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"You say, that im messing with your head? All because I was making out with your friend..." I jump around in my room to my music, bouncing on my tip toes and swinging my hair around and my pencil in hand as a microphone. I dance along while Avril sings the rest of the verse. Right now, my mom has been at the store for almost an hour for groceries for dinner she's making for church on Sunday. At first, I wasn't sure if I should do what I did last time, but yet again, I'm in my room singing to Avril Lavigne while I'm supposed to do my homework. Who gives a hell? Huh, not me! The chorus comes and right then, I turn my stereo to it's max and my room is blaring away the music from my phone on the aux chord.

IF YOU LOVE ME, IF YOU HATE ME YOU TAKE ME BABY-BABY!!!" I sing the lyrics loudly and add my own notes and jump to my mirror and sing more with the pencil in my hand. I end up laughing at myself because once again my hair is messy and loose strands are spreaded all over the place. I toss the pencil randomly behind me.

"So WHAT IF I GO OUT ON A MILLION DATES?! YOU NEVER CALL OR LISTEN TO ME ANYWAYYYY!!!!" Honestly, I'd do this every day if I could. Its fun! I run on my bed and start jumping on my bed again, but this time, I play an air guitar. My hair falls in my face and I do the famous head bang while I play the air guitar; meanwhile my hair is currently flying everywhere. Maybe I should get it layered. Its kind of boring like this. My waves kind of prove it. I move my hands around in my hair and continue singing aloud, dancing on my bed and kicking the covers and pillows around. To say that I'm pumped would be an understatement. I would probably run outside and start skipping in people's yard. My heart is beating crazy fast and I have butterflies in my stomach. Its really a good feeling. I feel so energetic. Its like, maybe I can do what I want. I just haven't done it. I've been too scared. Maybe it's time I become a little more open minded about things.

"LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA OOOOH WHOA OOOOH WHOA!!" I run in front of the mirror again and sing the same verse again. I point to the mirror at myself and sing, "YOU SAY, THAT I'M MESSING WITH YOUR HEAD, BOY." I run back to my bed and dance on it. "I LIKE MESSING IN YOUR BED!! YEAH! I AM MESSING WITH YOUR HEAD WHEN, I'M MESSING WITH YOU AND ALL MY LIFE I BEEN GOOD AND NOW!!!" I swing my head side to side and my arms swing up and down at the side of me. I catch a glimpse of me in the mirror across the room and I can't help but laugh at the sight. What have I made of myself? Haha.

All of a sudden though, my door swings open and my mom stands there with her hand on her hip. I freeze and quickly jump of the bed and unplug my phone from the aux chord. I stand there panting My hair in my face, I pout my lower lip out and blow it out of my eyes.

"You know, I never thought I'd say this again but...don't jump on your bed." Mom says, slouching her shoulders forward, "I mean go ahead a nd jump around your room, but the bed? Really?"I burst into a grin and laugh. Mom laughs along and she walks towards me and engulfs me in a big bear hug.

"I thought you were going to yell at me." I say, muffled in her shoulder. She chuckles.

"Of course not, but come and help me with groceries, our neighbors offered to help and they're doing it. Hurry though cus they hit their ball in the backyard." When she leaves the room I quickly grab my sneakers and slip my socks on. I hear voices coming from the kitchen and I panic. I brush my hair back and straighten my clothes out.

Its been at least three days since the last time I gave Ashton his ball back, and since I got in trouble. I still freak out when I see Luke. I still wonder why he is always late to class. We still are awkward. We don't really talk, but we're not exactly strangers. Sometimes he says "hey" when we pass each other, but other than that it's nothing really. So if he's helping out with putting our groceries in the house, then yes, I shall freak again.

I walk silently down the hall and into the kitchen where the voices are. Instantly I recognise two of Luke's friends and Ashton. I won't deny that I was slightly disappointed Luke wasn't here. Wait, I should definitely not be disappointed. It'd be weird as fuck if he was in my house. Well fuck. His friends are. How fucking awkward. I can't even begin to explain. Oh my goddddd.

"Hey it's Avril Lavigne!" The boy with identical hair color as Luke says. They hold grocery bags in their hands. "Where do we put these bags?" He asks shrugging them up. I point to the kitchen table and he, the dark haired boy and Ashton follow and place them on the table.

"These are my friends Michael--" he points to the blonde, "--and Calum. Luke's out helping your mum with the rest of the groceries." Ashton explains. He's here. He's about to be in my house. Holy....holy poop. What do I do what do I do what I do?!?!

"Yeah sorry, we hit our ball back there again." Calum says. I nod.

"I-I'll go get it." I say and quickly walk to open the slide door again. I immediately spot the basketball by the garden again and I take my time walking to it. I try with all I can to avoid seeing Luke...in my house...with his friends. I should try and play cool. Maybe I'll call Ty and tell her about this. Maybe not.

Much to my luck, when I slide the door open, Luke stands there with the rest while they listen to my mom thank them and talk to them about I don't know what. Their eyes all avert to me since I have the ball.

"Um, here." I give it to Ashton who smiles at me.

"Thanks. Sorry again. Someone seriously has anger issues." He looks pointedly at his friend Michael and immediately Luke and Calum burst into laughter. Maybe it's an inside joke. I smile awkwardly.

"Alright well we're gonna get going Ms. Hawk. Have a good rest of your day." Ashton says and the boys thank me again before they all try and squeeze through the front door. I laugh as they all grunt.

"One at a time boys!" My mom says chuckling. I laugh as they line up laughing too. Calum leaves first and then follows Ashton with Luke behind him, but before he leaves he glances my way and grins sending me the low awkward wave he always sends me. I wave slowly and I notice Michael catches the gesture. Luke leaves and not long after Michael cups his mouth with his left hand and says loudly,

"Luke likes Avril!!!" And he slams the door closed and then opens it again, "Sorry."and then he closes the door more softly. I hear loud "What?!" Outside after he finally leaves.

What, the hell?!

I won't bother with whatever Michael might have meant, but it does make me even more curious about Luke.

"Hey mom, can I get a hair cut?"

A/n: okay so yeahhhhhssshhh. Once again, they're too cute. Cx idk Bout this chapter though...

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