First timer

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This is the first time (lol fits the title) I write in this kind of way. I like this way better because it's easier for me to write but yeah. Also there's a plot twist to look out for that. Please leave some feedback and a vote.

(Plays with hands) "I don't know how you do this, I-I-I never done this before."
(Takes hands and holds them) "That's okay, you don't want to do it, we don't have to."
(Eyes widen) "No! No. I do, I just don't want it to be ruined."
(Smile) "I wouldn't be ruined even you try sweetheart."
(Rolls eyes) "Sure but you know how to do this, you DONE it many times before. I don't want to be the most horrible one you have done."
"I doubt that, the first timers are mostly graded for participating."
(Laughs) "Shut up! That's just sounds horrible."
(Laughs little) "It's true though. It's not I'm going to actually compare and judge. I just want to show how much I love you..."
(Whispers) "Yeah?"
(Nodding) "Yeah."
(Raises arms up) "Take off my shirt."

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