Chapter 19 Just a dream

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Another song name for title, I know, but this time it's completely unrelated. It just happened to be the only title I could think of.

Now I finally got the rest of the plot out in my head, hopefully I can write a lot faster!

This chapter is dedicated to roostergirl7, to say thank you for all your votes!

Please comment and vote!


I woke up the next day to bright sunshine and rose pedals all around me, making the room smelled of rose. I inhaled deeply and saw that I have managed to kick the box and card down my bed. I smiled as I pick up the card, remembering those sweet words Will wrote me.

I saw that the bear was in fact holding a box of chocolate, Lindt, my favorite. I smiled at the box as I brushed my teeth. I got a text from Alison asking how did the 'surprise' go, and one from Hannah telling me how amazing Oliver was and demanding to know what happened last night. And a few from Olivia and Bethany asking the same things. Oh great, they obviously thought that me and Will did it. Peachy.

I send a text back to Alison and Hannah about what happened (or what didn't happened) last night. For now I decided to just ignore Olivia and Bethany's texts, knowing that they won't believe me even if I told them that nothing had really happened.

Alison texted back almost immediately gushing about how sweet it was and how cute me and Will are as a couple (again, yeah), which was a bit of a surprise, she wasn't usually awake this early. I texted her back about wanting to get Will a present in return, she was excited and so we decided to head to the mall for lunch and go present-hunting afterward.

Luckily my mum was up, she looked relieved that I came downstairs on my own and that Will was nowhere to be seen. I can't help but rolled my eyes, even Gina had never brought her boyfriends home before. As for Dylan, I think he went to his girlfriends house.

My mum drove Alison and me to the shopping mall and told me to call her when we needs to leave. It took ages, but suddenly, as if a light bulb had turn on inside my head, I knew what I should get Will.

'He is going to love it.' Alison said, smiling at the bag of thick, grey yarn in my hand. I was going to knit a scarf for Will, seeing as it's winter now (jumpers are too advance and time-consuming for me). I was ever so happy to have found the perfect present for Will, and that I can put some effort in it. Will had done so much for me, I would feel uncomfortable if I just buy him some random shirt or something.

I spent the rest of the weekend knitting the scarf following a complex instruction on the internet so that it will have some kind of pattern on it rather than just plain knitted. It had been quite a while since I last knitted and I kept having to go back to fix my mistakes, hence why it took me so long. But it was totally worth the time, because it came out perfect.

On Monday I arrived early in school with a big smile on my face, hoping to surprise Will with my gift. I wrapped it with some present paper I found at home and tie a ribbon around it, I had also wrote him a note inside. I saw his car was already in the parking lot and practically skipped to his locker, knowing that he should be there hanging out with his friends.

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