All for myself Pt. 2 ❤️

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"I'm not understanding why you want to up and leave all of a sudden." Steph says, knitting his eyebrows.

"How many times do I have to explain it to you, Wardell?," Nia questions.

Stephen (also Wardell) and Nia have been arguing for about 30 minutes now, trying to make the other understand their point of view. However, it doesn't seem to be working, rather than understanding they find themselves talking in circles, and it's not looking like there will be a solution any time soon.

"Is it something I did? I mean, other females would love to live with me-"

"No! See that's what you don't get." Nia interrupts, getting up from the round table.

"I'm not these other females, Wardell. I'm not going to depend on some man to take care of me. I didn't move out to California to just cook and clean for you. For no man. I came here to start my business, to get exposure.. to.."

"Yes, and I can help you with that. You can do all of that from here! I have connections from Oakland to South L.A." Steph bribes.

Nia breathes a deep sigh, following a hard gaze down at Steph.
Why was this man begging so hard for her to stay in his house? Why was her living with him so important? If anything, Nia thought that her moving out would do justice for the both of them. Steph sometimes complained about having a little more privacy, even though Nia never understood considering they both live in this enormous house.
Maybe he doesn't want to get hurt? Maybe he thinks my business won't work without him? He thinks I can't do it. He thinks I can't accomplish what I came out here for." Nia thought.

Pretty soon, Nia gave up guessing, and figures she will just ask the man himself.

"Why don't you want me to move out Wardell? She placed her hand on her hip, devoting all her attention to this man.

Steph chuckles, looking away. He wipes his beard with the palm of his hand, cuffing his chin. He turns his head around staring at Nia, standing up.He walks towards Nia letting out a gentle smile.

"I just.. just really like having you here," he says, shrugging
He reaches his hand out to touch her shoulder, but she steps back, pushing his hand off.

"That's not enough for me, Stephen. You like having me here is not going to put my money in my pocket. It's not enough to expand my career or even get it started!" Nia raises her voice, "For Christ Sakes, you're acting like I'm asking for a divorce. Stephen we're not even together!"

Little did she know the young light-toned man was almost in love with the young, driven brown skinned girl. For them to be together was all he wanted, for he had loved every minute with her. Hell, he had loved her. However, this was the first time he had felt such a thing. It was rush of an emotion that came to fast and was so strong he didn't know how to react. Of course, he knew she felt the same way but that didn't help ease his fear. What was he scared of? Well we can cross rejection off his list. Was he scared to develop something more than a friendship? Was he scared to take the next step? Afterall, he had seen what relationships had done to his friends in the past. He had seen some of his strongest friends, become distressed over their significant other, something that he had swore he would never do.

Yet, here he was, confused and extremely anxious. Sure, Nia would just be moving out, but Stephen saw it as their bond wouldn't be the same. He couldn't admire her so closely, but from a distance. He couldn't watch her dance while baking, or, wouldn't be the first person he would come home to after those rough post-game interviews. He wouldn't have that calmness he needed to come home to after the busiest days. Everyone saw him as a hot head, from Oracle arena fans to sports anchors to even his own family. Everyone, except for Nia. She was the only one that took the time to, not only understand, but accept him for who he is. Now, he was about to lose the only thing that comfortable, but stable for him in his life.

The snap of Nia's fingers brings him back to earth as he realizes that she was talking to him the entire time.

"Stephen, you're not even listening." Nia huffs, grabbing her temples with her index fingers "You know what," she throws her hands in the air. "I don't even know why I'm asking for your permission. I'm getting my shit and I'm leaving."

A frustrated Nia stomps past Stephen, out from the kitchen and towards the hall. Stephen reaches for her hand but stops himself.... yet again. Instead he follows behind her questioning her every move.

"Where are you going to go? Who are you going to stay with?"

"I'm not going to stay with anyone, Wardell." Nia huffs, raising her hand.

"Well, let me give you some money." He stops, reaching his hand in his back pocket, pulling out his wallet.

"What the fuck don't you get! I don't want your money. I don't want any one's money! I can do this myself!" She whips around, slapping his wallet out of his hand.

"I was right, you think I can't do it." She recollects her thoughts from earlier. "You think I'm not going to make it out in L.A. You think the industry is too tough for me and I will crumble, just like everyone else."

"No, no. Nia that's not it," Steph speaks calmly, looking down at her big brown eyes.

"No, I'm going to show you!" Nia shouts, points a finger in his face "I'm going to show everyone I can make it. When I do, I better not hear shit from you, or anyone claiming that they 'always believed I can do it''

"Just listen- "

"No!" she yells. A teary-eyed Nia looks at Steph in disbelief as she realizes that her assumptions were right. "You know out of all people, I thought you would get it. I thought you would see my vision. I thought you would support me, like I support you. But I was wrong. You're just like everyone else. I guess what they say is right," She lowers her voice. " People fear success, when it not them succeeding." She tries to wipe her tear before it come down but fails to do so, as it falls down her cheek.

Silence fills the hallway and they both share a moment of pain. Stephen's heart is telling him to confess his love for her, but his mind is telling him to let her go. For he thought it's either her or himself who would end up broken in this situation, but as Nia turns around, walking deeper down the hall, he realizes it would be both if he didn't speak up.

His feet continue to follow Nia's, for he couldn't let this conversation end. Seeing Nia hurt like this had his stomach twisting. But the thought of confessing his love made his heart twist more than anything.

Be a man, Steph. At least while you still can. He tells himself.

"Nia, I love you." He says, almost too calmly. This stops Nia dead in her tracks, but not enough for her to turn around.

"I love you more than a friend," Steph continues. "More than anything. Nia, I am in love with you. I don't want you to move out. Call me selfish, but I want you all for myself. You don't have to cook for me, you don't have to clean, you don't have to do anything for me. You can start your business here, you can take all my money, or you don't have to take a cent of it, I don't care. But please, please don't leave this house... Please don't leave me."

Nia turns around to see Steph on his knees, literally begging her to stay. She walks towards him gazing down into his hazel eyes. She reaches her hand caressing his jawline, studying his face.


Okay this was my first entry in over 4 years. I might be a little rusty, but I hope you guys liked this. I kind of trailed off the ending because I wanted to let you kind of assume or make up an ending for yourself. I'm starting my new book soon, it's going to most likely be about Roddy Rich and the cover will be there soon. P.S. this chapter took me about 2 and ½ hours to write.

Songs of the Week:

Body x Summer Walker

8 letters x Why Don't We

Like That x Doja Cat

Do Not Disturb x Drake

War Baby x Roddy RIch

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