Chapter 4

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Cleo's POV

I wake up to the feeling of cold water being splashed on me. I sit up gasping trying to catch my breathe.

"What the hell" I scream

"You think I didn't see you and that boy in here" my grandmother said.

She grabbed me by my hair and dragged me downstairs. She kicked me in the stomach and I groaned in pain. She lifted me up and smashed me into a large picture frame on the wall. Pieces of the glass got stuck in my skin.

"You will not keep disrespecting me" she yelled

"Or what? You're going to beat me like your bîtçh son did to my mom?" I said before I coughed up a little blood.

She was about to hit me but my grandfather said something.

"Cleo, go clean your room" he said

"I'm not done with her" my grandmother said grabbing my hair once again.

"Yes you are. Now let her go" my grandad said.

I was relived yet shocked. As I made my way upstairs I turned and looked that witch in the eyes.

"You know I'm actually glad you're so evil. Now when you die you'll meet your son in hell and my mother can rest in heaven knowing you guys are where you belong" I said and went to my room.

I grabbed my phone and saw a text. I replied right then.

(Jake 🙈)

-Are you okay?

~ I sɦօʊʟɖ ɮɛ asҡɨռɢ ʏօʊ tɦɛ saʍɛ

-I'm fine. I got out when I heard them moving around.

~I ɢʊɛss sɦɛ աօҡɛ ʊք aռɖ saա ʊs ɮɛċaʊsɛ sɦɛ ʄʟɨքքɛɖ օռ ʍɛ

-How bad was it?

I read the message and called him on face time. He answered. I saw hurt in his eyes and heard the pain in his voice.

"Show me" he said barely audible

I showed him what was visible. He let a tear fall. That tear of sadness was then replaced by anger. He said he had to go.

" Don't do anything stupid" I said in a whisper tone.

He gave me a small smile before he hung up. I decided to clean my room while I was just sitting there.


Jake's POV

I started throwing stuff in my bag. I was so pissed. They have no right to fvçkîng treat her like that. I decide to go to the one place I find peace. My parents own a boxing place. I ask my mom for the car.

"The keys are on the table. Drive safe"

"Okay ensoleillement {sunshine}" I say

"What?" My mom says shocked. I hadn't called her that since they first adopted me.

"We can talk later. I want to talk to you and dad at dinner" I said heading out the door.

"Alright ragazzino {baby boy}" my mom said smiling.

(My mom is Italian and my dad is French)

I get in the car, throw my bag in the passenger seat and head to the place. I plug in my music and play 'Dark side of the moon' by MGK. I can't get Cleo off my mind. I get to the boxing rink and warm up. I wrap white tap around my hand and start punching the bag. I let all my anger out hit after hit. An image of Cleo popped in my head. Her beautiful skin covered in scars. I hit harder and with more force. Soon the anger and adrenaline of my body becomes to much and all I see is black. I feel my body collapse to the ground. I hear faint screams off my name.

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