Chapter 5 Juli Anna

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So here is the new chapter :D please tell me what you think of the cast! And if you like Will or not :)


So as I mentioned my brother Dylan was the most popular guy in the school before he graduate, and that Aidan would most probably become the second most popular guy when he becomes a senior, but for now Will Knight and his friends are the guys in the school, the only reason why he is less popular than Aidan is because his parents never allow him to have house parties and he isn't a big player.

'Are you okay?' He asked, his face inches away from mine. His chocolate brown eyes fill of concern, I gulped. I have never been so close to a guy before, let alone a hot guy!

'Yeah I am fine, thanks for catching me, that would have been so embarrassing.' my voiced answered, I let out a sigh of relieve internally, at least my brain can give out a cool respond while my heart is doing one eighty.

'Will, will you stop perving at my sister.' said Gina voice somewhere in front of me, but all I can see was Will's handsome face.

'Sorry, I didn't realise you have a sister.' He finally let go of me and replied, I quickly stood up and gathered the shopping bags. Great, I thought, they either think of me as an ugly naïve girl or don't even realise I existed.

'Yes, she is going to be a Sophomore now, that means she is underage.' Gina said, rolling her eyes, I blushed at her comment, then I saw that Will wasn't alone, a group of jocks were standing next to Gina, who were obviously the reason why my sister stopped.

'What's your name?' Will asked, everyone was looking at me now. Good lord, how can they not know my name, but then and again Aidan probably don't even think about me often, so no one knows who I am, and Whitney is too busy flirting with them whenever possible to mention me.

'Julianna.' I said, Will smiled, my heart did another flip. 'but it's Anna.' I added.

Gina gave me a weird look, but since no one else here knew that I was known as Julie, they didn't comment on it, tons of people at school have preferred names.

'So, I will see you around then Anna.' Will said, giving me a heart-melting smile and a wave before heading off with his friends, Gina and I waved back.

'So you are Anna now.' Gina said, amused, I rolled my eyes at her.

'I don't want to be called Julie anymore OK? Anna is still a part of my name.' I replied, Gina gave me a I-know-there-is-more-to-it look before continuing to speak. 'And see how successful this make over is! Will Knight directly asked you name, and he didn't even want to let go of you if I hadn't spoke.'

I blushed, despite trying hard not to. Although Will Knight is generally a friendly person, but he never asked anyone what their name is, well mainly because his friends would have known and told him, but still, he paid attention to me!

'So phrase one of makeover is beyond successful, let's move on to phase two.' Gina said as she bundled all the bags into her car. That made me pause.

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