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“Get in.” the hooded woman ordered me once again. I looked over to where she was pointing and saw that it was another sort of capsule. From now, I detest anything that’s big enough and elongated enough for a person to go in. I refused and turned my back on the figure.

I heard her grunt in annoyance as she placed a firm hand on my shoulder. She turned me around, her other hand curled up in a fist. I didn’t care. I could just heal up again. I still had that look which probably enraged her more but as she was about to punch my blank expression, a gush of wind pushed me away from her.

“Now, now, Jill… You shouldn’t be like that to our guest… Go catch up with Excella. She’s entertaining our intruders in the Uroboros Research Facility…” Albert’s familiar voice rang above me.

‘Jill’ didn’t say anything to protest but did as she was told. I was left once again with the man who started all my confusion.

“Still confused, eh?”

“….. Yes.”

“We are the last of the superior breed of humans born of the Progenitor Virus. As part of the Wesker children, you and I have endless potential….”

“Wesker children?”

“Yes. After giving an experimental virus, most of the children died… Leaving the survivors of natural selection alive…”


“That’s right.” He was getting close to me. Too close. “Haven’t you ever felt like you need to seek someone out? A growing anxiety that never seems to leave you?”

I could do nothing but nod at his statement. It was true. Even before when I had my pseudo-family, I did feel like I need to find someone.

“Its… that Spencer guy, right?” I figured since that name struck me so much before at the very first mention of it.

“No need to fuss about it now…. I took care of him once I found out about the Wesker-Spencer project involving us, Wesker children…” he was circling me like a hungry vulture. It was overwhelming. He stopped and I could feel his lips lightly glide over my neck.

“… Are you saying I was manufactured?” I managed to say.

“… Believe it or not, I said the same thing.”

With that, his lips forcefully met mine. As if I didn’t have enough problems, my limbs seem to have a mind of their own as they desperately wrapped themselves on his torso. He seems to have taken a liking of that and he pushes me to a nearby pillar. His hands vigorously roamed all over their secured prize as mine were gripping for life at the back of his neck.

My lungs were on the verge of collapsing when I finally had the strength to pull his head back. He sneered at me for having to stop. My fingers slowly went up to his ears, lightly removing his glasses, revealing that bright, red-orange glare that we both have.

“I believe I might go back to you after this, Laura.”

I was about to say something but I heard a beep beside me as he pushed a button. Unfortunately, that pillar I was leaning on began to slide. More unfortunately, that pillar was another capsule that I immediately got inside by the force of gravity. He lets go of my legs as I fell in the capsule, leaving me standing upright thanks to the new ‘superhuman’ speed that we have.

From the small, see-through window of the capsule, I could see a crane slowly making its way over to its destination, me. I felt the capsule shake, and soon,  it turned me over, leaving me in a horizontal position. I could see the nearby capsules beside me. What bugged me was that they weren’t capsules at all. Most of them were missiles. And they’re the same size as this one. Then it hit me.


“Albert! When I get out of here, I’ll….!” I shouted, trying the best I can to kick this can open.

“Hmph.. My apathetic little queen.” I hear Albert’s voice echo through the P.A. just outside of the bomber jet my cylinder’s hooked on.


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