Chapter 25 Running away from it isn't the solution

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I wanted to try and keep my story as realistic as possible, you know, unlike those story where you know that bla and bla would end up together from the start. Well, I think you can still see it from here. But at least Anna get confused, like a normal person

So I think I can probably wrap this story up with a few more chapters (should be no more than 10) ! Please vote and comment, and tell me who you want Anna to end up with :) or I will just pick it myself.


My brain was running three hundred miles per hours, piecing everything together, now it all made sense.... How came he was so nice to me at the summer party, and that time he caught me crying. But seriously? I meant, I never thought about it that way, Andy and I had always been just friends, or more correctly, acquaintances, we were never close. I rubbed my temple trying to ease the ebbing pain in my head. What a mess!

After that little incident, it seemed that both Andy and I were on a competition to see who could avoid the other better, and honestly, I was glad. I didn't know what to do, how to respond, I didn't want to make things more awkward between us than it was already by outright asking, and from his pattern of behavior, he was unlikely to confront me.

I sighed and slammed my locker door shut, it was impossibly exhausting in Maths now. He was acting so polite to me, and it just felt so weird. I wanted nothing more but for things to return to normal between us. I was still trying to figure out my feelings towards Andy, I had never felt so confused in my life. I had always liked him, as a friend slash brother, he was almost like a distant relative. I simply didn't know how to make of this situation I was in, so I did the thing that I was good at – ignoring the situation and hoping it would just go away.

I knew that it wasn't the right thing to do, but sometimes all the choices you are left with are bad ones, so you just had to choose the best of the bunch. I wasn't ready to be in another relationship yet, let alone with a friend whom I valued. I couldn't bear to outright said no to him, because that would probably signified the end of our friendship.

My head was throbbing painfully inside my skull, it had been doing that a lot lately, I just had too much on my mind. I stormed into Chemistry angrily scaring a dozing Aidan into jumping up and nearly smashing the glass beakers on the lab table.

'Gosh woman, is it your time of the month?' Aidan cocked an eyebrow as I dumped my bags on the floor with unnecessary force. I shot him a glare grumpily, sliding into my chair and resting my chin on the table, feeling depleted like a popped balloon.

'I feel like my brain is fried.' I said, banging my head repeatedly on the desk making Aidan laugh. It was weird how Aidan and I ended up being such good friends. It was absolutely bizarre and yet it was true, we had a lot in common – we both loved OneRepulic, we read the same books, play the same games etc. Being friends with him kind of made things better for me at school even though I broke up with Will, for which I was grateful.

'I know something it's wrong, just spite it out.' Aidan said, his face serious as him rest his chin on the table too. I gave him a wistful glance and shook my head.

'I don't want to talk about it.' I said, I didn't tell Alison or Hannah about this, knowing what they would said anyway. They would be giggling over it and telling me what an excellent situation it was and that I should totally try things out with Andy, that a new relationship would helped me forget about Will. But it would meant that I would be using Andy, which I didn't want to.

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