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kristen.j i hate my eyes so much :/
cristiano, brielarson, & 7.927.029 others

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username i love them username skin is popping username plz drop a skincare routine 🥺travisscott 💩 kyliejenner ur so cute

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username i love them
username skin is popping
username plz drop a skincare routine 🥺
travisscott 💩
kyliejenner ur so cute

"rob i'm here!" i announced while walking through the back door. grocery bags were in my hand ready to be sat down.

i walked into the kitchen and started putting all of his groceries away. "hey sis." i heard him say. i stopped what i was doing to give him a big hug.

he hugged me back. hugging rob was like hugging a big cuddly teddy bear. i love that feeling so much.

"how are you doing?" i asked as i put the fruits into the empty glass bowl. he sighed, "well..."

"krissy!!!" i heard dream say. i heard her little footsteps approaching me. i looked to see her running towards me which made me smile.

i bent down, "hi my sweet little dreamy!" i cooed as she jump into my arms. i picked her up and gave her a million tiny kisses earning some cute laughs from her.

"i missed you." she said. "aw sweetie! i missed you too. i got you something." i announced making her grin.

"i want you to close your eyes for me okay?" i said  and she quickly nodded then did as i said. i got the ice cream out of the bag. "now open!" i said.

she gasped and put her hands on her cheeks in shock. "ice cream!" she exclaimed

"yeah and it's your favorite brand and flavor. blue bunny and chocolate chip cookie dough." i said. "yay ice cream!!!!" she yelled earning a chuckle from both rob and i.

"do you want to eat it now?" rob asked and she quickly nodded. he grabbed a spoon from the counter drawer and handed it to her. he kissed her cheek making her smile.

i put her down and she run off to the table so she could devour the creamy treat. "so how are you?" i asked while resuming back to stocking.

"honestly?" he asked me making me look up at him. "yes honestly." i said while putting the milk in the refrigerator.

"i'm doing good but..."

"but what?" i asked worryingly.

"it's blac chyna." he said and all i could say was, "oh."

that's a name that makes me sick. i've never liked her. not even when she was friends with kim way back then. i always got a bad vibe when she was around.

but even though i don't like her as a person, i do respect her considering the fact that she is my nieces mother and used to date rob.

i still don't understand why he dated her. i also don't know how in the world she has two amazing, sweet kids like king and dream. they sure as hell didn't get their personalities from their mother...

"yeah she's just-" the doorbell suddenly rang. "i'll be right back." i heard him say.

i just kept on putting the items away. "i didn't say you could come in." i heard rob yell. i heard loud clanking footsteps coming into the kitchen.

i looked up to see it was none other than mrs. blac chyna. mmm... her long blonde hair was pulled up into a sleek ponytail. she was wearing some pretty revealing clothes. it looked like she was about to go to the club or something.

"mommy!" dream exclaimed. "hi baby!" she said picking dream up. she hadn't noticed my presence until she turned around.

"oh kristen. hi beautiful! how are you?" she asked. i smiled, "i'm good. and you?"

"i'm doing great. it's so nice to see that one of rob's sisters actually cares about him." she said while putting the lid onto the ice cream.

i smiled, "yeah."

"well it was nice seeing you. bye." she said walking towards the door where rob was standing. "bye krissy!" dream waved.

i smiled waving back, "bye baby."

"bye daddy!" she said. "bye princess." he said before closing the door. he then rolled his eyes.

"so i see things haven't calmed down between you or chyna.." i said. he sighed coming back over to where i was.

"no they haven't. things are just getting worse and worse. she wants more money."

"what?!" i half yelled. "she already gets a million dollars every month. how can she want more. that's for sure enough."

"she spends it on her necessities, not dream's." he said making me shake my head. that little snake. she's so damn manipulative.

she's been using my brother this whole time for clout and money. i believe she trapped him with dream thinking he would stay with her but that obviously backfired since rob found out she was cheating.

he was so angry that he even leaked her nudes on the internet. that was a hot mess but it's gotten fixed luckily.

even though she did trap my brother, dream is still a blessing no matter who her mother is or how bad the situation is. i love that baby to death and she will always be my loving, sweet niece.

"we'll figure this out together rob. i promise ." i said. he chuckled making me raise an eyebrow.

"you're just so caring and mature for a seventeen year old." he said making me stay silent.

"i'm glad you're here for me and showing me that you actually care." he said making me smile. "i love you sis."

"i love you too." we both hugged then i started helping him make dinner. of course i stayed over and ate with him. poor rob gets lonely at times...

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