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kristen.j red lips and rosy cheeks 🍒
taylorswift, shawnmendes, & 6.787.863 others

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username taylor swift reference ma'am?
username thought ya'll didn't fw taylor
taylorswift love you. 🥰 had so much fun today:)

"where are you going?" kourtney asked making the rest of my siblings look in my direction.

"she's going over taylor's house for the day." mom answered for me. they all turned and looked at me. kourtney raised an eyebrow, "is this true?"

i nodded, "yeah this is her day off and after this she'll be going on tour so we decided that it's best to hang out for the whole day." i said

they all looked at me which made me super nervous. there was some drama a few weeks ago that included kim, kanye, and taylor. i stayed out of it.

when there is drama with other celebrities who are my friends, i never get involved. it's none of my business after all and i don't take sides. i cannot stand it when people do that.

"kim are you alright with me going over there?" i asked and everyone looked at her waiting for some kind of response.

kim quickly nodded, "of course! go on. have fun." she said. "are you sure?"

"kristen go! we'll see you later." kim moitioned for me to go out of the door. "okay bye. love you guys."

"we love you too!" they all said in sync.

i exited the house then went and got inside my red honda civic. i put my seatbelt on then backed out of the driveway and sped off but not too fast of course.

it was going to be a drive to taylor's. my girl lives up on the hill in a nice, secluded area. i love her house so much. it has a warm, southern style about it.

i turned on some billie eilish, i love her so much. her music is so amazing, and she is a beautiful person inside and out.

the whole entire ride consisted of me silently humming along to music. after thirty minutes, i was in front of taylor's gate. i texted her letting her know that i was here and she immediately opened the gate.

i waited for it to open then drove inside. i parked behind her gorgeous mercedes benz viano. i got out and headed up to her door. i rang on the doorbell once.

taylor opened it with a huge smile on her face, "hi my love!" she exclaimed. "hey!" i said excited as ever. we both hugged each other tightly.

we broke away, "come in." taylor said stepping aside. i entered and the sweet smell of old spice hit my nose. her house always smells so refreshing and amazing.

we headed upstairs to her room. she sat down on her bed while i sat down in a chair. there wasn't a lot for us to catch up on since we talk almost everyday. but taylor asked, "how are you?"

"i'm great and you?" i asked. "i'm fine! just been busy with new music."

"that's awesome. am i going to be able to hear some of this new music?" taylor didn't even hesitate to answer, "of course! you will while i'm doing your hair and makeup."

my eyes widened, "but i didn't bring any-"

"no it's okay. i already have everything set up in the bathroom." she informed me making me smile. she got up from the bed.

"come on." i stood up and we both went inside her bathroom that smelt like lavenders. ugh so good.

there were curling irons along with makeup aligned on the huge bathroom counter. "i'll do you makeup and hair first. then you'll do mine if that's okay with you?"

i smiled, "of course!" taylor sat me down in the wooden chair and started. she began to play some of her new music. the song 'delicate' blasted through her beats pill.

i love the song so much. "this song is amazing!" i exclaimed as she did my makeup. "thanks love!"

she continued doing my makeup which didn't take long since she was going for a simple look. she then started to do my hair. she ended up curling it to perfection.

she turned me around so that i was facing the mirror, "what do you think?" she asked making me gasp.

she did an amazing job. i loved the red lipstick, "oh my gosh i love it tay!" i exclaimed making her smile.

"good." i got up and we switched spots.

i didn't do much for taylor's makeup. she already has beautiful clear skin. i applies some eyeshadow along with mascara and red lipstick.

for her short shiny blonde locks, i curled them. "alright tay?" i turned her around. she examined herself in the mirror, "kristen this is amazing!" i flashed a smile

"i love how you went natural with my makeup. this is literally my routine when i wear makeup. you know me so well." she said. "yes i do."

"now that we are all glammed up, it's time to go have some fun." taylor exclaimed.

i raise an eyebrow, "where are we going?"

"well first we're going to altitude then i was thinking sloan's after that then maybe the habit." taylor said making me gasp.

"for real?" she quickly nodded, "yeah. i bought out the entire trampoline park for us so we don't have to worry about any confrontation."

"you're the best." i said. she chuckled, "so are you." she said. we both put our shoes on, exited her house and headed to altitude.

the whole day was fun with my girl.

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