S is for Stupidity

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Ruby was mentally berating herself for even getting into this situation. How she found herself shoved into the backseat of a car going 150km/h down the winding roads of the woods, she had no idea. How could she be so stupid to completely ignore the Vanderbilt's warnings and go off hand in hand with a stranger?

'Where are we going?' She tried again.

Marco ignored her putting his foot down on the accelerator harder.

Ruby scrambled to sit up and fastened her seat belt. The car was going way too fast for her to even consider opening the door and rolling out, plus what happens then? They were in the middle of the forest and knowing he was a vampire meant she couldn't outrun him.

Fox was going to kill her.

'Fuck,' Marco swore from the front.

He sounded really pissed off and Ruby's ears perked up.

Marco slipped his phone out of his jacket pocket dialing quickly, his eyes darting from watching the road and back to the rear view mirror. 'He's on my tail.' He barked into the phone.

Ruby peered out the back window, she still couldn't see any form of lights or cars anywhere near them.

'I thought you were keeping him occupied?'

More silence. She couldn't hear the other person on the phone over the roar of the engine.

'Yeah well nice job,' he spat out bitterly. 'Yes I'll have to won't I?'

Suddenly the car swerved to the side of the road as Marco slammed on the breaks causing Ruby to smash forward in her seat. The seatbelt thankfully stopped her barreling through the front window but she could feel the bruises forming all along the belt.

'Why have we stopped?' She tried again. There was nothing outside but endless darkness.

Marco ignored her once again shuffling in his seat as he felt around on the floor of the car, searching for something.

Ruby carefully unclasped her seat belt, not exactly sure what her plan would be. She could already tell outrunning Marco would be a silly idea, he was too strong and much bigger than her. Plus she was a terrible runner.

She could try and hide in the forest though. Use her smaller stature to her advantage...

'Got it,' she heard Marco mutter from the front seat. He swiveled in his seat brandishing a large hunting knife, his eyes narrowing. 'Get out of the car.'

Ruby screamed as she clambered for the door, yanking it open and throwing herself out onto the dirt path. Oh God, she thought frantically. This couldn't be the end could it? She kicked off her shoes as she began sprinting into the wooded area, her beautiful dress already ripped and torn in the struggle.

'Get back here!' She heard Marco yell, his voice booming over the trees.

She ignored him stifling the tears that were threatening to erupt from her eyes, screaming as she ran straight into a solid mass that reached out and grabbed her.

'Stop screaming,' Marco warned her as he threw her over his shoulder and started marching back to the road.

He wasn't even out of breath. He'd chased and overtook her without even breaking a sweat.

The reached the car quickly and Marco threw her onto the ground, pulling out the knife again. 'Hold still and I wont kill you.'

Her mouth fell open in shock as he pulled out a small tube and took her arm.

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