E is for enter (at your own risk)

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'What the hell are you doing in here?'

Ruby heard her voice and winced visibly, it was a lot higher and squeakier then she remembered. But then again, having a boy walk in on you while you're in the shower may cause enough stress to raise the pitch a few notches.

Fox stood at the doorway looking more annoyed than embarrassed.

'I could ask you the same thing.'

Ruby sighed in exasperation, did he seriously just ask that? She shifted and tightened her grip on the white towel she'd quickly wrapped around her when she heard him come in. The water was still running behind her, loud against the tiles and she shook her head in frustration that Fox was still standing in the doorway staring at her.

'I'm having a shower Sherlock, that's why I'm in the bathroom. I would have thought it's a little obvious,' she seethed.

Fox's eyes lowered as he took in the fiery blonde in front of him. The corners of his mouth turning up ever so slightly, 'Oh I can see that.'

Ruby blushed and opened her mouth to tell him to get lost when he interrupted her.

'What I don't get Red, is why you're in my bathroom.'

She sighed, 'I didn't realize this was your bathroom, and yours alone. Don't be a dickhead Fox. Now get out!'

He didn't move and gestured to the open door beside him, 'it's my en suite, this door leads into my room... Sherlock.'

Ruby peered around him and realization started in, she could see a huge dark room behind him with a clear bed sitting in the middle. 'But - '

'No but's,' he shook his head. 'In case you haven't realized we live in a mansion Red, did you even bother to check the room next to yours? It's probably a bathroom...we have like twelve of them.'

She could feel the heat in her cheeks and decided his little nickname for her was probably very fitting. 'Shit.'

'Yeah, I'll let you finish up.' He whirled around and stalked back out his door letting it slam behind him.

Ruby climbed back into the shower suddenly feeling extremely awkward. The men's shampoo and conditioner now made sense. Quickly rinsing her hair she just realized with a sinking annoyance she forgot to bring her body wash with her. Glancing over at the shower ledge where a row of dark bottles sat glistening under the water, her fingers trailed over the black Versace bottle of body wash, deciding to use his. She'd just use a little bit, he'd hardly notice it missing...she hoped.

You see, after sitting in her room for most of the day Ruby couldn't ignore the fact she hadn't showered in two days any longer. She'd waltzed out of her room, picking a direction and started walking. Peering into any room that had a door open. After a couple of twists and turns she came across an open door leading to a bathroom and went with it. How was she supposed to know it had a connecting door to Fox's bedroom?

After her shower she quickly dressed and gathered all her things, careful not to leave anything lying around to annoy him further. Pausing at his door she tapped it lightly, half hoping he wouldn't hear her, at least she'd attempted to let him know she had finished in his bathroom.

However within seconds his door was opening wide.

'It's all yours,' she muttered. 'Sorry about you know, using your bathroom.'

He didn't answer her, instead he cocked his head to one side in confusion.

'Did you use my...' He took a step forward and for a moment Ruby could have sworn his eyes flashed a deep green. The same colour she'd seen on him in the hallway yesterday. 'My body wash...?'

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