The End of It All.

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What it felt like hours later, I heard Albert’s voice on the P.A. again. This time, he was serious about something. And I’m damn sure that he wasn’t talking to me.

“Chris, how nice of you to join us….. Don’t worry. Your mission is at its end. Uroboros is on the eve of its appearance. Six billion cries of agony will birth a new balance……. Soon, even you will understand, Chris. One glimpse of my new world and it will all make perfect sense…. Unfortunately, it’s too late for you. You will not live to see the dawn... Sorry, Excella.”


“But it appears that Uroboros has rejected you. Though you have been an excellent asset, I have one, last, final task for you…..”

By this time, I just want to break this thing open.

“Farewell, old friend.”

Now I knew that I was too late. There was silence.

That was it. I couldn’t save Excella. Well, why would I even anyway? I dunno. Guess she gave me this powerful virus? No, it was just another curse to make me a weapon that shall end the world. Should I follow what Albert wants me to accomplish? What of the world before me? For about 15 minutes, I pondered about this life-ending decision. And with that fifteen minutes of nothing, I felt the plane move.

Not like a ‘budge’ that a gush of wind can pull off but a whirring of engines and the occasional starting of the propellers. Soon, the ground below me starts to pass me by as the jet was preparing to take flight. I could feel the air pressure around me and I could tell that we’re airborne now. Judging by the speed of the jet, I guess that it’ll only take a few minutes before he releases me down into the world, making me the Queen of Chaos.

As I was about to accept my fate, an alarm rang around the whole jet.

“Override primary weapon functions. Losing air pressure.” The female voice for the jet said.

I braced myself for the impact of the jet crashing against earthly soil but I was mistaken. It wasn’t earthly soil we were possibly aiming for, but a burning, non-dormant and active volcano. Miraculously, I was still alive before and after the crash—I’m not sure if I could be thankful that I was alive before because I would rather die than have a bunch of g-force pull my heart back.

I heard something land on top of my container. Sadly, my cylinder was facing the ground so I couldn’t determine what it was.

“I should’ve killed you years ago…. Chris…” I heard above me. It was Albert alright. He didn’t sound like himself now.

“Your mistake. It’s over, Wesker!” a muffled voice said back.

Then something broke through my container, gripping the collar of my suit tightly and pulling me out of the missile that I was in. Given with the ‘superhuman’ attributes that I have, I ended up making a bigger hole out of the cylinder that kept me back. Or should I thank the durability of the outfit I’m wearing for that?

Albert was holding me with one hand like a piece of meat while his other hand was opened tightly. Oh, God, I know where this is going. Before I could even think about fighting back, his hand pierced my stomach, the way he did before any of this happened.

I looked away from Albert to see a man and a woman with their guns glued to the shirtless figure holding me up effortlessly. I screamed in pain as he retrieved his hand back. He threw me away like a useless sock and I fell to the jet debris.

“Over? I’m just getting started!”

I had a feeling I could never regenerate back again. Like he just took the virus out of me and made me mortal again. But that was not the case. It was the feeling of being betrayed again that was the major problem that made me feel like I can’t do anything anymore. I was used. I’m his Queen. I’m his pawn.

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