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'I know where you live. I am not done with you.'

My heart stopped for a second.
What am I gonna do? And is this Shawn? I don't know any enemies. My gawd! Beads of sweat roll down my forehead. My eyes are starting to roll down my forehead. I can't breath. I can not breath!

I run upstairs and grab my phone. I press dial.

"Hello? Good Morning."

I didn't talk but my heavy breathing let's him know that I am there.

"Raffy? Are you okay?"

I still can't breath. That letter really hit me hard. Omfg!

"Raffy!! Answer me!"

I drop the phone and my fingers wrapped around my neck. My vision got blurry. And then it went pitch black.

Am I dying? No! No, I can't die right now! I didn't live my life to thw fullest yet! No.

I can hear beeping. Toot toot. What is that sound? That's not my ringtone. Toot toot. I feel like I'm awake but all I see is black. duh! You have to open your eyes first. Oh yeah. I opened my eyes and now it is all white. Omg! Am I in heaven? Omg!

I'm in a room. In a hospital room? So I didn't die? Aww nuts! I thought it was my chance to meet Michael Jackson.

Oh wait. There's someone sitting on the couch at the corner.

"Omg! You're awake!" She runs towards me and hugs me.

"Yeah Captain obvious." What happened?

"Chris called me as soon as he found you lying on your bedroom floor." And now I remember.

"Oh." So where's the hero? "Where is he?" Chris was the one I called.

"Talking to the doctor." As if on cue Chris, Mars, Matt and Zach came throigh the door. The four of them are here?

"You're awake." Chris. No shit Sherlock.

"So what did the doctor say?" Gess.

"He said she just had a panic attack. She can check out anytime today." That's good news Chris.

"That's good. We don't want to miss the Halloween party." Gess. Oh yeah. That's tonight.

"Yeah. I don't want to miss that time of the year." Matt.

"Same here." Mars.

"Aww. Thank you guys for worrying so much about me." Sarcasm dripping off the sentence. Here I am lying on a hospital bed and they're talking about the party. Omg.

"You're welcome Raffy." Zachary said with a smile.

After maybe an hour we got out of the hospital. I don't want to stay there. No way. Everyone of us headed to my house and I saw the letter crumpled on the ground. That confirms Chris has read it.

"You guys don't have to follow me here. You have to get busy woth your costumes." I don't want to be a burden.

"Shut up. You need some companion." Chris. He just told me to shut up. I was supposed to throw a fine fine comeback at him but then I realised he was right.

I instead said. "Okay." I walk to the kitchen for a glass of water. I heard the door shut behind me. Chris followed me.

"You feeling fine?"

"Yup. Just a panic attack. And thanks for coming." Who knows what would have happened if you didn't.

"You're welcome. It's not everyday somebody calls you and you'll just hear some breathing." I would be creeped out if somebody does that to me.

A Glimpse of Heaven... (weeklychris/christian collins fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now