The Real Me.

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“Wear it.” The hooded figure said, giving me an outfit of black and purple and a pair of leather boots. Feeling from the material the clothing’s made of; the attire already reeks of a tight fit. I looked up at the figure. Not only was the person hooded, he/she was also masked as well. I looked down, then. Hmm… Heeled boots. It is concluded, then.

After dressing up, the hooded ‘woman’ immediately orders me to follow her. God, how I feel like this spandex-based outfit was two times smaller than my size. She told me to pick up the pace. She opened a door and let me in first, only to find Excella (the woman who gave me another virus) sitting with a blonde man wearing black-tinted eyewear.

Funny enough, Excella was again about to inject another syringe filled with chemicals into the man. What was she, a drug dealer of some sort?

“The preparations are almost complete…. Then we can leave.” Excella announced as she flicked the syringe with the chemical twice before the process.

“Good.” The man remarked as she finally pushes the needle inside his forearm.

“You know, I was surprised Las Plagas was such a success… When you first arrived, I had my doubts. And now Uroboros is complete.” At that time, she looked at me. Inside, I was totally oblivious to the whole thing but my face was nonchalantly and effortlessly displaying my poker face to the world.

“Your position at Tricell is secured.” The blonde man added as he stood up. Excella placed the needle back in its attaché case and followed the man’s actions.

“Oh.. I have my eyes set on something much bigger. You’ll be needing a partner, right? Someone suitable to join you in your new world? I believe I’ve proved I’m worthy, haven’t I?” she replied as her fingers traced the man’s shoulders to the outline of his abs.

The Italian accent plus these kinds of words equals an intense conversation that I shouldn’t be seeing if it wasn’t my business. The man cups Excella’s chin and tilts it to the side, examining her ‘super model-like’ features.

“Perhaps you have.”

“The B.S.A.A. are here..” the hooded figure beside me said, her voice sounding hollow as the mask trapped the sound waves.

“It appears your old friend, Chris Redfield, has come to pay a visit..” Excella butted in, clearly annoyed that their banter was interrupted. She noticed the man frowned and she leaned closer to him. “Do I sense concern?”

“The plan is in its final stages. I will not tolerate delays….” The man defensively answered, shutting Excella up completely. Excella and the hooded figure finally took their leave of the room, leaving me with the man that was injected with something that shouldn’t be there. “I believe I should thank you, Spencer.”

Spencer. Why does that name sound so familiar? But that didn’t matter now as his attention was now focused on me.

“So… You’re the last of my kind?”

His kind? Why? Are Excella and the other people around me aren’t human? Or… is it the other way around? Are we different? No, we’re clearly human beings. Then I started calculating the points and deductions. My unknown family blood, unexpected entrapment by a corporation, sudden awakening after a period of time and the fact that the injections I had before were not to be administered to a normal human and I still lived.

“You are going to be the key to birthing my new world.” He added as he lifts my face up to his. Behind the glasses that weren’t really necessary, I could see the color of fire in his eyes. Same as mine. “Now that Uroboros has agreed to your DNA, together, we would be unstoppable.”

I thought about my choice of words. Though I may look 33, I still have the mind of a 15 year old. This is a grown man I’m talking to.

“What exactly did Excella injected inside me?” I finally mustered up the courage to ask him myself.

“The virus that shall change the world balance, my dear. And you and I will reign over the weak.” I could feel his hands crawling up my waist. It sent shivers down my spine. “Let me see if you have that right.” He whispered to my ear, making it hard to still maintain my apathetic look.

As I thought that he was about to whisk me away to pleasure land, I felt an excruciating pain on my chest. I looked down and I could see his right hand pierced through my chest, just where the heart is nearly located. Confused and still dazed at the action, I pushed myself away from him, thinking that my life is over. He raised his right hand, bathed in my blood but what puzzled me is that there were things wiggling on his hand as I saw it.

My breathing stabilized and I looked at my injury. I couldn’t believe what I saw. These… black, wiggling things were regenerating my body, returning it back to normal. As if it never happened. The only thing harmed was my outfit which now had a hole in it. The man brushed away the black leeches that were on his hand as if they were just dirt from the ground.

“What the hell?!” Now, I could not restrain the shocked look on my face.

“Laura… Test Subject Number 7.”

“What are you talking about--?!”

“Albert. Test Subject Number 13. Pleasure to meet you.” 


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