All for myself - |For Nia| (pt.1)

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*I wrote some of this on my phone so sorry about the punctuation . 🌝 enjoy ! *

The light skinned man felt the ball roll perfectly off his hand, watching it float in the air for what seemed like forever. When it hit just the side of them rim it, panic filled the man's green eyes for a spilt second but when it got the kind bounce to fall in, relief took over. The crowd and the man shared the same excitement as there was only .03 seconds in the game, meaning he had just led his team to a victory over the Dallas Mavericks. He chested bumped and high-fived his teammates, taking a glance of the bench, watching them jump around in excitement like little kids. The oracle arena was electrified, for "Mr.Clutch" delivered once again.

The black haired , dark-skinned girl  watched from her tv screen, smiling extra hard as she watched her "friend" score the winning basket for the team. Nia, the girl, had been more than friends with this man at a certain point, at least she thought they were . For every time she tried to give him her love he seemed like he didn't want it by pushing her away . He would lead her on and when her "feelings" would develop , do something for her to think those feelings weren't mutual . There was a point when she had flat out confessed her feeling for him and he didn't even bother to respond . When she had asked him faced to face how he felt about what she had confessed , he acted as if it never happened . She bad felt as if he wasn't taking it seriously at all . She more upset with herself because she kept letting these stupid feelings happen. There was another point as well where it seemed that he was interested , down to the way they texted and simply his body language around her made the women feel like he was possibly going to ask her out . That was until she scrolled through Instagram and saw he had a new girlfriend , who he would then break up with 2 months after .

Being led on wasn't the only problem she had with Stephen , a lot of people would assume the image he was making for himself would be the problem for any woman who would want to be with the young man . Off the court he sometimes came off extremely boastful , safe to call him a jerk in the public eye . But Nia didn't care , for she thought she knew the man himself , more than anyone . It was true he could be a bit harsh sometimes , but boy , when he was the adorable little , loving Steph Nia knew he could be , she enjoyed every moment of it .

But , however , right now Nia wasn't thinking , really , about any of these problems , she was gazing at the man's celebration on his 3 pointer and watched as he spoke to the interviewers in the locker room ."

" Tell me , Stephen , how did you mange to score at the last second , I mean , how did you even manage to get open ? They played hard defense on you , especially - "

" I mean , " he cut the interviewer off " It was all Draymond , he looked for me or Klay and I somehow got open and just shot it . " he nodded his head at the Draymond on the other side of the room .

" Well , what do you mean just shot it ? " the interviewer asked .

"What do you mean , what do I mean ? They're was barely enough time for me to shoot the ball . I had to get the ball wherever I got it and shot it . " he says nonchalantly .

" Well , I mean , you make it sound like you just chucked it up , did you? "

" Well obviously not , if it went in . "

"Well it almost didn't , you kinda of just got the kind or lucky bounce for it to go in." The interviewer chuckles.

This was often the case in an some interviews with Wardell. Every time he had did something good, whether it was for his team or outside the basketball court, some "special" interviewers would question his intentions.

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