I’ve have been living a complete and total lie.

My heart hardened at the inconvenient truth of my unknown origin. And now, I sealed my true emotions to the core, keeping it to myself and avoid being betrayed at once again. I cannot tolerate people making a gullible fool out of me.

Feeling like a complete shell of the person I thought I was, I ran away from home at the age of fifteen. I remember my friend giving me this syringe, saying that it’ll take the pain away. It’ll numb the feeling of regret temporarily and send you into a state of ecstasy. Yeah, he tried to give me drugs. Inevitably, the thought of his words got to me and I soon find myself injecting this stuff inside my forearm.

Another lie. It gave me nothing but a headache. I ended up staggering my way onto a hotel with my life savings and lied my way through the whole ‘unsupervised minor’ thing. And I’ve also managed to sleep a whole day because of that.

The next day, there was a knock on my room door. Two men in suits asked me to come with them. They were carrying suitcases and it had the logo of a red and white pentagon. I remember that my parents—I’m sorry; my former parents—have the same logo on their suitcases. Seeing that I have no other good decisions, I decided to go with them.

It didn’t last once again though. Last thing I remember was that they forced me to sleep in this capsule. I’ll never forget their hospitality. Umbrella Training Facility, yeah, right. They were saying something about a virus inside me that was dormant and would not be awakened until mature age. A virus is inside me. It freaked me out so much that I actually freaked myself out to sleep. Unfortunately, it was a cryogenic sleep that ended with me waking up 18 years in the future.

Drastically accepting my sudden change of age and appearance, my heart hardened even more and I find myself apathetically judging everything by their standards and probability of logical thinking. Not to mention an idiotic looking man right in front of me as the capsule that held me back for 18 years finally opened, letting out the liquid keeping me alive. Not the very best thing to see as your first glimpse after 18 years.

“Here. Fresh from the capsule.” He said as his deep, sullen eyes eyed the attaché case a woman was holding. “Nothing but the best from Ricardo Irving!”

“Hmm, well. We shall see if this is the last of the superior breed…” the woman said.

She was probably Italian since she had the accent. She wore a white dress with an unmistakable plunging neckline, revealing almost most of her chest. You wouldn’t miss it. Judging by the way she dresses, it merely puts her in the ‘no’ as to actually consider her as a friend.

“Now, come, my darling. Let’s get you all stretched up after that long beauty sleep, no?” she added as she got a towel from a hooded figure behind her that I only noticed just now. She wrapped that towel around my cold, wet, unclothed body.

Surprisingly, my legs were limp and every part of my body was numb. I fell on the hooded figure’s arms. Heck, I can’t even talk. Guess time hasn’t actually left me with no side effects of her disease.

 Oh, and by her definition of ‘stretched up’, she immediately rushed the introductions and gave me another encounter with the needle of wonder. I couldn’t even tell if the needle was inside me now. My body was too numb to notice. The hooded figure laid me on the floor with me gripping the towel with the best I can.

Unwillingly, my body had seizures without my knowledge. I thought it was probably from the cold that I gripped my towel tighter around me but I was wrong. Soon enough, the feeling of all my limbs came back to me in a flash. Being in that curled up state brought about fatigue and muscle cramps worth of 18 years.

“How remarkable. If she wasn’t a Wesker child then she should have died by now.” The woman with the Italian accent said as she takes a look at my face, particularly my eyes. “Yes… Change in the color pigmentation of the iris… Oh, how pleased Albert will be with you…”

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