warriors vs. lakers |andrea|

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*this story takes place in the 2016-2017 season.*

"And last and but not least last year's MVP point guard, standing at 6 foot and 3 inches, weighing about 190 pounds, Stephen Curry!" The commentator drags out the last name of the last player called for the Warriors line up.

"Look, it's daddy!!" I raise my both of son's hands up to make them clap. His green eyes, filled with excitement and happiness, pointing at all the lights at flicker on and off.

Today was the first game of the season and it was also the first game ever that I had took my two sons to see their famous father play. Luckily, since it was a home game, Stephen's sister, Sydel, decided to come out and support him. She also decided to swing by my house to help with the twins, Elijah and Isaiah, to get ready.

"Do you know who that is?" Sydel, says to my other son, Elijah. I was so thankful that she had came out to the game with me because it would've been a hassle to get the two of them ready in time for them to see the game.

All of us watch as Wardell comes out and chest bumps and high fives his other teammates, doing his famous chest hit and then pointing to the sky. Today we, or them, we're playing against the famous L.A. lakers. It was odd however, that the first team the warriors were playing were in the same conference as them.

Although it was a home game everyone seemed pumped to see the return of Kobe Bryant and the debut of the rookie, D'Angelo Russell. I think out of all the games that the Warriors are scheduled to have this year, Alot of people seemed to be most excited for this matchup.

"Here we go," I say at tip off.

"I think we're in for a good one this game."' Sydel admits. " aren't we little Eli?" She asks, following Eli clapping his tiny hands once again.

And she was right, both teams were raining threes like it was nothing. At the half Stephen had 16 points and so did Kobe. D'Angelo and Jordan (Clarkson) had a combined 20 points, leaving them at 10 and 10 a piece. The over all score was very high for halftime, 49 to 49.

"Oh goodness we have 2 other quarters to go. I'm exhausted, this is a great game." Sydel jokingly complains.

"Tell me about it, I'm nervous just watching the game imagine how they must feel" I agree.

Not to my surprise, there was plenty celebrities there to watch the game, like the actor Tom Cruise, the cute couple, Kanye and Kim and even the WNBA Skylar Diggins and retired NBA stars Michael Jordan and Scotty Pippin came out to watch, just to name a few. Even though we didn't have front row seats, because I didn't think it was safe for my children, (the ball might hit them 😂😅) it still a quite amazing view of the game. And the cameramen could still even find us during half time to put us on the hugs screen in the middle of the stadium.

"Andrea, it's so amazing how much your boys look like their father." Sydel says having a close look at the boys. And it was. The genes were so strong that the twins looked just like Stephen; not just his bright green eyes, but down to his skin color, his brown curly hair, the way each of their teeth had a small gap just like Stephen' s; even thief fingers were shaped the same.

"It's like the a baby came out of Stephen instead of you." She added, making me laugh. 

"Mama! Mama!" Isaiah shouts, pointing at the man holding dozens of Cotten candy bags on a stick.

"Aw you want a bag?" I ask, following him nodding his head. "How about you and Eli share a bag? Oh, Sydel do you want a bag."

"No thank you, I'm try a loose some weight." She huffs, holding her stomach.

"Shut up, girl you're flawless." I compliment her after shouting for the cotton candy man for two bags.

"Well I mean probably, but my volleyball team that I coach has been beating my little butt lately..... But however, it does look good..... And I haven't had Cotten candy for a while........ Andrea, do you mind-"

Before she can finish I give her half of my bag, playfully rolling my eyes.


Isaiah and Eli(jah) seemed to be enjoying the cotton candy because after the halftime show, they wanted another bag; so did I as well..... And so did Sydel . This time I asked for 4 bags for all four of us, but Sydel and I barely even ate mine when the game started back up because it was so tense. Back and forth we went. Bucket after bucket. Foul after foul. It was like this were a playoff game. The best part about it was that it was good competitive. When I say that I mean they're were no fights or arguments, just friendly competition.

We ended up going into overtime and gladly the Warriors took the win just by two points. It filled me with joy to see both my twin sons, excited to see their father play, even though they probably had no idea what's happen was happening. However, out of the two, I'd have to say Elijah enjoyed the game the most. Every time, especially his father, made a basket he would always clap his tiny hands together and shout 'dada', which would always make me smile.

After the game and after all the press conferences that Wardell had ended, the five of us, Sydel, the twins, Stephen and I were extremely hungry. We decided to go to the famous Chick-fill-a to grab some quick food.

"I just realized that this isn't good for my health at all." Stephen says while slurping his strawberry milkshake.

"It's a one time thing baby, and even though you deserve it considering all those threes you put up tonight." I kiss his cheek,

"Maybe I deserve something else too." He winks at me

"Aw cut it out you two love birds, you already have two you don't need another." Sydel jokingly huffs causing us all to burst out in laughter.


Sorry for the long wait, school is starting back up for me and we have summer homework so I barely had enough to time to write. But I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS but if you don't I could just do it over 😬. Sorry for any mistakes ❤️


QOTD: What's your favorite basketball team? And who's Your favorite basketball player? (Beside the Warriors and Steph)

My answer: Clippers 🔥 and Kyrie Irving 😍

Songs of the Week:

What do you mean//Justin Bieber
About you//Trey Songz
A Train//Justine Skye
Where are ü now (remix)// Kalin&Myles
All Night// R5
D.A.M. (Dats all me)// Fetty wap

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