Special Edition

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Here's the special edition :) A peek at Andy's thoughts! I seriously love this character haha, he is sooo sweet! I don't think I will be writing an epilogue, so this will be the end of this story!

and KatieFarrall, this is for you :) since you are team Andy!


There is one thing in my life that I am most certain of. That I am in love with Julie Montrose.

I don't remember when it had started, we were in the same classes ever since pre-school. I remembered the first time I saw her, she wasn't the most beautiful girl in the class, but she had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. We were never close, but we talked and I just couldn't tear my eyes away from her.

As we got older I noticed she is different from the others, she was always nice to people, attentive, polite and ready to smile. And maybe that's when I fell in love with her, but I was never brave enough to ever talk to her probably or befriend her. Call me a wimp if you like for that.

It amazed me how she never realised what a great person she was, and how she never realised that I was in love with her. She is usually very sensitive to other people's feelings. Not that I am complaining, she would probably think that I am a creepy stalker if she ever found out.

The sad thing was, she had a major crush on my older brother, Aidan. He was the golden boy, good looking, sporty, muscular, he was one of the most popular guys in school. And him, like everyone else, treat Julie like she was invisible, because she was a geek.

One day, Aidan came to my room, which was a very rare event and he only ever does it if he wants something from me. And sure enough, he wanted a favour. He, wanted me to keep Julie Montrose in my room for the duration of his party. He didn't even knew her name, he just called her Dylan's little sister.

'Come on Andy, I will give you twenty bucks.' He said, I agreed reluctantly, but on the inside, I was shouting yesssssssssss as loud as possible. A chance, for me to get to know her better! I tidied my room as much as possible the moment Aidan left, hoping to give a good impression to Julie.

It was much easier to get along with her than I thought. We were having so much fun watching a movie. Then she left to go to the toilet for a long time I got worried and went out to look for her. I found her outside the door of my brother's room with tears streaming down in her face. I was confused about what was going on, then I heard the conversation inside the room.

It made my blood boil how mean they were, I looked at Julie, who seemed completely unaware of my presence and stormed into the bathroom. I wanted to comfort her, to tell her that they were just being jerks as usual. But I knew that she would much rather be alone right now and preferred it if no one know about this. So I pretended everything was normal.

I didn't see her for the entire summer. I was worried, but I didn't contact her. I stalked her facebook page to see if she was okay but that's all. So imagined my surprise when she turned up in school looking completely, and I meant completely different.

She looked beautiful. Not that she wasn't before, but without the braces, the glasses and a new hairstyle. She looked amazing.

And I wasn't the only one who realised that, because the next thing I knew, she started going out with Will Knight. It was painful watching the two of them together, the only consolation I had was the fact that she seemed to be so happy around him. It also seemed to break my heart into a million piece.

But somehow because of this, I seemed to be able to speak to Julie normally now, or as she preferred to be called Anna nowadays. As days went by I thought maybe I finally had a chance to be friends with her and not feel scared to approach her. They broke up.

I saw her crying outside the bathroom one morning in school. She wouldn't tell me what happened, but the news of their break up spread around school like a wild fire. Some even said she tried to kill herself. I got so freak out that I drove to her house immediately after school to see if she was okay. And thank god she was, she only had a cold, and of course, she looked heart-broken.

I wished that there was something, anything I could do to make her feel better. But she managed to be fine all by herself. I started to think that maybe there was hope for me, maybe she wasn't really in love with Will, but then my brother Aidan came crushing into the picture.

The two of them had suddenly became real close. I had no idea why. I kept a close eye on her and she showed no signs of actually liking Aidan in a romantic way. But still I worried, especially with all the hints that my brother was dropping to me at home. Come back to think of it, I think he had always known that I like Julie, and he was trying, in his own way to get me to confess to her.

And man, he got me. I freaked out and decided that I needed to make a move before he does. It was almost Valentine's Day, so I decided that I would sent a box of chocolate (her favourite) to Julie anomalously and see how she reacts.

However, the anomalous part of the plan didn't work out. She managed to guess it was me. I guessed I shouldn't be surprise about that, she had always been good at these things. But I totally chickened out and ran, and I had been avoiding her ever since. She looked so shock, and I didn't think that it was a particularly good sign.

I managed to avid her for almost 5 weeks, I didn't know what to do. I had a feeling that she was avoiding me too. This is over, I knew it, I should had just kept it to myself, at least I could still be friends with her. Now she probably thinks that I am a creepy stalker, in which case I would much rather she kept that information to herself and not tell me.

But deep down inside I knew that one day Julie will confront me about this. She was just standing by my locker, waiting for me. I took a deep breath and told myself that I had to face it, I can't just run away.

We walked to the back of the school where she found out it was me who sent her the chocolates. It seemed quite fitting. She started talking and I knew right then that it was my chance to tell her how I really feel. It was now or never, I had already missed a chance last time we were here, and they don't come often.

Gathering all my strength, which was a little too much. I told her. I told her that I love her, and that I always had. I couldn't figured out what she was thinking, and I was so afraid that she would just reject me right there and then that I kept talking, and ended up basically telling her everything.

And to my utter surprise. She said it back. She said she love me. I was completely at awe. I had dreamt about this moment a million times, and it felt more wonderful that I could ever imagine. I was beside myself and I without thinking I kissed her.

It was the most courageous thing I ever did. And she was the best thing that ever happened to me. I knew that moment that I would never let go of her. Never.


I really love how different Anna and Andy's POV is haha, not that Anna don't love Andy, she is just, more practical! I am already started on my new Science Fiction story - it's called Evolution. I will post a taster chapter soon.

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