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"Only if you say you're officially my squishy."

"What?! You can't just bribe me with icecream twice! No! You can't buy my love using icecream." I am not a cheapskate.

"Calm your tits. I was just kidding." He chuckles. Sure you are. "What flavor do you want?"

"Hmm. I want double dutch. Or maybe mango? Ohhh or maybe cookies and cream?" Oh men! "I can't decide!" It's hard to choose.

"Uhh. I brought a 4in1 flavor." He held up a plastic bag with a large pint of icecream.

"Oohhhhh! What flavor is it?" I got the pint excitedly.

"Mango, Double dutch, cookies and cream and peppermint."

"Oh so you like peppermint?"

"No. It's just the only pint with your favourites in it. I saw what you ordered during the first time we went to an icecream shop." He scratches the back of his neck...as usual.

"Oh yeah. I remember that." The day I found out about my boyfriend and his bitch. "Thanks." I smile at him widely. Well who wouldn't? He brought me icecream! I repeat ICECREAM!

"Welcome." Cue smile here.

"Now make yourself useful and get some spoons." Hmm. Am I being rude?

"Aye aye Captain." He stood up and went straight to the small kitchen.

"Which reminds me...what costume are you going to wear for the party?"

"Hmmm...an underwear...and some clothes here and there." Duh.

"I'm being serious here." Yes I am.

"Well I don't really know what to wear." You can wear any rag and still look attractive.

"Hey we're going together right?" I can't believe I'm saying this.

"What are you getting at woman." He opens the pint of icecream and I'm the first one to stick my spoon in it.

"I think we should do a matching costume thingy." I scoop the icecream and lift it to my mouth to atop me from talking. I should shut up now before I embarass myself.

"Hmm...okay." uhh what?


"Yeah. Okay as in yes. Sure." I can't believe he agreed. "But there's this one thing..."

"Ugh...what now?" There's some kind of a condition thingy.

"I kinda have to wear this "certain costume" at the last hour of the party."

"Why? And what costume?"

"It's a very uhmmm...beautiful? Yeah beautiful costume and It's all because of a bet I made with Zach."

"And what bet is that?" I continue scooping the deliciousness into my mouth.

"It's a bet about him asking someone to be his date on halloween night."

"And I'm guessing you lost?"

"No shit sherlock. That's why I'm wearing the costume."

"Oh. So who is the girl?"


"The girl that Zach asked out." He looked away and looked so uncomfortable. "Come on tell me."

"Yeah...you know that girl that always wears dark colors..." who? "...and threatens guys and punched his ex in the hallway?"

"Uhhhh who?" I can't recall.

"Gwen." My eyes widen and I almost spit out my icecream but I made a second thought amd swallowed it instead.

"Gwen?! She's rumored to be half witch that curses on people!" Omg! That girl scares me!

"Awww! What did my ear do to you for you to shout at it like that?" He said while rubbing his ear.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really...creeped out." Very.

"I know the feeling. I thought that she won't say yes if Zach asks her but boom goes the dynamite, she said yes." So that's why he lost.

"She said yes? And how is Zach feeling about this?" I hooe he doesn't mess up that night so that he won't be cursed.

"He's okay with it." Damn. Now that's a man.

"Tough Guy." He has guts.

"Damn right." Uh huh. "So about that costume you were talking about...what should we wear?" Hmm.

"Uhmmm...I have this idea...how 'bout Peterpan and Tinkerbell?"

"Whuuut? No. I don't want to wear tights." It would look funny if you did tho.

"Then what do you have in mind? Have anything better?" I hope you do.

"I be the sexy fireman and you be the burning house..." seconds of silence and I burst out laughing.

"Omg! Are you effin' serious?"

"Dead serious...about me being sexy." Yes you are.

"Shut up! Let's be serious here."

"How about vampires?" Chris.

"Or pirates..." Me.

We snap our heads to look at each and the lightbulb lit. "Or vampire pirates!" Chris and I said in unison.

"Omg! We're made for each other!" I engulf him into a right hug. What? I'm just excited here. "I'm sorry for the surprise hug! I am just so excited!"

"Yeah. You're really good at surprising me with hugs." And I like it.

The chit chat went on and on. With a bunch of laughters with mouthful of icecream. I feel so comfortable like it's my bestfriend I'm talking to. He knows me so well! And I love love love it!

He left after some time. He has a house too. The night was silent and my sleep was ah-may-zing. I woke up and I felt so relaxed and rested. Today is Saturday.

Omg! It's Saturday!
It's Saturday! It's Halloween Party Night! Chris said he will send my costume through package first thing in the morning. I rush to the door to check if the package is here.

Poof! There it is! And there's a letter on top of it. I grab the envelope and carry the box inside.

There are writings on the box saying 'To my Zing.' Aww. He was referring to Mayvis and Johny in the movie Hotel Transylvania.

I open the box first and OMG! it's so cute! It's a mixture of vampire and pirates (duh). It has an eyepatch, a black cape, some fake vampire teeth and some other stuff. It boosted my excitement 10x.

I grab the letter that was out on top of it. Is this from Chris too? I cut open and pulled out the paper. I read the writings that almost got me fainting.

'I know where you live. I am not done with you.'

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  Please check out my new book. It's called Shit Loads of Hacks, Tips and Other Stuff.

A Glimpse of Heaven... (weeklychris/christian collins fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now