Switzerland Disaster Part 2. |Abigail|

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"Oh. Hello." I stick my hand out awkwardly shaking hers firmly.

"Yes! Abigail right? It's so nice to finally meet you. Show me some love!" Stephen's ex's voice full of life and joy. It's annoying, really; given the mood I'm in. While I hugged her I had realized that Stephen's eyes were stuck on Ayesha.

"What are you doing going to Switzerland, missy?" he asks.

"Oh, nothing. Um, I'm just having time to myself getting away from my all the chaos at home and my busy work schedule. Just some me time, you know?"

Me time my ass. I think, sitting back into my seat.

"What about you two?" she asks m.
Mind your business. 

"We're just on a little vacation. Nothing big." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Aw, how cute . I'm surprised,though, that's you're in second class. I mean I'd think you'd at least be in first class. What ever happened to that private jet we went on for my birthday that one year?" Ayesha asks.

She's been on the private jet? I question myself, especially because Stephen told me that I'd been the only female, other than his mom, to be on the jet.

"Oh, well that sort of broke down a couple months ago, the engine part I think. I'm just waiting to hear back from the guy who's fixing it and I hope it comes back brand new because I'm paying him big money," he cheeses.

"Aw well that's too bad, you guys could've been probably been there already. And you wouldn't have to deal with all these-"

"Excuse me passengers," a loud voice form the intercom interrupts. "But we'd ask that all of you will be seated at this time as we prepare for take off in about 10 minutes."

"Aw well I guess this is good bye Ayesha." I say a little too quickly.

"Do you know where you're sitting?" Stephen asks her.

"Yes, I think she does, honey. Come sit." I answer for her, patting the airplane seat for Wardell to sit.

"Let her answer," he looks back at me then at Ayesha.

"Oh my god, I didn't even bother to look," She answers." just started talking to you and forgot about everything." She laughs, grabbing her tickets from her Gucci handbag. Even though her outfit was great, I had to admit her brown purse did not match whatsoever.

"Well I do have a history of doing that to you." He silently laughs.

Oh? Is that so?

"Oh wow! My seat is actually right here!" Her annoying voice interrupts my thoughts. She's points to the seat directly next to Stephen's.

"Wait, what do you mean you're right here?" Stephen says what I was thinking, but in a much more enthusiastic voice.

"Yeah, it says EO47," she looks at the armrests. 

I look down at my armrest for the number. EO45.. Meaning that's Stephen's is EO46 and his freaking ex is EO47. She'd be sitting literally right by us. Or by him.

"You're joking, right?" I huff, leaning back in my seat.

"Oh, sorry, do you want to change my seat? Or I could just change my flight; I honestly I had no idea-" little miss innocent says.

"Ayesha, don't be ridiculous; you don't have to do all that. I'm sure Abigail is fine with it." He weakly smiles. His look causes me to give her a fake smile assuring her that it's okay, causing me to roll my eyes right after.

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