Chapter 10 First date

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We drove in silence for a while before Will turned on the radio, which started playing Taylor Swift's today was a fairy tale. I glanced over at Will and saw that he was wearing a dark grey t-shirt, just like the song. He happened to look down at his t-shirt too and we both bursted out laughing.

'Pity you are not wearing a dress.' He said, ' not that you don't look good.' he added hastily, then ran a hand through his hair blushing slightly, that's so cute, I thought to myself and smiled at him.

'Thanks, you don't look half bad yourself.' I replied, he was wearing a dark grey polo shirt and a pair of low slung jeans, I guess this is as good as guys can go without wearing a suit, not that he didn't look good. We then started to chat about school works, food and music, then after half an hour or so Will pulled up in front of a posh little diner that I had never seen before.

Will hopped off the car quickly and ran to my side to open my door for me before I could, then extending one hand to help me out like those Victorian Englishmen. I can't helped but laughed as he even took a little bow. I linked my arm with his and we walked towards the diner.

'Where exactly are we?' I asked, we were in an isolated part of town that looked screamed wealth. I looked up at the diner's sign in curiosity, it read 'Ruby's Diner' in bright red neon light, and the restaurant looked really posh with its black bricks bathed in setting sun's light.

A waiter opened our door when we go in and asked if we had made reservation to which Will replied yes. So this is a posh restaurant. We were lead down to a quiet corner booth and our menus handed to us.

I flipped open the menu, so it's an Italian restaurant, I so can't tell from the name. I glanced at the price and my jaw almost dropped open in shock, this restaurant is such a rip off! I stuck my tongue out at the menu, Will saw it and laughed. The students in our school all tend to be quite well off so a meal like this occasional wasn't really a problem for them, it's just that I would much rather not spent my money if there is somewhere equally good with half the price.

Will ordered a seafood dish while I went for a chicken pasta dish (I forgot the name of the dishes, they were complicated). Will was going to order wine for us but I don't drink (I just don't really like the taste of it) so we ordered Pepsi instead. We sat in silence for a while before Will started a conversation.

'So Anna, why did you agree to go out with me?' He teased, after the week in school I felt a lot more comfortable around him, there are still some awkward silence here and there, but we got on quite well, and I really like him. He doesn't seems like the normal type of players or shallow guy who usually crown the seat of popular guys, or those apparent super sensitive guys in romance story, he is real.

'Well, I wouldn't say it's because of your charm.' I teased back, Will laughed heartily and leaned forward, his hands almost touching mine. My heartbeat starts to quickened and I willed myself not to draw back and blush like an idiot. I didn't draw back, but I can't helped with the blush. Darn it!

'Gina told me it's your first date.' He said, his intoxicating chocolate-brown eyes bored right into mine, damn Gina and her big mouth! This is just embarrassing. He smiled at me, lifting a hand to stroke my left cheek. ' Don't be embarrassed, I like being your first date.'

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