Chapter 6 Meeting the Others

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Guys! I just found that I can do bold and italics on my phone now! No more caps when they're not needed!

Kayla's POV

I finished writing down the list for the reindeer, and let me tell you, it was quite long. To be honest? I didn't even know that reindeer could have this many problems. Now, where could Santa be? I looked around, and I ended up back where I woke up. There are stairs going up to an upper level, but should I go up there? Why not, it's probably not dangerous. Walking up the stairs, I see this large globe, with lights covering the whole thing. 'It's so beautiful...' I thought to myself. Continuing on, behind the pretty globe is a huge door. I knocked lightly, because there could be a chance there is no one there.

"JACK! What do you WANT!? I'm quite busy right now! What's the big ide... Oh."
A large burly man with two tattoos on his arms that say naughty and nice on them, yanked open the door roughly. He stared down at me with nothing but shock written on his white bearded face.

"Sooo... You're awake" he said with a Russian accent.

"Uhhh, are you Santa?" I asked. It was actually really obvious that he was, I just really wanted to hear it from him.

He grinned the biggest grin I have ever seen on someone!

" Yes! Yes I am! How did you figure that out? Wait! This is good news, you are awake! I must call the others!"
He rushed to the globe, where at the base of it, sat a smaller one. This one had a handle, and he grabbed it, and twisted.


I gasped as beautiful strings of multicolored lights surrounded the globe (the bigger one) and fanned out in the workshop as the lights pulsed out into the sky like ripples in the water.
"Wow! It's so beautiful!!! I've never seen anything like that!" I exclaim.

Santa looked my way quite smug looking. "This, is the North Pole. And that, is the Aurora Borealis. I use it to call the other Guardians."
"Yes. We protect the children of the world from evil things, such as darkness and nightmares. Such as Pitch Black."
" Who's that?"
"You have lots of questions don't you?"
"Sorry, this is all so new!"
His laughter boomed through the workshop." Of course you do! It's only natural! I had many questions when I first became a Guardian. But let's wait for the others to arrive first. They will be able to help you out a lot more than I can alone. Even though I'm pretty good."
The only thing I caught out of that was when he said 'when I first became a Guardian.' What the hay does he mean by that!?!?
All of a sudden, there was a buzzing sound. My eyes shot up and looked around the large room. Then I looked straight ahead. There was an adorable sounding gibberish coming from a little  fairy. Awww she is so cute! She is very colorful with little feathers covering her whole body. Then there are more! They surrounded me and then I was forcefully pushed backwards.
"Aa...aahgh!" I shouted. The biggest fairy had her fingers in my mouth!
"Fingers out of mouth!" Santa belted.
"Oh! Sorry! They're just so white! You could probably beat Jack!" The fairy exclaimed.
Jack? Who's that?
A small POP resonated through the room, and golden dust rained down. I thought it was going to fall on me, but then It bunched together and became streams of floating golden sand.
Sand? I'm really having a hard time taking all this in...
The sand circled me and then swirled into the shape of a beautiful golden mare. I couldn't help but want to pet it!
"Wow..." I breathed, slowly reaching out to stroke its face. As soon as I did I reared and neighed, then trotted away from me. It disbanded its shape and became streams once more, and I felt a tug on my dress. When I looked down, what I saw surprised me. Coming up to about my hip, was a little golden man. He grinned up at me and a little golden hand formed over his head and waved at me. awkwardly smiling, I waved back.

Suddenly a hand gripped mine and whirled me around. "eek!" I squealed. "Ello, beautiful." A deep and severely Australian voice met my ears while my eyes met something quite different. A furry face greeted mine, along with some long ears.

" You're... you're a rabbit." The words fell out of my mouth before I could stop them. His furry smirk dropped and he stumbled back a step. Grumbling, his accent rang out unhappily.

" I was expecting more of a, 'hello to you too handsome,' but I guess not."

Santa's laughter boomed throughout the workshop. again. He went up behind the 6 foot rabbit and thumped him on the back. "Bunny, you expect too much from the poor girl! better luck next time, eh? ha!"

A tiny smile tugged at the corner of my lips and one blink later I was being fussed over heavily by Tooth, who I can only assume is the Tooth Fairy herself.

" Did you sleep okay? You sure had a rocky start when you first came here, it was way worse than any of ours."

What did she mean by that?

" Um, yes i'm fine." I gave her a small smile and turned to Santa. " I uh... the reindeer have a few requests they would like to make..." i looked down and fumbled with my dress's pockets. i got really lucky with that. having a dress with pockets. anyway, i grasped the note i made for the reindeer and handed it to him. He glanced at me with wide eyes before he opened it.

" The reindeer made these requests?" He gawked at me. " How did you know? What they wanted, I mean."

" Yeah. They said no one understands them, and I guess I do. That freaked me out little. I thought it was the stable-hands but there was nobody there."

Santa looked at a passing Yeti, then at the floor. " The stable-hands were off today. There shouldn't have been anyone there."

" Oh there wasn't. I was the only one there. You could imagine my fright when I saw the reindeer talking."

Bunny shivered. " I sure can."

All of a sudden, a chill swept the room. A very handsome sounding voice floated into the room from behind me. " Sorry i'm late. I was busy freezing things and lost track of time. Oh, hey! Your'e awake!"

Turning around, I set my eyes upon a pair of ice blue orbs.

Okay guys! My mum pointed out a few things to me so I will try and edit it later. I honestly have no idea how long it is, so lets hope the length makes up for how long I went without updating. So, yeah. Enjoy! Comment, like, ect... 🍩❤🍩

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