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kristen.j happy with life 🍯💰
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username hottieusername DAMN U FINE ASFFFFkhloekardahsian baby sis 🥺jordynwoods beautifulkimkardashian aren't you supposed to be babysitting?👀

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username hottie
khloekardahsian baby sis 🥺
jordynwoods beautiful
kimkardashian aren't you supposed to be babysitting?👀

i was currently watching tv with saint and north. this is what my friday night consists of. kim has texted me this morning and asked if i would watch the kids.

of course i said yes. i love my sassy north and little saint. babysitting kids will never be a problem for me since i love kids. as long as they behave of course.

"peppa pig!!!" i heard saint say which made me chuckle. he's getting so big. where does the time go?

"auntie kristen?" north said while shaking my arm. i quickly turned my attention to her.

i raised an eyebrow, "yes north?"

"i'm really hungry!" she exclaimed as she pointed to her tummy. i chuckled before looking at saint.

"are you hungry too?" i asked and he quickly nodded.

i stood up from the couch and went into the kitchen. i checked the refrigerator to see that it was filled with food. what should i make them?

"would you guys like a chicken wrap?" i asked

"yes! i love your wraps!!!" north yelled in a happy tone. "me too!" saint said in agreeably tone

i grabbed all of the ingredients i needed and started making three wraps. the two soon came into the kitchen and carefully watched me make them. i think it's so cute on how fascinated they are by my cooking.

when i was finished, we all sat down, said a prayer then dug in. "this is delicious!" north said with a mouth of food

i chuckled, "don't talk when eating sweetheart, okay?" she finished chewing, "yes ma'am. i'm sorry."

"it's okay. but i'm glad you like your wrap." i smiled then tickled her tummy. she let out a cute, warm laugh.

"are you guys ready for your baby sister?" i asked

they both quickly nodded their heads. "i'm excited. i can't wait to hold her!" north exclaimed

"baby sister is going to be pretty!" saint said

they both seemed to be excited which is good. when north found out that saint was on the way, she was insanely jealous but after he was a few months, he started growing on her.

the baby should be coming in the next couple of weeks which is exciting. kim is happy but then sad since she's not able to carry anymore children. carrying north was a painful ride for kim.

our hearts broke when the doctor announced that she couldn't have anymore kids after north was born. kim and kanye were devastated but then realized that it wasn't the end of the world. a few years later, saint is here, and now a third baby.

i'm so happy and cannot wait for my third niece to get here. and kylie and khloe are pregnant too? this new year is going to be filled with many beautiful blessings.

i noticed that the kids are done eating. "i hope you guys left room for some Godiva ice cream." i smiled.

they both cheered out loud. "go wash your wands then we'll go." i announced. the two headed into the hallway bathroom. i cleaned the kitchen counter and then threw our plates away.

i washed my hands then waited for them to come out. i was standing at the door with two jackets and a pair of shades in my hands. the two kids suddenly ran out of the bathroom.

"hey guys don't run!" i reminded them. north said, "sorry." i chuckled bending down, "it's okay love!" i picked saint up opened the door, and we headed outside. i closed the door then locked it and we headed to my black mercedes benz g-wagon.

i put the kids into their car seats then got in the front. i turned around to look at them both, "are you guys ready?" i asked

they both yelled, "yes!" their voices filled with excitement. i flashed a smile before turning around and starting the car. i backed out of the driveway and headed onto the main road.

we were soon stuck in traffic. i sighed because i knew it was going to be awhile before we got out...

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